// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package netip


// uint128 represents a uint128 using two uint64s.
// When the methods below mention a bit number, bit 0 is the most
// significant bit (in hi) and bit 127 is the lowest (lo&1).
type uint128 struct {
	hi uint64
	lo uint64

// mask6 returns a uint128 bitmask with the topmost n bits of a
// 128-bit number.
func ( int) uint128 {
	return uint128{^(^uint64(0) >> ), ^uint64(0) << (128 - )}

// isZero reports whether u == 0.
// It's faster than u == (uint128{}) because the compiler (as of Go
// 1.15/1.16b1) doesn't do this trick and instead inserts a branch in
// its eq alg's generated code.
func ( uint128) () bool { return .hi|.lo == 0 }

// and returns the bitwise AND of u and m (u&m).
func ( uint128) ( uint128) uint128 {
	return uint128{.hi & .hi, .lo & .lo}

// xor returns the bitwise XOR of u and m (u^m).
func ( uint128) ( uint128) uint128 {
	return uint128{.hi ^ .hi, .lo ^ .lo}

// or returns the bitwise OR of u and m (u|m).
func ( uint128) ( uint128) uint128 {
	return uint128{.hi | .hi, .lo | .lo}

// not returns the bitwise NOT of u.
func ( uint128) () uint128 {
	return uint128{^.hi, ^.lo}

// subOne returns u - 1.
func ( uint128) () uint128 {
	,  := bits.Sub64(.lo, 1, 0)
	return uint128{.hi - , }

// addOne returns u + 1.
func ( uint128) () uint128 {
	,  := bits.Add64(.lo, 1, 0)
	return uint128{.hi + , }

// halves returns the two uint64 halves of the uint128.
// Logically, think of it as returning two uint64s.
// It only returns pointers for inlining reasons on 32-bit platforms.
func ( *uint128) () [2]*uint64 {
	return [2]*uint64{&.hi, &.lo}

// bitsSetFrom returns a copy of u with the given bit
// and all subsequent ones set.
func ( uint128) ( uint8) uint128 {
	return .or(mask6(int()).not())

// bitsClearedFrom returns a copy of u with the given bit
// and all subsequent ones cleared.
func ( uint128) ( uint8) uint128 {
	return .and(mask6(int()))