type net.DNSError
58 uses
net (current package)
cgo_unix.go#L91: return 0, &DNSError{Err: "unknown network", Name: network + "/" + service}
cgo_unix.go#L108: return 0, &DNSError{Err: err.Error(), Name: network + "/" + service}
cgo_unix.go#L127: return 0, &DNSError{Err: err.Error(), Name: network + "/" + service, IsTemporary: isTemporary}
cgo_unix.go#L143: return 0, &DNSError{Err: "unknown port", Name: network + "/" + service}
cgo_unix.go#L163: return nil, &DNSError{Err: err.Error(), Name: name}
cgo_unix.go#L190: return nil, &DNSError{Err: err.Error(), Name: name, IsNotFound: isErrorNoSuchHost, IsTemporary: isTemporary}
cgo_unix.go#L235: return nil, &DNSError{Err: "invalid address", Name: addr}
cgo_unix.go#L239: return nil, &DNSError{Err: "invalid address " + ip.String(), Name: addr}
cgo_unix.go#L275: return nil, &DNSError{Err: err.Error(), Name: addr, IsTemporary: isTemporary, IsNotFound: isErrorNoSuchHost}
dnsclient.go#L32: return "", &DNSError{Err: "unrecognized address", Name: addr}
dnsclient_unix.go#L279: dnsErr := &DNSError{
dnsclient_unix.go#L297: dnsErr := &DNSError{
dnsclient_unix.go#L320: lastErr = &DNSError{
dnsclient_unix.go#L329: lastErr.(*DNSError).IsNotFound = true
dnsclient_unix.go#L431: return dnsmessage.Parser{}, "", &DNSError{Err: errNoSuchHost.Error(), Name: name, IsNotFound: true}
dnsclient_unix.go#L457: if err, ok := err.(*DNSError); ok {
dnsclient_unix.go#L559: return nil, &DNSError{Err: errNoSuchHost.Error(), Name: name, IsNotFound: true}
dnsclient_unix.go#L610: return nil, dnsmessage.Name{}, &DNSError{Err: errNoSuchHost.Error(), Name: name, IsNotFound: true}
dnsclient_unix.go#L616: return nil, dnsmessage.Name{}, &DNSError{Err: errNoSuchHost.Error(), Name: name, IsNotFound: true}
dnsclient_unix.go#L701: lastErr = &DNSError{
dnsclient_unix.go#L714: lastErr = &DNSError{
dnsclient_unix.go#L729: lastErr = &DNSError{
dnsclient_unix.go#L744: lastErr = &DNSError{
dnsclient_unix.go#L757: lastErr = &DNSError{
dnsclient_unix.go#L779: if lastErr, ok := lastErr.(*DNSError); ok {
dnsclient_unix.go#L821: return nil, &DNSError{Err: errNoSuchHost.Error(), Name: addr, IsNotFound: true}
dnsclient_unix.go#L831: var dnsErr *DNSError
dnsclient_unix.go#L849: return nil, &DNSError{
dnsclient_unix.go#L858: return nil, &DNSError{
dnsclient_unix.go#L868: return nil, &DNSError{
lookup.go#L185: return nil, &DNSError{Err: errNoSuchHost.Error(), Name: host, IsNotFound: true}
lookup.go#L229: return nil, &DNSError{Err: errNoSuchHost.Error(), Name: host, IsNotFound: true}
lookup.go#L297: return nil, &DNSError{Err: errNoSuchHost.Error(), Name: host, IsNotFound: true}
lookup.go#L348: err := &DNSError{
lookup.go#L362: if _, ok := err.(*DNSError); !ok {
lookup.go#L369: err = &DNSError{
lookup.go#L477: return "", &DNSError{Err: errMalformedDNSRecordsDetail, Name: host}
lookup.go#L520: return "", nil, &DNSError{Err: "SRV header name is invalid", Name: name}
lookup.go#L533: return cname, filteredAddrs, &DNSError{Err: errMalformedDNSRecordsDetail, Name: name}
lookup.go#L573: return filteredMX, &DNSError{Err: errMalformedDNSRecordsDetail, Name: name}
lookup.go#L613: return filteredNS, &DNSError{Err: errMalformedDNSRecordsDetail, Name: name}
lookup.go#L665: return filteredNames, &DNSError{Err: errMalformedDNSRecordsDetail, Name: addr}
lookup.go#L724: return "", nil, &DNSError{
lookup.go#L732: return "", nil, &DNSError{
lookup.go#L745: return "", nil, &DNSError{
lookup.go#L770: return nil, &DNSError{
lookup.go#L778: return nil, &DNSError{
lookup.go#L788: return nil, &DNSError{
lookup.go#L814: return nil, &DNSError{
lookup.go#L822: return nil, &DNSError{
lookup.go#L832: return nil, &DNSError{
lookup.go#L856: return nil, &DNSError{
lookup.go#L864: return nil, &DNSError{
lookup.go#L874: return nil, &DNSError{
net.go#L621: type DNSError struct {
net.go#L630: func (e *DNSError) Error() string {
net.go#L645: func (e *DNSError) Timeout() bool { return e.IsTimeout }
net.go#L650: func (e *DNSError) Temporary() bool { return e.IsTimeout || e.IsTemporary }
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