type go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute.KeyValue
96 uses
go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute (current package)
filter.go#L22: type Filter func(KeyValue) bool
filter.go#L30: return func(kv KeyValue) bool { return false }
filter.go#L37: return func(kv KeyValue) bool {
filter.go#L49: return func(kv KeyValue) bool { return true }
filter.go#L56: return func(kv KeyValue) bool {
iterator.go#L30: current KeyValue
iterator.go#L36: attr KeyValue
iterator.go#L50: func (i *Iterator) Label() KeyValue {
iterator.go#L56: func (i *Iterator) Attribute() KeyValue {
iterator.go#L65: func (i *Iterator) IndexedLabel() (int, KeyValue) {
iterator.go#L71: func (i *Iterator) IndexedAttribute() (int, KeyValue) {
iterator.go#L83: func (i *Iterator) ToSlice() []KeyValue {
iterator.go#L89: slice := make([]KeyValue, 0, l)
iterator.go#L154: func (m *MergeIterator) Label() KeyValue {
iterator.go#L159: func (m *MergeIterator) Attribute() KeyValue {
key.go#L25: func (k Key) Bool(v bool) KeyValue {
key.go#L26: return KeyValue{
key.go#L36: func (k Key) BoolSlice(v []bool) KeyValue {
key.go#L37: return KeyValue{
key.go#L47: func (k Key) Int(v int) KeyValue {
key.go#L48: return KeyValue{
key.go#L58: func (k Key) IntSlice(v []int) KeyValue {
key.go#L59: return KeyValue{
key.go#L69: func (k Key) Int64(v int64) KeyValue {
key.go#L70: return KeyValue{
key.go#L80: func (k Key) Int64Slice(v []int64) KeyValue {
key.go#L81: return KeyValue{
key.go#L91: func (k Key) Float64(v float64) KeyValue {
key.go#L92: return KeyValue{
key.go#L102: func (k Key) Float64Slice(v []float64) KeyValue {
key.go#L103: return KeyValue{
key.go#L113: func (k Key) String(v string) KeyValue {
key.go#L114: return KeyValue{
key.go#L124: func (k Key) StringSlice(v []string) KeyValue {
key.go#L125: return KeyValue{
kv.go#L22: type KeyValue struct {
kv.go#L28: func (kv KeyValue) Valid() bool {
kv.go#L33: func Bool(k string, v bool) KeyValue {
kv.go#L38: func BoolSlice(k string, v []bool) KeyValue {
kv.go#L43: func Int(k string, v int) KeyValue {
kv.go#L48: func IntSlice(k string, v []int) KeyValue {
kv.go#L53: func Int64(k string, v int64) KeyValue {
kv.go#L58: func Int64Slice(k string, v []int64) KeyValue {
kv.go#L63: func Float64(k string, v float64) KeyValue {
kv.go#L68: func Float64Slice(k string, v []float64) KeyValue {
kv.go#L73: func String(k, v string) KeyValue {
kv.go#L78: func StringSlice(k string, v []string) KeyValue {
kv.go#L84: func Stringer(k string, v fmt.Stringer) KeyValue {
set.go#L46: Sortable []KeyValue
set.go#L51: keyValueType = reflect.TypeOf(KeyValue{})
set.go#L56: iface: [0]KeyValue{},
set.go#L93: func (l *Set) Get(idx int) (KeyValue, bool) {
set.go#L95: return KeyValue{}, false
set.go#L102: return value.Index(idx).Interface().(KeyValue), true
set.go#L105: return KeyValue{}, false
set.go#L117: return rValue.Index(idx).Interface().(KeyValue).Key >= k
set.go#L122: keyValue := rValue.Index(idx).Interface().(KeyValue)
set.go#L148: func (l *Set) ToSlice() []KeyValue {
set.go#L189: func NewSet(kvs ...KeyValue) Set {
set.go#L204: func NewSetWithSortable(kvs []KeyValue, tmp *Sortable) Set {
set.go#L218: func NewSetWithFiltered(kvs []KeyValue, filter Filter) (Set, []KeyValue) {
set.go#L252: func NewSetWithSortableFiltered(kvs []KeyValue, tmp *Sortable, filter Filter) (Set, []KeyValue) {
set.go#L292: func filterSet(kvs []KeyValue, filter Filter) (Set, []KeyValue) {
set.go#L293: var excluded []KeyValue
set.go#L318: func (l *Set) Filter(re Filter) (Set, []KeyValue) {
set.go#L333: func computeDistinct(kvs []KeyValue) Distinct {
set.go#L345: func computeDistinctFixed(kvs []KeyValue) interface{} {
set.go#L348: ptr := new([1]KeyValue)
set.go#L352: ptr := new([2]KeyValue)
set.go#L356: ptr := new([3]KeyValue)
set.go#L360: ptr := new([4]KeyValue)
set.go#L364: ptr := new([5]KeyValue)
set.go#L368: ptr := new([6]KeyValue)
set.go#L372: ptr := new([7]KeyValue)
set.go#L376: ptr := new([8]KeyValue)
set.go#L380: ptr := new([9]KeyValue)
set.go#L384: ptr := new([10]KeyValue)
set.go#L394: func computeDistinctReflect(kvs []KeyValue) interface{} {
set.go#L397: *(at.Index(i).Addr().Interface().(*KeyValue)) = keyValue
config.go#L69: attributes []attribute.KeyValue
config.go#L78: func (cfg *SpanConfig) Attributes() []attribute.KeyValue {
config.go#L153: attributes []attribute.KeyValue
config.go#L159: func (cfg *EventConfig) Attributes() []attribute.KeyValue {
config.go#L211: type attributeOption []attribute.KeyValue
config.go#L214: c.attributes = append(c.attributes, []attribute.KeyValue(o)...)
config.go#L219: c.attributes = append(c.attributes, []attribute.KeyValue(o)...)
config.go#L234: func WithAttributes(attributes ...attribute.KeyValue) SpanStartEventOption {
config.go#L321: func WithInstrumentationAttributes(attr ...attribute.KeyValue) TracerOption {
noop.go#L78: func (noopSpan) SetAttributes(...attribute.KeyValue) {}
trace.go#L390: SetAttributes(kv ...attribute.KeyValue)
trace.go#L417: Attributes []attribute.KeyValue
trace.go#L421: func LinkFromContext(ctx context.Context, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) Link {
invoke.go#L27: var attrs []attribute.KeyValue
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