package qrlogin
import (
type QR struct {
api *tg .Client
appID int
appHash string
migrate func (ctx context .Context , dcID int ) error
clock clock .Clock
func NewQR (api *tg .Client , appID int , appHash string , opts Options ) QR {
opts .setDefaults ()
return QR {
api : api ,
appID : appID ,
appHash : appHash ,
clock : opts .Clock ,
migrate : opts .Migrate ,
func (q QR ) Export (ctx context .Context , exceptIDs ...int64 ) (Token , error ) {
result , err := q .api .AuthExportLoginToken (ctx , &tg .AuthExportLoginTokenRequest {
APIID : q .appID ,
APIHash : q .appHash ,
ExceptIDs : exceptIDs ,
if err != nil {
return Token {}, errors .Wrap (err , "export" )
t , ok := result .(*tg .AuthLoginToken )
if !ok {
return Token {}, errors .Errorf ("unexpected type %T" , result )
return NewToken (t .Token , t .Expires ), nil
func (q QR ) Accept (ctx context .Context , t Token ) (*tg .Authorization , error ) {
return AcceptQR (ctx , q .api , t )
func (q QR ) Import (ctx context .Context ) (*tg .AuthAuthorization , error ) {
result , err := q .api .AuthExportLoginToken (ctx , &tg .AuthExportLoginTokenRequest {
APIID : q .appID ,
APIHash : q .appHash ,
if err != nil {
return nil , errors .Wrap (err , "import" )
switch t := result .(type ) {
case *tg .AuthLoginTokenMigrateTo :
if q .migrate == nil {
return nil , &MigrationNeededError {
MigrateTo : t ,
if err := q .migrate (ctx , t .DCID ); err != nil {
return nil , errors .Wrap (err , "migrate" )
res , err := q .api .AuthImportLoginToken (ctx , t .Token )
if err != nil {
return nil , errors .Wrap (err , "import" )
success , ok := res .(*tg .AuthLoginTokenSuccess )
if !ok {
return nil , errors .Errorf ("unexpected type %T" , res )
auth , ok := success .Authorization .(*tg .AuthAuthorization )
if !ok {
return nil , errors .Errorf ("unexpected type %T" , success .Authorization )
return auth , nil
case *tg .AuthLoginTokenSuccess :
auth , ok := t .Authorization .(*tg .AuthAuthorization )
if !ok {
return nil , errors .Errorf ("unexpected type %T" , t .Authorization )
return auth , nil
default :
return nil , errors .Errorf ("unexpected type %T" , result )
type LoggedIn <-chan struct {}
func OnLoginToken (d interface {
OnLoginToken (tg .LoginTokenHandler )
) LoggedIn {
loggedIn := make (chan struct {})
d .OnLoginToken (func (ctx context .Context , e tg .Entities , update *tg .UpdateLoginToken ) error {
select {
case loggedIn <- struct {}{}:
return nil
default :
return nil
return loggedIn
func (q QR ) Auth (
ctx context .Context ,
loggedIn LoggedIn ,
show func (ctx context .Context , token Token ) error ,
exceptIDs ...int64 ,
) (*tg .AuthAuthorization , error ) {
until := func (token Token ) time .Duration {
return token .Expires ().Sub (q .clock .Now ()).Truncate (time .Second )
token , err := q .Export (ctx , exceptIDs ...)
if err != nil {
return nil , err
timer := q .clock .Timer (until (token ))
defer clock .StopTimer (timer )
for {
if err := show (ctx , token ); err != nil {
return nil , errors .Wrap (err , "show" )
select {
case <- ctx .Done ():
return nil , ctx .Err ()
case <- timer .C ():
t , err := q .Export (ctx , exceptIDs ...)
if err != nil {
return nil , err
token = t
timer .Reset (until (token ))
case <- loggedIn :
return q .Import (ctx )
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
Please follow @Go100and1 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds .