156 uses (current package)
buffer.go#L9: Buf []byte
buffer.go#L24: b.Buf = append(b.Buf[:0], make([]byte, n)...)
buffer.go#L29: b.Buf = append(b.Buf, make([]byte, n)...)
buffer.go#L34: b.Buf = b.Buf[n:]
buffer.go#L42: if len(b.Buf) == 0 {
buffer.go#L45: n = copy(p, b.Buf)
buffer.go#L46: b.Buf = b.Buf[n:]
buffer.go#L52: return append([]byte{}, b.Buf...)
buffer.go#L57: return b.Buf
buffer.go#L62: return len(b.Buf)
buffer.go#L70: b.Buf = buf
decode.go#L11: if len(b.Buf) < Word {
decode.go#L14: v := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b.Buf)
decode.go#L23: if len(b.Buf) < n {
decode.go#L26: copy(target, b.Buf[:n])
decode.go#L41: b.Buf = b.Buf[Word:]
decode.go#L48: if len(b.Buf) < size {
decode.go#L51: v := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b.Buf)
decode.go#L52: b.Buf = b.Buf[size:]
decode.go#L73: b.Buf = b.Buf[n:]
decode.go#L85: b.Buf = b.Buf[Word:]
decode.go#L88: b.Buf = b.Buf[Word:]
decode.go#L106: b.Buf = b.Buf[Word:]
decode.go#L130: n, v, err := decodeString(b.Buf)
decode.go#L134: if len(b.Buf) < n {
decode.go#L137: b.Buf = b.Buf[n:]
decode.go#L145: n, v, err := decodeBytes(b.Buf)
decode.go#L149: if len(b.Buf) < n {
decode.go#L152: b.Buf = b.Buf[n:]
decode.go#L192: if len(b.Buf) < size {
decode.go#L195: copy(v[:size], b.Buf[:size])
decode.go#L196: b.Buf = b.Buf[size:]
decode.go#L204: if len(b.Buf) < size {
decode.go#L207: copy(v[:size], b.Buf[:size])
decode.go#L208: b.Buf = b.Buf[size:]
encode.go#L17: b.Buf = append(b.Buf, raw...)
encode.go#L22: b.Buf = encodeString(b.Buf, s)
encode.go#L27: b.Buf = encodeBytes(b.Buf, v)
encode.go#L57: b.Buf = append(b.Buf, t...)
encode.go#L69: b.Buf = append(b.Buf, t...)
encode.go#L86: b.Buf = append(b.Buf, t...)
encode.go#L96: b.Buf = append(b.Buf, v[:]...)
encode.go#L101: b.Buf = append(b.Buf, v[:]...)
encode.go#L106: b.Buf = b.Buf[:0]
pool.go#L20: return &Buffer{Buf: r}
cipher_decrypt.go#L42: if err := msg.DecodeWithoutCopy(&bin.Buffer{Buf: plaintext}); err != nil {
cipher_encrypt.go#L16: offset := len(plaintext.Buf)
cipher_encrypt.go#L17: plaintext.Buf = append(plaintext.Buf, make([]byte, countPadding(offset))...)
cipher_encrypt.go#L18: if _, err := io.ReadFull(c.rand, plaintext.Buf[offset:]); err != nil {
cipher_encrypt.go#L22: messageKey := MessageKey(k.Value, plaintext.Buf, c.encryptSide)
cipher_encrypt.go#L31: EncryptedData: make([]byte, len(plaintext.Buf)),
cipher_encrypt.go#L33: ige.EncryptBlocks(aesBlock, iv[:], msg.EncryptedData, plaintext.Buf)
encrypted_message.go#L47: e.EncryptedData = b.Buf
encrypted_message_data.go#L53: (&bin.Buffer{Buf: b.Buf[lengthOffset:lengthOffset]}).PutInt(msgLen)
encrypted_message_data.go#L94: e.MessageDataWithPadding = append(e.MessageDataWithPadding[:0], b.Buf...)
