// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// This file implements nat-to-string conversion functions.

package big

import (

const digits = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"

// Note: MaxBase = len(digits), but it must remain an untyped rune constant
//       for API compatibility.

// MaxBase is the largest number base accepted for string conversions.
const MaxBase = 10 + ('z' - 'a' + 1) + ('Z' - 'A' + 1)
const maxBaseSmall = 10 + ('z' - 'a' + 1)

// maxPow returns (b**n, n) such that b**n is the largest power b**n <= _M.
// For instance maxPow(10) == (1e19, 19) for 19 decimal digits in a 64bit Word.
// In other words, at most n digits in base b fit into a Word.
// TODO(gri) replace this with a table, generated at build time.
func ( Word) ( Word,  int) {
	,  = , 1 // assuming b <= _M
	for  := _M / ;  <= ; {
		// p == b**n && p <= max
	// p == b**n && p <= _M

// pow returns x**n for n > 0, and 1 otherwise.
func ( Word,  int) ( Word) {
	// n == sum of bi * 2**i, for 0 <= i < imax, and bi is 0 or 1
	// thus x**n == product of x**(2**i) for all i where bi == 1
	// (Russian Peasant Method for exponentiation)
	 = 1
	for  > 0 {
		if &1 != 0 {
		 >>= 1

// scan errors
var (
	errNoDigits = errors.New("number has no digits")
	errInvalSep = errors.New("'_' must separate successive digits")

// scan scans the number corresponding to the longest possible prefix
// from r representing an unsigned number in a given conversion base.
// scan returns the corresponding natural number res, the actual base b,
// a digit count, and a read or syntax error err, if any.
// For base 0, an underscore character “_” may appear between a base
// prefix and an adjacent digit, and between successive digits; such
// underscores do not change the value of the number, or the returned
// digit count. Incorrect placement of underscores is reported as an
// error if there are no other errors. If base != 0, underscores are
// not recognized and thus terminate scanning like any other character
// that is not a valid radix point or digit.
//	number    = mantissa | prefix pmantissa .
//	prefix    = "0" [ "b" | "B" | "o" | "O" | "x" | "X" ] .
//	mantissa  = digits "." [ digits ] | digits | "." digits .
//	pmantissa = [ "_" ] digits "." [ digits ] | [ "_" ] digits | "." digits .
//	digits    = digit { [ "_" ] digit } .
//	digit     = "0" ... "9" | "a" ... "z" | "A" ... "Z" .
// Unless fracOk is set, the base argument must be 0 or a value between
// 2 and MaxBase. If fracOk is set, the base argument must be one of
// 0, 2, 8, 10, or 16. Providing an invalid base argument leads to a run-
// time panic.
// For base 0, the number prefix determines the actual base: A prefix of
// “0b” or “0B” selects base 2, “0o” or “0O” selects base 8, and
// “0x” or “0X” selects base 16. If fracOk is false, a “0” prefix
// (immediately followed by digits) selects base 8 as well. Otherwise,
// the selected base is 10 and no prefix is accepted.
// If fracOk is set, a period followed by a fractional part is permitted.
// The result value is computed as if there were no period present; and
// the count value is used to determine the fractional part.
// For bases <= 36, lower and upper case letters are considered the same:
// The letters 'a' to 'z' and 'A' to 'Z' represent digit values 10 to 35.
// For bases > 36, the upper case letters 'A' to 'Z' represent the digit
// values 36 to 61.
// A result digit count > 0 corresponds to the number of (non-prefix) digits
// parsed. A digit count <= 0 indicates the presence of a period (if fracOk
// is set, only), and -count is the number of fractional digits found.
// In this case, the actual value of the scanned number is res * b**count.
func ( nat) ( io.ByteScanner,  int,  bool) ( nat, ,  int,  error) {
	// reject invalid bases
	 :=  == 0 ||
		! && 2 <=  &&  <= MaxBase ||
		 && ( == 2 ||  == 8 ||  == 10 ||  == 16)
	if ! {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid number base %d", ))

	// prev encodes the previously seen char: it is one
	// of '_', '0' (a digit), or '.' (anything else). A
	// valid separator '_' may only occur after a digit
	// and if base == 0.
	 := '.'
	 := false

	// one char look-ahead
	,  := .ReadByte()

	// determine actual base
	,  := , 0
	if  == 0 {
		// actual base is 10 unless there's a base prefix
		 = 10
		if  == nil &&  == '0' {
			 = '0'
			 = 1
			,  = .ReadByte()
			if  == nil {
				// possibly one of 0b, 0B, 0o, 0O, 0x, 0X
				switch  {
				case 'b', 'B':
					,  = 2, 'b'
				case 'o', 'O':
					,  = 8, 'o'
				case 'x', 'X':
					,  = 16, 'x'
					if ! {
						,  = 8, '0'
				if  != 0 {
					 = 0 // prefix is not counted
					if  != '0' {
						,  = .ReadByte()

