package srpimport ()// Hash computes user password hash using parameters from server.//// See ( SRP) (, , []byte, Input) (Answer, error) { := .bigFromBytes(.P)if := checkInput(.G, ); != nil {returnAnswer{}, errors.Wrap(, "validate algo") } := big.NewInt(int64(.G))// It is safe to use FillBytes directly because we know that 64-bit G always smaller than // 256-bit destination array.var [256]byte .FillBytes([:])// random 2048-bit number a := .bigFromBytes()// `g_a = pow(g, a) mod p` , := .pad256FromBig(.bigExp(, , ))if ! {returnAnswer{}, errors.New("g_a is too big") }// `g_b = srp_B` := .pad256()// `u = H(g_a | g_b)` := .bigFromBytes(.hash([:], [:]))// `x = PH2(password, salt1, salt2)` // `v = pow(g, x) mod p` , := .computeXV(, .Salt1, .Salt2, , )// `k = (k * v) mod p` := .bigFromBytes(.hash(.P, [:]))// `k_v = (k * v) % p` := .Mul(, ).Mod(, )// `t = (g_b - k_v) % p` := .bigFromBytes()if .Sub(, ).Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) == -1 { .Add(, ) }// `s_a = pow(t, a + u * x) mod p` , := .pad256FromBig(.bigExp(, .Mul(, ).Add(, ), ))if ! {returnAnswer{}, errors.New("s_a is too big") }// `k_a = H(s_a)` := sha256.Sum256([:])// `M1 = H(H(p) xor H(g) | H2(salt1) | H2(salt2) | g_a | g_b | k_a)` := xor32(sha256.Sum256(.P), sha256.Sum256([:])) := .hash( [:], .hash(.Salt1), .hash(.Salt2), [:], [:], [:], )returnAnswer{A: [:],M1: , }, nil}// The main hashing function H is sha256://// H(data) := sha256(data)func ( SRP) ( ...[]byte) []byte { := sha256.New()for := range { .Write([]) }return .Sum(nil)}// The salting hashing function SH is defined as follows://// SH(data, salt) := H(salt | data | salt)func ( SRP) (, []byte) []byte {return .hash(, , )}// The primary password hashing function is defined as follows://// PH1(password, salt1, salt2) := SH(SH(password, salt1), salt2)func ( SRP) (, , []byte) []byte {return .saltHash(.saltHash(, ), )}// The secondary password hashing function is defined as follows://// PH2(password, salt1, salt2) := SH(pbkdf2(sha512, PH1(password, salt1, salt2), salt1, 100000), salt2)func ( SRP) (, , []byte) []byte {return .saltHash(.pbkdf2(.primary(, , ), , 100000), )}func ( SRP) (, []byte, int) []byte {returnpbkdf2.Key(, , , 64, sha512.New)}
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