reflect.Type.String (method)
39 uses
reflect (current package)
type.go#L100: String() string
value.go#L452: panic("reflect: " + op + " using " + xt.String() + " as type " + stringFor(targ))
value.go#L463: panic("reflect: cannot use " + xt.String() + " as type " + elem.String() + " in " + op)
value.go#L2600: return "<" + v.Type().String() + " Value>"
value.go#L2796: panic(what + ": " + t1.String() + " != " + t2.String())
value.go#L3319: panic("reflect.Value.Convert: value of type " + stringFor(v.typ()) + " cannot be converted to type " + t.String())
value.go#L3456: panic("reflect.Value.Equal: values of type " + v.Type().String() + " are not comparable")
asn1.go#L990: err = StructuralError{"unsupported: " + v.Type().String()}
asn1.go#L1108: return "asn1: Unmarshal recipient value is non-pointer " + e.Type.String()
asn1.go#L1110: return "asn1: Unmarshal recipient value is nil " + e.Type.String()
binary.go#L324: return errors.New("binary.Read: invalid type " + reflect.TypeOf(data).String())
binary.go#L454: return errors.New("binary.Write: some values are not fixed-sized in type " + reflect.TypeOf(data).String())
decode.go#L135: return "json: cannot unmarshal " + e.Value + " into Go struct field " + e.Struct + "." + e.Field + " of type " + e.Type.String()
decode.go#L137: return "json: cannot unmarshal " + e.Value + " into Go value of type " + e.Type.String()
decode.go#L151: return "json: cannot unmarshal object key " + strconv.Quote(e.Key) + " into unexported field " + e.Field.Name + " of type " + e.Type.String()
decode.go#L166: return "json: Unmarshal(non-pointer " + e.Type.String() + ")"
decode.go#L168: return "json: Unmarshal(nil " + e.Type.String() + ")"
encode.go#L200: return "json: unsupported type: " + e.Type.String()
encode.go#L241: " for type " + e.Type.String() +
encode.go#L748: e.error(fmt.Errorf("json: encoding error for type %q: %q", v.Type().String(), err.Error()))
print.go#L377: p.buf.writeString(v.Type().String())
print.go#L388: p.buf.writeString(reflect.TypeOf(p.arg).String())
print.go#L392: p.buf.writeString(p.value.Type().String())
print.go#L563: p.buf.writeString(value.Type().String())
print.go#L699: p.fmt.fmtS(reflect.TypeOf(arg).String())
print.go#L807: p.buf.writeString(f.Type().String())
print.go#L836: p.buf.writeString(f.Type().String())
print.go#L860: p.buf.writeString(f.Type().String())
print.go#L888: p.fmtBytes(bytes, verb, t.String())
print.go#L893: p.buf.writeString(f.Type().String())
print.go#L1194: p.buf.writeString(reflect.TypeOf(arg).String())
scan.go#L1021: s.errorString("type not a pointer: " + val.Type().String())
scan.go#L1037: s.errorString("can't scan type: " + val.Type().String())
scan.go#L1051: s.errorString("can't scan type: " + val.Type().String())
adaptor.go#L62: p.buf.WriteString(reflect.TypeOf(f).String())
sort.go#L180: panic("bad type in compare: " + aType.String())
client.go#L337: if reflect.TypeOf(rt).String() == "*http2.Transport" {
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