package telegram

import (



// UpdateHandler will be called on received updates from Telegram.
type UpdateHandler interface {
	Handle(ctx context.Context, u tg.UpdatesClass) error

// UpdateHandlerFunc type is an adapter to allow the use of
// ordinary function as update handler.
// UpdateHandlerFunc(f) is an UpdateHandler that calls f.
type UpdateHandlerFunc func(ctx context.Context, u tg.UpdatesClass) error

// Handle calls f(ctx, u)
func ( UpdateHandlerFunc) ( context.Context,  tg.UpdatesClass) error {
	return (, )

type clientStorage interface {
	Load(ctx context.Context) (*session.Data, error)
	Save(ctx context.Context, data *session.Data) error

type clientConn interface {
	Run(ctx context.Context) error
	Invoke(ctx context.Context, input bin.Encoder, output bin.Decoder) error
	Ping(ctx context.Context) error

// Client represents a MTProto client to Telegram.
type Client struct {
	// Put migration in the header of the structure to ensure 64-bit alignment,
	// otherwise it will cause the atomic operation of connsCounter to panic.
	// DO NOT change the order of members arbitrarily.
	// Ref:

	// Migration state.
	migrationTimeout time.Duration // immutable
	migration        chan struct{}

	// tg provides RPC calls via Client. Uses invoker below.
	tg *tg.Client // immutable
	// invoker implements tg.Invoker on top of Client and mw.
	invoker tg.Invoker // immutable
	// mw is list of middlewares used in invoker, can be blank.
	mw []Middleware // immutable

	// Telegram device information.
	device DeviceConfig // immutable

	// MTProto options.
	opts mtproto.Options // immutable

	// DCList state.
	// Domain list (for websocket)
	domains map[int]string // immutable
	// Denotes to use Test DCs.
	testDC bool // immutable

	// Connection state. Guarded by connMux.
	session *pool.SyncSession
	cfg     *manager.AtomicConfig
	conn    clientConn
	connMux sync.Mutex
	// Connection factory fields.
	create       connConstructor        // immutable
	resolver     dcs.Resolver           // immutable
	connBackoff  func() backoff.BackOff // immutable
	defaultMode  manager.ConnMode       // immutable
	connsCounter atomic.Int64

	// Restart signal channel.
	restart chan struct{} // immutable

	// Connections to non-primary DC.
	subConns    map[int]CloseInvoker
	subConnsMux sync.Mutex
	sessions    map[int]*pool.SyncSession
	sessionsMux sync.Mutex

	// Wrappers for external world, like logs or PRNG.
	rand  io.Reader   // immutable
	log   *zap.Logger // immutable
	clock clock.Clock // immutable

	// Client context. Will be canceled by Run on exit.
	ctx    context.Context
	cancel context.CancelFunc

	// Client config.
	appID   int    // immutable
	appHash string // immutable
	// Session storage.
	storage clientStorage // immutable, nillable

	// Ready signal channel, sends signal when client connection is ready.
	// Resets on reconnect.
	ready *tdsync.ResetReady // immutable

	// Telegram updates handler.
	updateHandler UpdateHandler // immutable
	// Denotes that no update mode is enabled.
	noUpdatesMode bool // immutable

	// Tracing.
	tracer trace.Tracer

// NewClient creates new unstarted client.
func ( int,  string,  Options) *Client {

	 := manager.ConnModeUpdates
	if .NoUpdates {
		 = manager.ConnModeData
	 := &Client{
		rand:          .Random,
		log:           .Logger,
		appID:         ,
		appHash:       ,
		updateHandler: .UpdateHandler,
		session: pool.NewSyncSession(pool.Session{
			DC: .DC,
		domains: .DCList.Domains,
		testDC:  .DCList.Test,
		cfg: manager.NewAtomicConfig(tg.Config{
			DCOptions: .DCList.Options,
		create:           defaultConstructor(),
		resolver:         .Resolver,
		defaultMode:      ,
		connBackoff:      .ReconnectionBackoff,
		clock:            .Clock,
		device:           .Device,
		migrationTimeout: .MigrationTimeout,
		noUpdatesMode:    .NoUpdates,
		mw:               .Middlewares,
	if .TracerProvider != nil {
		.tracer = .TracerProvider.Tracer(oteltg.Name)

	// Including version into client logger to help with debugging.
	if  := version.GetVersion();  != "" {
		.log = .log.With(zap.String("v", ))

	if .SessionStorage != nil {
		.storage = &session.Loader{
			Storage: .SessionStorage,

	.opts = mtproto.Options{
		PublicKeys:        .PublicKeys,
		Random:            .Random,
		Logger:            .Logger,
		AckBatchSize:      .AckBatchSize,
		AckInterval:       .AckInterval,
		RetryInterval:     .RetryInterval,
		MaxRetries:        .MaxRetries,
		CompressThreshold: .CompressThreshold,
		MessageID:         .MessageID,
		ExchangeTimeout:   .ExchangeTimeout,
		DialTimeout:       .DialTimeout,
		Clock:             .Clock,

		Types: getTypesMapping(),

		Tracer: .tracer,
	.conn = .createPrimaryConn(nil)


// init sets fields which needs explicit initialization, like maps or channels.
func ( *Client) () {
	if .domains == nil {
		.domains = map[int]string{}
	if .cfg == nil {
		.cfg = manager.NewAtomicConfig(tg.Config{})
	.ready = tdsync.NewResetReady()
	.restart = make(chan struct{})
	.migration = make(chan struct{}, 1)
	.sessions = map[int]*pool.SyncSession{}
	.subConns = map[int]CloseInvoker{}
	.invoker = chainMiddlewares(InvokeFunc(.invokeDirect), .mw...)
	.tg = tg.NewClient(.invoker)