image/color.NRGBA64.R (field)
12 uses
image/color (current package)
color.go#L48: R, G, B, A uint16
color.go#L52: return uint32(c.R), uint32(c.G), uint32(c.B), uint32(c.A)
image.go#L158: s[0] = uint8(c.R >> 8)
image.go#L267: s[0] = uint8(c1.R >> 8)
image.go#L268: s[1] = uint8(c1.R)
image.go#L283: s[0] = uint8(c.R >> 8)
image.go#L284: s[1] = uint8(c.R)
image.go#L394: r, g, b, a := uint32(c.R), uint32(c.G), uint32(c.B), uint32(c.A)
image.go#L530: r, g, b, a := uint32(c.R), uint32(c.G), uint32(c.B), uint32(c.A)
image.go#L880: gray := (19595*uint32(c.R) + 38470*uint32(c.G) + 7471*uint32(c.B) + 1<<15) >> 24
image.go#L978: gray := (19595*uint32(c.R) + 38470*uint32(c.G) + 7471*uint32(c.B) + 1<<15) >> 16
image.go#L1081: cc, mm, yy, kk := color.RGBToCMYK(uint8(c.R>>8), uint8(c.G>>8), uint8(c.B>>8))
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