encrypted_message_data.go#L143: e.MessageDataWithPadding = b.Buf
rand.go#L27: b := &bin.Buffer{Buf: buf[:]}
rand.go#L39: b := &bin.Buffer{Buf: buf[:]}
rand.go#L51: b := &bin.Buffer{Buf: buf[:]}
rsa_fingerprint.go#L24: _, _ = h.Write(buf.Buf)
client_flow.go#L105: data, err := crypto.RSAPad(b.Buf, selectedPubKey.RSA, c.rand)
client_flow.go#L202: clientEncrypted, err := crypto.EncryptExchangeAnswer(c.rand, b.Buf, key, iv)
handle_container.go#L25: b := &bin.Buffer{Buf: msg.Body}
handle_gzip.go#L15: return &bin.Buffer{Buf: content.Data}, nil
new_encrypted_msg.go#L57: MessageDataWithPadding: payloadBuf.Buf,
read.go#L83: if err := c.handleMessage(msg.MessageID, &bin.Buffer{Buf: msg.Data()}); err != nil {
client_hello.go#L19: b.Buf = append(b.Buf, s...)
client_hello.go#L22: randomOffset = len(b.Buf)
client_hello.go#L29: b.Buf = append(b.Buf, sessionID[:]...)
client_hello.go#L32: b.Buf = append(b.Buf, domain...)
client_hello.go#L35: b.Buf = append(b.Buf, key[:]...)
client_hello.go#L48: binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(b.Buf[s:], uint16(length))
client_hello.go#L103: Buf: make([]byte, 0, 576),
client_hello.go#L109: if _, err := mac.Write(b.Buf); err != nil {
client_hello.go#L114: copy(b.Buf[randomOffset:randomOffset+32], s)
client_hello.go#L116: old := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b.Buf[randomOffset+28 : randomOffset+32])
client_hello.go#L118: binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(b.Buf[randomOffset+28:randomOffset+32], old)
client_hello.go#L121: copy(r[:], b.Buf[randomOffset:randomOffset+32])
client_hello.go#L122: _, err = w.Write(b.Buf)
rpc_result.go#L37: r.Result = append(r.Result[:0], b.Buf...)
rpc_result.go#L38: b.Skip(len(b.Buf))
abridged.go#L85: b.Buf = b.Buf[:length]
abridged.go#L88: inner := bin.Buffer{Buf: b.Buf[length:length]}
abridged.go#L110: if _, err := w.Write(inner.Buf); err != nil {
abridged.go#L122: _, err := io.ReadFull(r, b.Buf[:1])
abridged.go#L127: if b.Buf[0] >= 127 {
abridged.go#L128: _, err := io.ReadFull(r, b.Buf[0:3])
abridged.go#L140: if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, b.Buf); err != nil {
codec.go#L34: if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, b.Buf[:bin.Word]); err != nil {
codec.go#L37: n := int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b.Buf[:bin.Word]))
full.go#L54: write := bin.Buffer{Buf: make([]byte, 0, 4+4+b.Len()+4)}
full.go#L86: inner := &bin.Buffer{Buf: b.Buf[bin.Word:n]}
full.go#L90: if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, inner.Buf); err != nil {
full.go#L112: clientCRC := crc32.ChecksumIEEE(b.Buf[0 : n-bin.Word])
full.go#L121: copy(b.Buf, b.Buf[2*bin.Word:n-bin.Word])
full.go#L122: b.Buf = b.Buf[:payloadLength]
intermediate.go#L84: b.Buf = b.Buf[:length]
intermediate.go#L86: inner := bin.Buffer{Buf: b.Buf[length:length]}
intermediate.go#L88: if _, err := w.Write(inner.Buf); err != nil {
intermediate.go#L91: if _, err := w.Write(b.Buf); err != nil {
intermediate.go#L105: if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, b.Buf); err != nil {
intermediate.go#L111: b.Buf = b.Buf[:n-paddingLength]
padded_intermediate.go#L85: b.Buf = b.Buf[:length]
padded_intermediate.go#L88: _, err := io.ReadFull(randSource, b.Buf[length:length+4])
padded_intermediate.go#L92: n := int(b.Buf[length-1]) % 4
padded_intermediate.go#L93: b.Buf = b.Buf[:length+n]
padded_intermediate.go#L104: b.Buf = b.Buf[:b.Len()-padding]
dbi.go#L100: sub := bin.Buffer{Buf: r.buf.Buf}
dbi.go#L105: sub.Buf = sub.Buf[:length]
dbi.go#L139: s := string(r.buf.Buf[:size])
dbi.go#L159: s := append([]byte(nil), r.buf.Buf[:size]...)
mtp_authorization.go#L35: r := qtReader{buf: bin.Buffer{Buf: decrypted}}
mtp_config.go#L85: root := qtReader{buf: bin.Buffer{Buf: decrypted}}
dns.go#L78: if err := cfg.Decode(&bin.Buffer{Buf: decrypted[4:]}); err != nil {
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7. (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu.
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list.
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