regexp/syntax.Regexp.Flags (field)
45 uses
regexp/syntax (current package)
compile.go#L101: f1 := c.rune(re.Rune[j:j+1], re.Flags)
compile.go#L110: return c.rune(re.Rune, re.Flags)
compile.go#L133: return[0]), re.Flags&NonGreedy != 0)
compile.go#L135: return[0]), re.Flags&NonGreedy != 0)
compile.go#L137: return[0]), re.Flags&NonGreedy != 0)
parse.go#L303: re.Flags = p.flags &^ FoldCase
parse.go#L320: re.Flags = p.flags | FoldCase
parse.go#L348: if re1.Op != OpLiteral || re2.Op != OpLiteral || re1.Flags&FoldCase != re2.Flags&FoldCase {
parse.go#L359: re1.Flags = flags
parse.go#L371: re.Flags = p.flags
parse.go#L399: re.Flags = p.flags
parse.go#L433: re.Flags = flags
parse.go#L640: prefix.Flags = strflags
parse.go#L788: return re.Rune, re.Flags & FoldCase
parse.go#L872: re.Flags = flags
parse.go#L966: p.op(OpEndText).Flags |= WasDollar
parse.go#L1056: re.Flags = p.flags
parse.go#L1355: dst.Rune = appendLiteral(dst.Rune, src.Rune[0], src.Flags)
parse.go#L1361: if src.Rune[0] == dst.Rune[0] && src.Flags == dst.Flags {
parse.go#L1365: dst.Rune = appendLiteral(dst.Rune[:0], dst.Rune[0], dst.Flags)
parse.go#L1366: dst.Rune = appendLiteral(dst.Rune, src.Rune[0], src.Flags)
parse.go#L1428: p.flags = re2.Flags
parse.go#L1734: re.Flags = p.flags
regexp.go#L19: Flags Flags
regexp.go#L73: if x.Flags&WasDollar != y.Flags&WasDollar {
regexp.go#L98: if x.Flags&NonGreedy != y.Flags&NonGreedy || !x.Sub[0].Equal(y.Sub[0]) {
regexp.go#L103: if x.Flags&NonGreedy != y.Flags&NonGreedy || x.Min != y.Min || x.Max != y.Max || !x.Sub[0].Equal(y.Sub[0]) {
regexp.go#L125: if re.Flags&FoldCase != 0 {
regexp.go#L131: if re.Flags&FoldCase != 0 {
regexp.go#L176: if re.Flags&WasDollar != 0 {
regexp.go#L223: if re.Flags&NonGreedy != 0 {
simplify.go#L39: return simplify1(re.Op, re.Flags, sub, re)
simplify.go#L55: return simplify1(OpStar, re.Flags, sub, nil)
simplify.go#L60: return simplify1(OpPlus, re.Flags, sub, nil)
simplify.go#L69: nre.Sub = append(nre.Sub, simplify1(OpPlus, re.Flags, sub, nil))
simplify.go#L96: suffix := simplify1(OpQuest, re.Flags, sub, nil)
simplify.go#L100: suffix = simplify1(OpQuest, re.Flags, nre2, nil)
simplify.go#L141: if op == sub.Op && flags&NonGreedy == sub.Flags&NonGreedy {
simplify.go#L144: if re != nil && re.Op == op && re.Flags&NonGreedy == flags&NonGreedy && sub == re.Sub[0] {
simplify.go#L148: re = &Regexp{Op: op, Flags: flags}
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