internal/godebugs.Info.Name (field)
23 uses
internal/godebugs (current package)
table.go#L12: Name string // name of the setting ("panicnil")
table.go#L28: {Name: "execerrdot", Package: "os/exec"},
table.go#L29: {Name: "gocachehash", Package: "cmd/go"},
table.go#L30: {Name: "gocachetest", Package: "cmd/go"},
table.go#L31: {Name: "gocacheverify", Package: "cmd/go"},
table.go#L32: {Name: "http2client", Package: "net/http"},
table.go#L33: {Name: "http2debug", Package: "net/http", Opaque: true},
table.go#L34: {Name: "http2server", Package: "net/http"},
table.go#L35: {Name: "installgoroot", Package: "go/build"},
table.go#L36: {Name: "jstmpllitinterp", Package: "html/template"},
table.go#L38: {Name: "multipartmaxheaders", Package: "mime/multipart"},
table.go#L39: {Name: "multipartmaxparts", Package: "mime/multipart"},
table.go#L40: {Name: "multipathtcp", Package: "net"},
table.go#L41: {Name: "netdns", Package: "net", Opaque: true},
table.go#L42: {Name: "panicnil", Package: "runtime", Changed: 21, Old: "1"},
table.go#L43: {Name: "randautoseed", Package: "math/rand"},
table.go#L44: {Name: "tarinsecurepath", Package: "archive/tar"},
table.go#L45: {Name: "tlsmaxrsasize", Package: "crypto/tls"},
table.go#L46: {Name: "x509sha1", Package: "crypto/x509"},
table.go#L47: {Name: "x509usefallbackroots", Package: "crypto/x509"},
table.go#L48: {Name: "zipinsecurepath", Package: "archive/zip"},
table.go#L58: mid := All[m].Name
metrics.go#L472: metrics["/godebug/non-default-behavior/"+info.Name+":events"] = metricData{compute: compute0}
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7. (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu.
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list.
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