type github.com/gotd/td/telegram.Options
10 uses
github.com/gotd/td/telegram (current package)
bot.go#L24: opts Options,
builder.go#L46: func OptionsFromEnvironment(opts Options) (Options, error) {
builder.go#L53: return Options{}, errors.Wrap(err, "SESSION_DIR not set or invalid")
builder.go#L60: return Options{}, errors.Wrap(err, "session dir creation")
builder.go#L84: func ClientFromEnvironment(opts Options) (*Client, error) {
builder.go#L145: func TestClient(ctx context.Context, opts Options, cb func(ctx context.Context, client *Client) error) error {
client.go#L134: func NewClient(appID int, appHash string, opt Options) *Client {
options.go#L27: type Options struct {
options.go#L99: func (opt *Options) setDefaults() {
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