Source File
Belonging Package
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Implementation of (safe) user arenas.
// This file contains the implementation of user arenas wherein Go values can
// be manually allocated and freed in bulk. The act of manually freeing memory,
// potentially before a GC cycle, means that a garbage collection cycle can be
// delayed, improving efficiency by reducing GC cycle frequency. There are other
// potential efficiency benefits, such as improved locality and access to a more
// efficient allocation strategy.
// What makes the arenas here safe is that once they are freed, accessing the
// arena's memory will cause an explicit program fault, and the arena's address
// space will not be reused until no more pointers into it are found. There's one
// exception to this: if an arena allocated memory that isn't exhausted, it's placed
// back into a pool for reuse. This means that a crash is not always guaranteed.
// While this may seem unsafe, it still prevents memory corruption, and is in fact
// necessary in order to make new(T) a valid implementation of arenas. Such a property
// is desirable to allow for a trivial implementation. (It also avoids complexities
// that arise from synchronization with the GC when trying to set the arena chunks to
// fault while the GC is active.)
// The implementation works in layers. At the bottom, arenas are managed in chunks.
// Each chunk must be a multiple of the heap arena size, or the heap arena size must
// be divisible by the arena chunks. The address space for each chunk, and each
// corresponding heapArena for that address space, are eternally reserved for use as
// arena chunks. That is, they can never be used for the general heap. Each chunk
// is also represented by a single mspan, and is modeled as a single large heap
// allocation. It must be, because each chunk contains ordinary Go values that may
// point into the heap, so it must be scanned just like any other object. Any
// pointer into a chunk will therefore always cause the whole chunk to be scanned
// while its corresponding arena is still live.
// Chunks may be allocated either from new memory mapped by the OS on our behalf,
// or by reusing old freed chunks. When chunks are freed, their underlying memory
// is returned to the OS, set to fault on access, and may not be reused until the
// program doesn't point into the chunk anymore (the code refers to this state as
// "quarantined"), a property checked by the GC.
// The sweeper handles moving chunks out of this quarantine state to be ready for
// reuse. When the chunk is placed into the quarantine state, its corresponding
// span is marked as noscan so that the GC doesn't try to scan memory that would
// cause a fault.
// At the next layer are the user arenas themselves. They consist of a single
// active chunk which new Go values are bump-allocated into and a list of chunks
// that were exhausted when allocating into the arena. Once the arena is freed,
// it frees all full chunks it references, and places the active one onto a reuse
// list for a future arena to use. Each arena keeps its list of referenced chunks
// explicitly live until it is freed. Each user arena also maps to an object which
// has a finalizer attached that ensures the arena's chunks are all freed even if
// the arena itself is never explicitly freed.
// Pointer-ful memory is bump-allocated from low addresses to high addresses in each
// chunk, while pointer-free memory is bump-allocated from high address to low
// addresses. The reason for this is to take advantage of a GC optimization wherein
// the GC will stop scanning an object when there are no more pointers in it, which
// also allows us to elide clearing the heap bitmap for pointer-free Go values
// allocated into arenas.
// Note that arenas are not safe to use concurrently.
// In summary, there are 2 resources: arenas, and arena chunks. They exist in the
// following lifecycle:
// (1) A new arena is created via newArena.
// (2) Chunks are allocated to hold memory allocated into the arena with new or slice.
// (a) Chunks are first allocated from the reuse list of partially-used chunks.
// (b) If there are no such chunks, then chunks on the ready list are taken.
// (c) Failing all the above, memory for a new chunk is mapped.
// (3) The arena is freed, or all references to it are dropped, triggering its finalizer.
// (a) If the GC is not active, exhausted chunks are set to fault and placed on a
// quarantine list.
// (b) If the GC is active, exhausted chunks are placed on a fault list and will
// go through step (a) at a later point in time.
// (c) Any remaining partially-used chunk is placed on a reuse list.
// (4) Once no more pointers are found into quarantined arena chunks, the sweeper
// takes these chunks out of quarantine and places them on the ready list.
package runtime
import (
// Functions starting with arena_ are meant to be exported to downstream users
// of arenas. They should wrap these functions in a higher-lever API.
