package nistec

Import Path
	crypto/internal/nistec (on

Dependency Relation
	imports 9 packages, and imported by 3 packages

Involved Source Files Package nistec implements the NIST P elliptic curves from FIPS 186-4. This package uses fiat-crypto or specialized assembly and Go code for its backend field arithmetic (not math/big) and exposes constant-time, heap allocation-free, byte slice-based safe APIs. Group operations use modern and safe complete addition formulas where possible. The point at infinity is handled and encoded according to SEC 1, Version 2.0, and invalid curve points can't be represented. p224.go p224_sqrt.go p256_asm.go p256_ordinv.go p384.go p521.go p256_asm_amd64.s
Package-Level Type Names (total 12, in which 4 are exported)
/* sort exporteds by: | */
P224Point is a P224 point. The zero value is NOT valid. Add sets q = p1 + p2, and returns q. The points may overlap. Bytes returns the uncompressed or infinity encoding of p, as specified in SEC 1, Version 2.0, Section 2.3.3. Note that the encoding of the point at infinity is shorter than all other encodings. BytesCompressed returns the compressed or infinity encoding of p, as specified in SEC 1, Version 2.0, Section 2.3.3. Note that the encoding of the point at infinity is shorter than all other encodings. BytesX returns the encoding of the x-coordinate of p, as specified in SEC 1, Version 2.0, Section 2.3.5, or an error if p is the point at infinity. Double sets q = p + p, and returns q. The points may overlap. ScalarBaseMult sets p = scalar * B, where B is the canonical generator, and returns p. ScalarMult sets p = scalar * q, and returns p. Select sets q to p1 if cond == 1, and to p2 if cond == 0. Set sets p = q and returns p. SetBytes sets p to the compressed, uncompressed, or infinity value encoded in b, as specified in SEC 1, Version 2.0, Section 2.3.4. If the point is not on the curve, it returns nil and an error, and the receiver is unchanged. Otherwise, it returns p. SetGenerator sets p to the canonical generator and returns p. func NewP224Point() *P224Point func (*P224Point).Add(p1, p2 *P224Point) *P224Point func (*P224Point).Double(p *P224Point) *P224Point func (*P224Point).ScalarBaseMult(scalar []byte) (*P224Point, error) func (*P224Point).ScalarMult(q *P224Point, scalar []byte) (*P224Point, error) func (*P224Point).Select(p1, p2 *P224Point, cond int) *P224Point func (*P224Point).Set(q *P224Point) *P224Point func (*P224Point).SetBytes(b []byte) (*P224Point, error) func (*P224Point).SetGenerator() *P224Point func (*P224Point).Add(p1, p2 *P224Point) *P224Point func (*P224Point).Double(p *P224Point) *P224Point func (*P224Point).ScalarMult(q *P224Point, scalar []byte) (*P224Point, error) func (*P224Point).Select(p1, p2 *P224Point, cond int) *P224Point func (*P224Point).Set(q *P224Point) *P224Point
P256Point is a P-256 point. The zero value should not be assumed to be valid (although it is in this implementation). Add sets q = p1 + p2, and returns q. The points may overlap. Bytes returns the uncompressed or infinity encoding of p, as specified in SEC 1, Version 2.0, Section 2.3.3. Note that the encoding of the point at infinity is shorter than all other encodings. BytesCompressed returns the compressed or infinity encoding of p, as specified in SEC 1, Version 2.0, Section 2.3.3. Note that the encoding of the point at infinity is shorter than all other encodings. BytesX returns the encoding of the x-coordinate of p, as specified in SEC 1, Version 2.0, Section 2.3.5, or an error if p is the point at infinity. Double sets q = p + p, and returns q. The points may overlap. ScalarBaseMult sets r = scalar * generator, where scalar is a 32-byte big endian value, and returns r. If scalar is not 32 bytes long, ScalarBaseMult returns an error and the receiver is unchanged. ScalarMult sets r = scalar * q, where scalar is a 32-byte big endian value, and returns r. If scalar is not 32 bytes long, ScalarBaseMult returns an error and the receiver is unchanged. Select sets q to p1 if cond == 1, and to p2 if cond == 0. Set sets p = q and returns p. SetBytes sets p to the compressed, uncompressed, or infinity value encoded in b, as specified in SEC 1, Version 2.0, Section 2.3.4. If the point is not on the curve, it returns nil and an error, and the receiver is unchanged. Otherwise, it returns p. SetGenerator sets p to the canonical generator and returns p. func NewP256Point() *P256Point func (*P256Point).Add(r1, r2 *P256Point) *P256Point func (*P256Point).Double(p *P256Point) *P256Point func (*P256Point).ScalarBaseMult(scalar []byte) (*P256Point, error) func (*P256Point).ScalarMult(q *P256Point, scalar []byte) (*P256Point, error) func (*P256Point).Select(p1, p2 *P256Point, cond int) *P256Point func (*P256Point).Set(q *P256Point) *P256Point func (*P256Point).SetBytes(b []byte) (*P256Point, error) func (*P256Point).SetGenerator() *P256Point func (*P256Point).Add(r1, r2 *P256Point) *P256Point func (*P256Point).Double(p *P256Point) *P256Point func (*P256Point).ScalarMult(q *P256Point, scalar []byte) (*P256Point, error) func (*P256Point).Select(p1, p2 *P256Point, cond int) *P256Point func (*P256Point).Set(q *P256Point) *P256Point
