reflect.Type.Field (method)
18 uses
reflect (current package)
type.go#L165: Field(i int) StructField
type.go#L1012: f = f.Type.Field(x)
visiblefields.go#L67: f := t.Field(i)
asn1.go#L920: if !structType.Field(i).IsExported() {
asn1.go#L927: structType.Field(0).Type == rawContentsType {
asn1.go#L934: field := structType.Field(i)
marshal.go#L491: if !t.Field(i).IsExported() {
marshal.go#L505: if t.Field(0).Type == rawContentsType {
marshal.go#L523: return makeField(v.Field(startingField), parseFieldParameters(t.Field(startingField).Tag.Get("asn1")))
marshal.go#L527: m[i], err = makeField(v.Field(i+startingField), parseFieldParameters(t.Field(i+startingField).Tag.Get("asn1")))
binary.go#L512: s := sizeof(t.Field(i).Type)
binary.go#L631: if v := v.Field(i); v.CanSet() || t.Field(i).Name != "_" {
binary.go#L696: if v := v.Field(i); v.CanSet() || t.Field(i).Name != "_" {
encode.go#L928: t = t.Field(i).Type
encode.go#L1099: sf := f.typ.Field(i)
print.go#L848: if name := f.Type().Field(i).Name; name != "" {
h2_error.go#L27: sf := srcType.Field(i)
h2_error.go#L28: df := dstType.Field(i)
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