// The underlying arena and its resources are managed through an opaque unsafe.Pointer.
// arena_newArena is a wrapper around newUserArena.
//go:linkname arena_newArena arena.runtime_arena_newArena
func () unsafe.Pointer {
return unsafe.Pointer(newUserArena())
// arena_arena_New is a wrapper around (*userArena).new, except that typ
// is an any (must be a *_type, still) and typ must be a type descriptor
// for a pointer to the type to actually be allocated, i.e. pass a *T
// to allocate a T. This is necessary because this function returns a *T.
//go:linkname arena_arena_New arena.runtime_arena_arena_New
func ( unsafe.Pointer, any) any {
:= (*_type)(efaceOf(&).data)
if .Kind_&kindMask != kindPtr {
throw("arena_New: non-pointer type")
:= (*ptrtype)(unsafe.Pointer()).Elem
:= ((*userArena)()).new()
var any
:= efaceOf(&)
._type =
.data =
// arena_arena_Slice is a wrapper around (*userArena).slice.
//go:linkname arena_arena_Slice arena.runtime_arena_arena_Slice
func ( unsafe.Pointer, any, int) {
((*userArena)()).slice(, )
// arena_arena_Free is a wrapper around (*userArena).free.
//go:linkname arena_arena_Free arena.runtime_arena_arena_Free
func ( unsafe.Pointer) {
// arena_heapify takes a value that lives in an arena and makes a copy
// of it on the heap. Values that don't live in an arena are returned unmodified.
//go:linkname arena_heapify arena.runtime_arena_heapify
func ( any) any {
var unsafe.Pointer
:= efaceOf(&)
:= ._type
switch .Kind_ & kindMask {
case kindString:
= stringStructOf((*string)(.data)).str
case kindSlice:
= (*slice)(.data).array
case kindPtr:
= .data
panic("arena: Clone only supports pointers, slices, and strings")
:= spanOf(uintptr())
if == nil || !.isUserArenaChunk {
// Not stored in a user arena chunk.
// Heap-allocate storage for a copy.
var any
switch .Kind_ & kindMask {
case kindString:
:= .(string)
, := rawstring(len())
copy(, )
case kindSlice:
:= (*slice)(.data).len
:= (*slicetype)(unsafe.Pointer()).Elem
:= new(slice)
* = slice{makeslicecopy(, , , (*slice)(.data).array), , }
:= efaceOf(&)
._type =
.data = unsafe.Pointer()
case kindPtr:
:= (*ptrtype)(unsafe.Pointer()).Elem
:= newobject()
typedmemmove(, , .data)
:= efaceOf(&)
._type =
.data =
const (
// userArenaChunkBytes is the size of a user arena chunk.
userArenaChunkBytesMax = 8 << 20
userArenaChunkBytes = uintptr(int64(userArenaChunkBytesMax-heapArenaBytes)&(int64(userArenaChunkBytesMax-heapArenaBytes)>>63) + heapArenaBytes) // min(userArenaChunkBytesMax, heapArenaBytes)
// userArenaChunkPages is the number of pages a user arena chunk uses.
userArenaChunkPages = userArenaChunkBytes / pageSize
// userArenaChunkMaxAllocBytes is the maximum size of an object that can
// be allocated from an arena. This number is chosen to cap worst-case
// fragmentation of user arenas to 25%. Larger allocations are redirected
// to the heap.
userArenaChunkMaxAllocBytes = userArenaChunkBytes / 4
func () {
if userArenaChunkPages*pageSize != userArenaChunkBytes {
throw("user arena chunk size is not a multiple of the page size")
if userArenaChunkBytes%physPageSize != 0 {
throw("user arena chunk size is not a multiple of the physical page size")
if userArenaChunkBytes < heapArenaBytes {
if heapArenaBytes%userArenaChunkBytes != 0 {
throw("user arena chunk size is smaller than a heap arena, but doesn't divide it")
} else {
if userArenaChunkBytes%heapArenaBytes != 0 {
throw("user arena chunks size is larger than a heap arena, but not a multiple")
lockInit(&userArenaState.lock, lockRankUserArenaState)
type userArena struct {
// full is a list of full chunks that have not enough free memory left, and
// that we'll free once this user arena is freed.