	// convert string
	// Algorithm: Collect digits in groups of at most n digits in di
	// and then use mulAddWW for every such group to add them to the
	// result.
	 = [:0]
	 := Word()
	,  := maxPow() // at most n digits in base b1 fit into Word
	 := Word(0)       // 0 <= di < b1**i < bn
	 := 0              // 0 <= i < n
	 := -1            // position of decimal point
	for  == nil {
		if  == '.' &&  {
			 = false
			if  == '_' {
				 = true
			 = '.'
		} else if  == '_' &&  == 0 {
			if  != '0' {
				 = true
			 = '_'
		} else {
			// convert rune into digit value d1
			var  Word
			switch {
			case '0' <=  &&  <= '9':
				 = Word( - '0')
			case 'a' <=  &&  <= 'z':
				 = Word( - 'a' + 10)
			case 'A' <=  &&  <= 'Z':
				if  <= maxBaseSmall {
					 = Word( - 'A' + 10)
				} else {
					 = Word( - 'A' + maxBaseSmall)
				 = MaxBase + 1
			if  >=  {
				.UnreadByte() // ch does not belong to number anymore
			 = '0'

			// collect d1 in di
			 = * + 

			// if di is "full", add it to the result
			if  ==  {
				 = .mulAddWW(, , )
				 = 0
				 = 0

		,  = .ReadByte()

	if  == io.EOF {
		 = nil

	// other errors take precedence over invalid separators
	if  == nil && ( ||  == '_') {
		 = errInvalSep

	if  == 0 {
		// no digits found
		if  == '0' {
			// there was only the octal prefix 0 (possibly followed by separators and digits > 7);
			// interpret as decimal 0
			return [:0], 10, 1, 
		 = errNoDigits // fall through; result will be 0

	// add remaining digits to result
	if  > 0 {
		 = .mulAddWW(, pow(, ), )
	 = .norm()

	// adjust count for fraction, if any
	if  >= 0 {
		// 0 <= dp <= count
		 =  - 


// utoa converts x to an ASCII representation in the given base;
// base must be between 2 and MaxBase, inclusive.
func ( nat) ( int) []byte {
	return .itoa(false, )

// itoa is like utoa but it prepends a '-' if neg && x != 0.
func ( nat) ( bool,  int) []byte {
	if  < 2 ||  > MaxBase {
		panic("invalid base")

	// x == 0
	if len() == 0 {
		return []byte("0")
	// len(x) > 0

	// allocate buffer for conversion
	 := int(float64(.bitLen())/math.Log2(float64())) + 1 // off by 1 at most
	if  {
	 := make([]byte, )

	// convert power of two and non power of two bases separately
	if  := Word();  == &- {
		// shift is base b digit size in bits
		 := uint(bits.TrailingZeros(uint())) // shift > 0 because b >= 2
		 := Word(1<< - 1)
		 := [0]         // current word
		 := uint(_W) // number of unprocessed bits in w

		// convert less-significant words (include leading zeros)
		for  := 1;  < len(); ++ {
			// convert full digits
			for  >=  {
				[] = digits[&]

			// convert any partial leading digit and advance to next word
			if  == 0 {
				// no partial digit remaining, just advance
				 = []
				 = _W
			} else {
				// partial digit in current word w (== x[k-1]) and next word x[k]
				 |= [] << 
				[] = digits[&]

				// advance
				 = [] >> ( - )
				 = _W - ( - )

		// convert digits of most-significant word w (omit leading zeros)
		for  != 0 {
			[] = digits[&]

	} else {
		,  := maxPow()

		// construct table of successive squares of bb*leafSize to use in subdivisions
		// result (table != nil) <=> (len(x) > leafSize > 0)
		 := divisors(len(), , , )

		// preserve x, create local copy for use by convertWords
		 := nat(nil).set()

		// convert q to string s in base b
		.convertWords(, , , , )

		// strip leading zeros
		// (x != 0; thus s must contain at least one non-zero digit
		// and the loop will terminate)
		 = 0
		for [] == '0' {

	if  {
		[] = '-'

	return [:]

