type crypto/internal/boring.BigInt
10 uses
crypto/internal/boring (current package)
doc.go#L19: type BigInt []uint
notboring.go#L57: func GenerateKeyECDSA(curve string) (X, Y, D BigInt, err error) {
notboring.go#L60: func NewPrivateKeyECDSA(curve string, X, Y, D BigInt) (*PrivateKeyECDSA, error) {
notboring.go#L63: func NewPublicKeyECDSA(curve string, X, Y BigInt) (*PublicKeyECDSA, error) {
notboring.go#L94: func GenerateKeyRSA(bits int) (N, E, D, P, Q, Dp, Dq, Qinv BigInt, err error) {
notboring.go#L97: func NewPrivateKeyRSA(N, E, D, P, Q, Dp, Dq, Qinv BigInt) (*PrivateKeyRSA, error) {
notboring.go#L100: func NewPublicKeyRSA(N, E BigInt) (*PublicKeyRSA, error) { panic("boringcrypto: not available") }
big.go#L13: func Enc(b *big.Int) boring.BigInt {
big.go#L19: return boring.BigInt{}
big.go#L24: func Dec(b boring.BigInt) *big.Int {
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