// Can't use mSpanList here because it's not-in-heap.
fullList *mspan
// active is the user arena chunk we're currently allocating into.
active *mspan
// refs is a set of references to the arena chunks so that they're kept alive.
// The last reference in the list always refers to active, while the rest of
// them correspond to fullList. Specifically, the head of fullList is the
// second-to-last one, is the third-to-last, and so on.
// In other words, every time a new chunk becomes active, its appended to this
// list.
refs []unsafe.Pointer
// defunct is true if free has been called on this arena.
// This is just a best-effort way to discover a concurrent allocation
// and free. Also used to detect a double-free.
defunct atomic.Bool
// newUserArena creates a new userArena ready to be used.
func () *userArena {
:= new(userArena)
SetFinalizer(, func( *userArena) {
// If arena handle is dropped without being freed, then call
// free on the arena, so the arena chunks are never reclaimed
// by the garbage collector.
// new allocates a new object of the provided type into the arena, and returns
// its pointer.
// This operation is not safe to call concurrently with other operations on the
// same arena.
func ( *userArena) ( *_type) unsafe.Pointer {
return .alloc(, -1)
// slice allocates a new slice backing store. slice must be a pointer to a slice
// (i.e. *[]T), because userArenaSlice will update the slice directly.
// cap determines the capacity of the slice backing store and must be non-negative.
// This operation is not safe to call concurrently with other operations on the
// same arena.
func ( *userArena) ( any, int) {
if < 0 {
panic("userArena.slice: negative cap")
:= efaceOf(&)
:= ._type
if .Kind_&kindMask != kindPtr {
panic("slice result of non-ptr type")
= (*ptrtype)(unsafe.Pointer()).Elem
if .Kind_&kindMask != kindSlice {
panic("slice of non-ptr-to-slice type")
= (*slicetype)(unsafe.Pointer()).Elem
// t is now the element type of the slice we want to allocate.
*((*slice)(.data)) = slice{.alloc(, ), , }
// free returns the userArena's chunks back to mheap and marks it as defunct.
// Must be called at most once for any given arena.
// This operation is not safe to call concurrently with other operations on the
// same arena.
func ( *userArena) () {
// Check for a double-free.
if .defunct.Load() {
panic("arena double free")
// Mark ourselves as defunct.
SetFinalizer(, nil)
// Free all the full arenas.
// The refs on this list are in reverse order from the second-to-last.
:= .fullList
:= len(.refs) - 2
for != nil {
.fullList = .next
.next = nil
freeUserArenaChunk(, .refs[])
= .fullList
if .fullList != nil || >= 0 {
// There's still something left on the full list, or we
// failed to actually iterate over the entire refs list.
throw("full list doesn't match refs list in length")
// Put the active chunk onto the reuse list.
// Note that active's reference is always the last reference in refs.
= .active
if != nil {
if raceenabled || msanenabled || asanenabled {
// Don't reuse arenas with sanitizers enabled. We want to catch
// any use-after-free errors aggressively.
freeUserArenaChunk(, .refs[len(.refs)-1])
} else {
userArenaState.reuse = append(userArenaState.reuse, liveUserArenaChunk{, .refs[len(.refs)-1]})
// nil out so that a race with freeing will more likely cause a crash.
.active = nil
.refs = nil
// alloc reserves space in the current chunk or calls refill and reserves space
// in a new chunk. If cap is negative, the type will be taken literally, otherwise
// it will be considered as an element type for a slice backing store with capacity
// cap.
func ( *userArena) ( *_type, int) unsafe.Pointer {
:= .active
var unsafe.Pointer
for {
= .userArenaNextFree(, )
if != nil {
= .refill()
// refill inserts the current arena chunk onto the full list and obtains a new
// one, either from the partial list or allocating a new one, both from mheap.
func ( *userArena) () *mspan {
// If there's an active chunk, assume it's full.