// Convert words of q to base b digits in s. If q is large, it is recursively "split in half"
// by nat/nat division using tabulated divisors. Otherwise, it is converted iteratively using
// repeated nat/Word division.
// The iterative method processes n Words by n divW() calls, each of which visits every Word in the
// incrementally shortened q for a total of n + (n-1) + (n-2) ... + 2 + 1, or n(n+1)/2 divW()'s.
// Recursive conversion divides q by its approximate square root, yielding two parts, each half
// the size of q. Using the iterative method on both halves means 2 * (n/2)(n/2 + 1)/2 divW()'s
// plus the expensive long div(). Asymptotically, the ratio is favorable at 1/2 the divW()'s, and
// is made better by splitting the subblocks recursively. Best is to split blocks until one more
// split would take longer (because of the nat/nat div()) than the twice as many divW()'s of the
// iterative approach. This threshold is represented by leafSize. Benchmarking of leafSize in the
// range 2..64 shows that values of 8 and 16 work well, with a 4x speedup at medium lengths and
// ~30x for 20000 digits. Use nat_test.go's BenchmarkLeafSize tests to optimize leafSize for
// specific hardware.
func ( nat) ( []byte,  Word,  int,  Word,  []divisor) {
	// split larger blocks recursively
	if  != nil {
		// len(q) > leafSize > 0
		var  nat
		 := len() - 1
		for len() > leafSize {
			// find divisor close to sqrt(q) if possible, but in any case < q
			 := .bitLen()     // ~= log2 q, or at of least largest possible q of this bit length
			 :=  >> 1 // ~= log2 sqrt(q)
			for  > 0 && [-1].nbits >  {
				-- // desired
			if [].nbits >=  && [].bbb.cmp() >= 0 {
				if  < 0 {
					panic("internal inconsistency")

			// split q into the two digit number (q'*bbb + r) to form independent subblocks
			,  = .div(, , [].bbb)

			// convert subblocks and collect results in s[:h] and s[h:]
			 := len() - [].ndigits
			.([:], , , , [0:])
			 = [:] // == q.convertWords(s, b, ndigits, bb, table[0:index+1])

	// having split any large blocks now process the remaining (small) block iteratively
	 := len()
	var  Word
	if  == 10 {
		// hard-coding for 10 here speeds this up by 1.25x (allows for / and % by constants)
		for len() > 0 {
			// extract least significant, base bb "digit"
			,  = .divW(, )
			for  := 0;  <  &&  > 0; ++ {
				// avoid % computation since r%10 == r - int(r/10)*10;
				// this appears to be faster for BenchmarkString10000Base10
				// and smaller strings (but a bit slower for larger ones)
				 :=  / 10
				[] = '0' + byte(-*10)
	} else {
		for len() > 0 {
			// extract least significant, base bb "digit"
			,  = .divW(, )
			for  := 0;  <  &&  > 0; ++ {
				[] = digits[%]

	// prepend high-order zeros
	for  > 0 { // while need more leading zeros
		[] = '0'

// Split blocks greater than leafSize Words (or set to 0 to disable recursive conversion)
// Benchmark and configure leafSize using: go test -bench="Leaf"
//	8 and 16 effective on 3.0 GHz Xeon "Clovertown" CPU (128 byte cache lines)
//	8 and 16 effective on 2.66 GHz Core 2 Duo "Penryn" CPU
var leafSize int = 8 // number of Word-size binary values treat as a monolithic block

type divisor struct {
	bbb     nat // divisor
	nbits   int // bit length of divisor (discounting leading zeros) ~= log2(bbb)
	ndigits int // digit length of divisor in terms of output base digits

var cacheBase10 struct {
	table [64]divisor // cached divisors for base 10

// expWW computes x**y
func ( nat) (,  Word) nat {
	return .expNN(nat(nil).setWord(), nat(nil).setWord(), nil, false)

// construct table of powers of bb*leafSize to use in subdivisions.
func ( int,  Word,  int,  Word) []divisor {
	// only compute table when recursive conversion is enabled and x is large
	if leafSize == 0 ||  <= leafSize {
		return nil

	// determine k where (bb**leafSize)**(2**k) >= sqrt(x)
	 := 1
	for  := leafSize;  < >>1 &&  < len(cacheBase10.table);  <<= 1 {

	// reuse and extend existing table of divisors or create new table as appropriate
	var  []divisor // for b == 10, table overlaps with cacheBase10.table
	if  == 10 {
		 = cacheBase10.table[0:] // reuse old table for this conversion
	} else {
		 = make([]divisor, ) // create new table for this conversion

	// extend table
	if [-1].ndigits == 0 {
		// add new entries as needed
		var  nat
		for  := 0;  < ; ++ {
			if [].ndigits == 0 {
				if  == 0 {
					[0].bbb = nat(nil).expWW(, Word(leafSize))
					[0].ndigits =  * leafSize
				} else {
					[].bbb = nat(nil).sqr([-1].bbb)
					[].ndigits = 2 * [-1].ndigits

				// optimization: exploit aggregated extra bits in macro blocks
				 = nat(nil).set([].bbb)
				for mulAddVWW(, , , 0) == 0 {
					[].bbb = [].bbb.set()

				[].nbits = [].bbb.bitLen()

	if  == 10 {
