type github.com/gotd/td/telegram.Client
51 uses
github.com/gotd/td/telegram (current package)
auth.go#L9: func (c *Client) Auth() *auth.Client {
auth.go#L16: func (c *Client) QR() qrlogin.QR {
bot.go#L12: func RunUntilCanceled(ctx context.Context, client *Client) error {
bot.go#L25: setup func(ctx context.Context, client *Client) error,
bot.go#L26: cb func(ctx context.Context, client *Client) error,
builder.go#L84: func ClientFromEnvironment(opts Options) (*Client, error) {
builder.go#L145: func TestClient(ctx context.Context, opts Options, cb func(ctx context.Context, client *Client) error) error {
cfg.go#L31: func (c *Client) Config() tg.Config {
cfg.go#L35: func (c *Client) fetchConfig(ctx context.Context) {
client.go#L55: type Client struct {
client.go#L134: func NewClient(appID int, appHash string, opt Options) *Client {
client.go#L141: client := &Client{
client.go#L205: func (c *Client) init() {
conn_builder.go#L18: client *Client
conn_builder.go#L29: func (c *Client) asHandler() manager.Handler {
conn_builder.go#L55: func (c *Client) dcList() dcs.List {
conn_builder.go#L64: func (c *Client) primaryDC(dc int) mtproto.Dialer {
conn_builder.go#L70: func (c *Client) createPrimaryConn(setup manager.SetupCallback) pool.Conn {
conn_builder.go#L74: func (c *Client) createConn(
connect.go#L17: func (c *Client) runUntilRestart(ctx context.Context) error {
connect.go#L56: func (c *Client) isPermanentError(err error) bool {
connect.go#L60: func (c *Client) reconnectUntilClosed(ctx context.Context) error {
connect.go#L83: func (c *Client) onReady() {
connect.go#L88: func (c *Client) resetReady() {
connect.go#L101: func (c *Client) Run(ctx context.Context, f func(ctx context.Context) error) (err error) {
handle_updates.go#L14: func (c *Client) updateInterceptor(updates ...tg.UpdateClass) {
handle_updates.go#L23: func (c *Client) processUpdates(updates tg.UpdatesClass) error {
handle_updates.go#L48: func (c *Client) handleUpdates(b *bin.Buffer) error {
invoke.go#L18: func (c *Client) API() *tg.Client {
invoke.go#L24: func (c *Client) Invoke(ctx context.Context, input bin.Encoder, output bin.Decoder) error {
invoke.go#L54: func (c *Client) invokeDirect(ctx context.Context, input bin.Encoder, output bin.Decoder) error {
invoke.go#L84: func (c *Client) invokeConn(ctx context.Context, input bin.Encoder, output bin.Decoder) error {
migrate_to_dc.go#L11: func (c *Client) ensureRestart(ctx context.Context) error {
migrate_to_dc.go#L31: func (c *Client) invokeMigrate(ctx context.Context, dcID int, input bin.Encoder, output bin.Decoder) error {
migrate_to_dc.go#L59: func (c *Client) migrateToDc(ctx context.Context, dcID int) error {
migrate_to_dc.go#L65: func (c *Client) MigrateTo(ctx context.Context, dcID int) error {
ping.go#L8: func (c *Client) Ping(ctx context.Context) error {
pool.go#L24: func (c *Client) createPool(dc int, max int64, creator func() pool.Conn) (*pool.DC, error) {
pool.go#L40: func (c *Client) Pool(max int64) (CloseInvoker, error) {
pool.go#L52: func (c *Client) dc(ctx context.Context, dcID int, max int64, dialer mtproto.Dialer) (*pool.DC, error) {
pool.go#L113: func (c *Client) DC(ctx context.Context, dc int, max int64) (CloseInvoker, error) {
pool.go#L119: func (c *Client) MediaOnly(ctx context.Context, dc int, max int64) (CloseInvoker, error) {
rand_int64.go#L8: func (c *Client) RandInt64() (int64, error) {
self.go#L14: func (c *Client) Self(ctx context.Context) (*tg.User, error) {
send_message.go#L12: func (c *Client) SendMessage(ctx context.Context, req *tg.MessagesSendMessageRequest) error {
session.go#L17: func (c *Client) restoreConnection(ctx context.Context) error {
session.go#L63: func (c *Client) saveSession(cfg tg.Config, s mtproto.Session) error {
session.go#L95: func (c *Client) onSession(cfg tg.Config, s mtproto.Session) error {
sub_conns.go#L11: func (c *Client) invokeSub(ctx context.Context, dc int, input bin.Encoder, output bin.Decoder) error {
transfer.go#L11: func (c *Client) exportAuth(ctx context.Context, dcID int) (*tg.AuthExportedAuthorization, error) {
transfer.go#L22: func (c *Client) transfer(ctx context.Context, to *tg.Client, dc int) (tg.AuthAuthorizationClass, error) {
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