:= .active
if != nil {
if .userArenaChunkFree.size() > userArenaChunkMaxAllocBytes {
// It's difficult to tell when we're actually out of memory
// in a chunk because the allocation that failed may still leave
// some free space available. However, that amount of free space
// should never exceed the maximum allocation size.
throw("wasted too much memory in an arena chunk")
.next = .fullList
.fullList =
.active = nil
= nil
var unsafe.Pointer
// Check the partially-used list.
if len(userArenaState.reuse) > 0 {
// Pick off the last arena chunk from the list.
:= len(userArenaState.reuse) - 1
= userArenaState.reuse[].x
= userArenaState.reuse[].mspan
userArenaState.reuse[].x = nil
userArenaState.reuse[].mspan = nil
userArenaState.reuse = userArenaState.reuse[:]
if == nil {
// Allocate a new one.
, = newUserArenaChunk()
if == nil {
throw("out of memory")
.refs = append(.refs, )
.active =
type liveUserArenaChunk struct {
*mspan // Must represent a user arena chunk.
// Reference to mspan.base() to keep the chunk alive.
x unsafe.Pointer
var userArenaState struct {
lock mutex
// reuse contains a list of partially-used and already-live
// user arena chunks that can be quickly reused for another
// arena.
// Protected by lock.
reuse []liveUserArenaChunk
// fault contains full user arena chunks that need to be faulted.
// Protected by lock.
fault []liveUserArenaChunk
// userArenaNextFree reserves space in the user arena for an item of the specified
// type. If cap is not -1, this is for an array of cap elements of type t.
func ( *mspan) ( *_type, int) unsafe.Pointer {
:= .Size_
if > 0 {
if > ^uintptr(0)/uintptr() {
// Overflow.
throw("out of memory")
*= uintptr()
if == 0 || == 0 {
return unsafe.Pointer(&zerobase)
if > userArenaChunkMaxAllocBytes {
// Redirect allocations that don't fit into a chunk well directly
// from the heap.
if >= 0 {
return newarray(, )
return newobject()
// Prevent preemption as we set up the space for a new object.
// Act like we're allocating.
:= acquirem()
if .mallocing != 0 {
throw("malloc deadlock")
if .gsignal == getg() {
throw("malloc during signal")
.mallocing = 1
var unsafe.Pointer
if .PtrBytes == 0 {
// Allocate pointer-less objects from the tail end of the chunk.
, := .userArenaChunkFree.takeFromBack(, .Align_)
if {
= unsafe.Pointer()
} else {
, := .userArenaChunkFree.takeFromFront(, .Align_)
if {
= unsafe.Pointer()
if == nil {
// Failed to allocate.
.mallocing = 0
return nil
if .needzero != 0 {
throw("arena chunk needs zeroing, but should already be zeroed")
// Set up heap bitmap and do extra accounting.
if .PtrBytes != 0 {
if >= 0 {
userArenaHeapBitsSetSliceType(, , , .base())
} else {
userArenaHeapBitsSetType(, , .base())
:= getMCache()
if == nil {
throw("mallocgc called without a P or outside bootstrapping")
if > 0 {
.scanAlloc += - (.Size_ - .PtrBytes)
} else {
.scanAlloc += .PtrBytes
// Ensure that the stores above that initialize x to
// type-safe memory and set the heap bits occur before
// the caller can make ptr observable to the garbage
// collector. Otherwise, on weakly ordered machines,
// the garbage collector could follow a pointer to x,
// but see uninitialized memory or stale heap bits.
.mallocing = 0
// userArenaHeapBitsSetType is the equivalent of heapBitsSetType but for
// non-slice-backing-store Go values allocated in a user arena chunk. It
// sets up the heap bitmap for the value with type typ allocated at address ptr.
// base is the base address of the arena chunk.
func ( *_type, unsafe.Pointer, uintptr) {
:= writeHeapBitsForAddr(uintptr())
// Our last allocation might have ended right at a noMorePtrs mark,
// which we would not have erased. We need to erase that mark here,
// because we're going to start adding new heap bitmap bits.
// We only need to clear one mark, because below we make sure to
// pad out the bits with zeroes and only write one noMorePtrs bit
// for each new object.