P384Point is a P384 point. The zero value is NOT valid. Add sets q = p1 + p2, and returns q. The points may overlap. Bytes returns the uncompressed or infinity encoding of p, as specified in SEC 1, Version 2.0, Section 2.3.3. Note that the encoding of the point at infinity is shorter than all other encodings. BytesCompressed returns the compressed or infinity encoding of p, as specified in SEC 1, Version 2.0, Section 2.3.3. Note that the encoding of the point at infinity is shorter than all other encodings. BytesX returns the encoding of the x-coordinate of p, as specified in SEC 1, Version 2.0, Section 2.3.5, or an error if p is the point at infinity. Double sets q = p + p, and returns q. The points may overlap. ScalarBaseMult sets p = scalar * B, where B is the canonical generator, and returns p. ScalarMult sets p = scalar * q, and returns p. Select sets q to p1 if cond == 1, and to p2 if cond == 0. Set sets p = q and returns p. SetBytes sets p to the compressed, uncompressed, or infinity value encoded in b, as specified in SEC 1, Version 2.0, Section 2.3.4. If the point is not on the curve, it returns nil and an error, and the receiver is unchanged. Otherwise, it returns p. SetGenerator sets p to the canonical generator and returns p. func NewP384Point() *P384Point func (*P384Point).Add(p1, p2 *P384Point) *P384Point func (*P384Point).Double(p *P384Point) *P384Point func (*P384Point).ScalarBaseMult(scalar []byte) (*P384Point, error) func (*P384Point).ScalarMult(q *P384Point, scalar []byte) (*P384Point, error) func (*P384Point).Select(p1, p2 *P384Point, cond int) *P384Point func (*P384Point).Set(q *P384Point) *P384Point func (*P384Point).SetBytes(b []byte) (*P384Point, error) func (*P384Point).SetGenerator() *P384Point func (*P384Point).Add(p1, p2 *P384Point) *P384Point func (*P384Point).Double(p *P384Point) *P384Point func (*P384Point).ScalarMult(q *P384Point, scalar []byte) (*P384Point, error) func (*P384Point).Select(p1, p2 *P384Point, cond int) *P384Point func (*P384Point).Set(q *P384Point) *P384Point
P521Point is a P521 point. The zero value is NOT valid. Add sets q = p1 + p2, and returns q. The points may overlap. Bytes returns the uncompressed or infinity encoding of p, as specified in SEC 1, Version 2.0, Section 2.3.3. Note that the encoding of the point at infinity is shorter than all other encodings. BytesCompressed returns the compressed or infinity encoding of p, as specified in SEC 1, Version 2.0, Section 2.3.3. Note that the encoding of the point at infinity is shorter than all other encodings. BytesX returns the encoding of the x-coordinate of p, as specified in SEC 1, Version 2.0, Section 2.3.5, or an error if p is the point at infinity. Double sets q = p + p, and returns q. The points may overlap. ScalarBaseMult sets p = scalar * B, where B is the canonical generator, and returns p. ScalarMult sets p = scalar * q, and returns p. Select sets q to p1 if cond == 1, and to p2 if cond == 0. Set sets p = q and returns p. SetBytes sets p to the compressed, uncompressed, or infinity value encoded in b, as specified in SEC 1, Version 2.0, Section 2.3.4. If the point is not on the curve, it returns nil and an error, and the receiver is unchanged. Otherwise, it returns p. SetGenerator sets p to the canonical generator and returns p. func NewP521Point() *P521Point func (*P521Point).Add(p1, p2 *P521Point) *P521Point func (*P521Point).Double(p *P521Point) *P521Point func (*P521Point).ScalarBaseMult(scalar []byte) (*P521Point, error) func (*P521Point).ScalarMult(q *P521Point, scalar []byte) (*P521Point, error) func (*P521Point).Select(p1, p2 *P521Point, cond int) *P521Point func (*P521Point).Set(q *P521Point) *P521Point func (*P521Point).SetBytes(b []byte) (*P521Point, error) func (*P521Point).SetGenerator() *P521Point func (*P521Point).Add(p1, p2 *P521Point) *P521Point func (*P521Point).Double(p *P521Point) *P521Point func (*P521Point).ScalarMult(q *P521Point, scalar []byte) (*P521Point, error) func (*P521Point).Select(p1, p2 *P521Point, cond int) *P521Point func (*P521Point).Set(q *P521Point) *P521Point
Package-Level Functions (total 48, in which 5 are exported)
NewP224Point returns a new P224Point representing the point at infinity point.
NewP256Point returns a new P256Point representing the point at infinity.
NewP384Point returns a new P384Point representing the point at infinity point.
NewP521Point returns a new P521Point representing the point at infinity point.
Package-Level Variables (total 19, none are exported)
Package-Level Constants (total 6, none are exported)