type net/netip.AddrPort

39 uses

	net/netip (current package)
		netip.go#L1025: type AddrPort struct {
		netip.go#L1032: func AddrPortFrom(ip Addr, port uint16) AddrPort { return AddrPort{ip: ip, port: port} }
		netip.go#L1035: func (p AddrPort) Addr() Addr { return p.ip }
		netip.go#L1038: func (p AddrPort) Port() uint16 { return p.port }
		netip.go#L1073: func ParseAddrPort(s string) (AddrPort, error) {
		netip.go#L1074: 	var ipp AddrPort
		netip.go#L1086: 		return AddrPort{}, err
		netip.go#L1089: 		return AddrPort{}, errors.New("invalid ip:port " + strconv.Quote(s) + ", square brackets can only be used with IPv6 addresses")
		netip.go#L1091: 		return AddrPort{}, errors.New("invalid ip:port " + strconv.Quote(s) + ", IPv6 addresses must be surrounded by square brackets")
		netip.go#L1098: func MustParseAddrPort(s string) AddrPort {
		netip.go#L1108: func (p AddrPort) IsValid() bool { return p.ip.IsValid() }
		netip.go#L1110: func (p AddrPort) String() string {
		netip.go#L1141: func (p AddrPort) AppendTo(b []byte) []byte {
		netip.go#L1169: func (p AddrPort) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
		netip.go#L1186: func (p *AddrPort) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
		netip.go#L1188: 		*p = AddrPort{}
		netip.go#L1199: func (p AddrPort) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
		netip.go#L1207: func (p *AddrPort) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error {

		ipsock_posix.go#L201: func addrPortToSockaddrInet4(ap netip.AddrPort) (syscall.SockaddrInet4, error) {
		ipsock_posix.go#L215: func addrPortToSockaddrInet6(ap netip.AddrPort) (syscall.SockaddrInet6, error) {
		tcpsock.go#L32: func (a *TCPAddr) AddrPort() netip.AddrPort {
		tcpsock.go#L34: 		return netip.AddrPort{}
		tcpsock.go#L102: func TCPAddrFromAddrPort(addr netip.AddrPort) *TCPAddr {
		udpsock.go#L35: func (a *UDPAddr) AddrPort() netip.AddrPort {
		udpsock.go#L37: 		return netip.AddrPort{}
		udpsock.go#L105: func UDPAddrFromAddrPort(addr netip.AddrPort) *UDPAddr {
		udpsock.go#L115: 	netip.AddrPort
		udpsock.go#L171: func (c *UDPConn) ReadFromUDPAddrPort(b []byte) (n int, addr netip.AddrPort, err error) {
		udpsock.go#L173: 		return 0, netip.AddrPort{}, syscall.EINVAL
		udpsock.go#L190: 	var ap netip.AddrPort
		udpsock.go#L199: func (c *UDPConn) ReadMsgUDPAddrPort(b, oob []byte) (n, oobn, flags int, addr netip.AddrPort, err error) {
		udpsock.go#L201: 		return 0, 0, 0, netip.AddrPort{}, syscall.EINVAL
		udpsock.go#L223: func (c *UDPConn) WriteToUDPAddrPort(b []byte, addr netip.AddrPort) (int, error) {
		udpsock.go#L270: func (c *UDPConn) WriteMsgUDPAddrPort(b, oob []byte, addr netip.AddrPort) (n, oobn int, err error) {
		udpsock_posix.go#L72: func (c *UDPConn) readFromAddrPort(b []byte) (n int, addr netip.AddrPort, err error) {
		udpsock_posix.go#L97: func (c *UDPConn) readMsg(b, oob []byte) (n, oobn, flags int, addr netip.AddrPort, err error) {
		udpsock_posix.go#L139: func (c *UDPConn) writeToAddrPort(b []byte, addr netip.AddrPort) (int, error) {
		udpsock_posix.go#L179: func (c *UDPConn) writeMsgAddrPort(b, oob []byte, addr netip.AddrPort) (n, oobn int, err error) {