package syscall

Import Path
	runtime/internal/syscall (on

Dependency Relation
	imports one package, and imported by one package

Involved Source Files defs_linux_amd64.go Package syscall provides the syscall primitives required for the runtime. asm_linux_amd64.s
Package-Level Type Names (only one, which is exported)
/* sort exporteds by: | */
// unaligned uintptr Events uint32 func EpollCtl(epfd, op, fd int32, event *EpollEvent) (errno uintptr) func EpollWait(epfd int32, events []EpollEvent, maxev, waitms int32) (n int32, errno uintptr)
Package-Level Functions (total 5, in which 4 are exported)
func EpollCreate1(flags int32) (fd int32, errno uintptr)
func EpollCtl(epfd, op, fd int32, event *EpollEvent) (errno uintptr)
func EpollWait(epfd int32, events []EpollEvent, maxev, waitms int32) (n int32, errno uintptr)
Syscall6 calls system call number 'num' with arguments a1-6.
Package-Level Variables (only one, which is unexported)
Package-Level Constants (total 15, all are exported)
const EPOLLET = 2147483648