// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package quotedprintable


const lineMaxLen = 76

// A Writer is a quoted-printable writer that implements io.WriteCloser.
type Writer struct {
	// Binary mode treats the writer's input as pure binary and processes end of
	// line bytes as binary data.
	Binary bool

	w    io.Writer
	i    int
	line [78]byte
	cr   bool

// NewWriter returns a new Writer that writes to w.
func ( io.Writer) *Writer {
	return &Writer{w: }

// Write encodes p using quoted-printable encoding and writes it to the
// underlying io.Writer. It limits line length to 76 characters. The encoded
// bytes are not necessarily flushed until the Writer is closed.
func ( *Writer) ( []byte) ( int,  error) {
	for ,  := range  {
		switch {
		// Simple writes are done in batch.
		case  >= '!' &&  <= '~' &&  != '=':
		case isWhitespace() || !.Binary && ( == '\n' ||  == '\r'):

		if  >  {
			if  := .write([:]);  != nil {
				return , 

		if  := .encode();  != nil {
			return , 

	if  == len() {
		return , nil

	if  := .write([:]);  != nil {
		return , 

	return len(), nil

// Close closes the Writer, flushing any unwritten data to the underlying
// io.Writer, but does not close the underlying io.Writer.
func ( *Writer) () error {
	if  := .checkLastByte();  != nil {

	return .flush()

// write limits text encoded in quoted-printable to 76 characters per line.
func ( *Writer) ( []byte) error {
	for ,  := range  {
		if  == '\n' ||  == '\r' {
			// If the previous byte was \r, the CRLF has already been inserted.
			if .cr &&  == '\n' {
				.cr = false

			if  == '\r' {
				.cr = true

			if  := .checkLastByte();  != nil {
			if  := .insertCRLF();  != nil {

		if .i == lineMaxLen-1 {
			if  := .insertSoftLineBreak();  != nil {

		.line[.i] = 
		.cr = false

	return nil

func ( *Writer) ( byte) error {
	if lineMaxLen-1-.i < 3 {
		if  := .insertSoftLineBreak();  != nil {

	.line[.i] = '='
	.line[.i+1] = upperhex[>>4]
	.line[.i+2] = upperhex[&0x0f]
	.i += 3

	return nil

const upperhex = "0123456789ABCDEF"

// checkLastByte encodes the last buffered byte if it is a space or a tab.
func ( *Writer) () error {
	if .i == 0 {
		return nil

	 := .line[.i-1]
	if isWhitespace() {
		if  := .encode();  != nil {

	return nil

func ( *Writer) () error {
	.line[.i] = '='

	return .insertCRLF()

func ( *Writer) () error {
	.line[.i] = '\r'
	.line[.i+1] = '\n'
	.i += 2

	return .flush()

func ( *Writer) () error {
	if ,  := .w.Write(.line[:.i]);  != nil {

	.i = 0
	return nil

func ( byte) bool {
	return  == ' ' ||  == '\t'