// (This is only necessary at noMorePtrs boundaries, as noMorePtrs
// marks within an object allocated with newAt will be erased by
// the normal writeHeapBitsForAddr mechanism.)
// Note that we skip this if this is the first allocation in the
// arena because there's definitely no previous noMorePtrs mark
// (in fact, we *must* do this, because we're going to try to back
// up a pointer to fix this up).
if uintptr()%(8*goarch.PtrSize*goarch.PtrSize) == 0 && uintptr() != {
// Back up one pointer and rewrite that pointer. That will
// cause the writeHeapBits implementation to clear the
// noMorePtrs bit we need to clear.
:= heapBitsForAddr(uintptr()-goarch.PtrSize, goarch.PtrSize)
, := .next()
:= uintptr(0)
if == uintptr()-goarch.PtrSize {
= 1
= writeHeapBitsForAddr(uintptr() - goarch.PtrSize)
= .write(, 1)
:= .GCData // start of 1-bit pointer mask (or GC program)
var uintptr
if .Kind_&kindGCProg != 0 {
// Expand gc program, using the object itself for storage.
= runGCProg(addb(, 4), (*byte)())
= (*byte)()
:= .PtrBytes / goarch.PtrSize
for := uintptr(0); < ; += ptrBits {
:= -
if > ptrBits {
= ptrBits
= .write(readUintptr(addb(, /8)), )
// Note: we call pad here to ensure we emit explicit 0 bits
// for the pointerless tail of the object. This ensures that
// there's only a single noMorePtrs mark for the next object
// to clear. We don't need to do this to clear stale noMorePtrs
// markers from previous uses because arena chunk pointer bitmaps
// are always fully cleared when reused.
= .pad(.Size_ - .PtrBytes)
.flush(uintptr(), .Size_)
if .Kind_&kindGCProg != 0 {
// Zero out temporary ptrmask buffer inside object.
memclrNoHeapPointers(, (+7)/8)
// Double-check that the bitmap was written out correctly.
// Derived from heapBitsSetType.
const = false
if {
:= .Size_
:= uintptr()
:= heapBitsForAddr(, )
for := uintptr(0); < ; += goarch.PtrSize {
// Compute the pointer bit we want at offset i.
:= false
:= % .Size_
if < .PtrBytes {
:= / goarch.PtrSize
= *addb(.GCData, /8)>>(%8)&1 != 0
if {
var uintptr
, = .next()
if != + {
throw("userArenaHeapBitsSetType: pointer entry not correct")
if , := .next(); != 0 {
throw("userArenaHeapBitsSetType: extra pointer")
// userArenaHeapBitsSetSliceType is the equivalent of heapBitsSetType but for
// Go slice backing store values allocated in a user arena chunk. It sets up the
// heap bitmap for n consecutive values with type typ allocated at address ptr.
func ( *_type, int, unsafe.Pointer, uintptr) {
, := math.MulUintptr(.Size_, uintptr())
if || < 0 || > maxAlloc {
panic(plainError("runtime: allocation size out of range"))
for := 0; < ; ++ {
userArenaHeapBitsSetType(, add(, uintptr()*.Size_), )
// newUserArenaChunk allocates a user arena chunk, which maps to a single
// heap arena and single span. Returns a pointer to the base of the chunk
// (this is really important: we need to keep the chunk alive) and the span.
func () (unsafe.Pointer, *mspan) {
if gcphase == _GCmarktermination {
throw("newUserArenaChunk called with gcphase == _GCmarktermination")
// Deduct assist credit. Because user arena chunks are modeled as one
// giant heap object which counts toward heapLive, we're obligated to
// assist the GC proportionally (and it's worth noting that the arena
// does represent additional work for the GC, but we also have no idea
// what that looks like until we actually allocate things into the
// arena).
// Set mp.mallocing to keep from being preempted by GC.
:= acquirem()
if .mallocing != 0 {
throw("malloc deadlock")
if .gsignal == getg() {
throw("malloc during signal")
.mallocing = 1
// Allocate a new user arena.
var *mspan
systemstack(func() {
= mheap_.allocUserArenaChunk()
if == nil {
throw("out of memory")
:= unsafe.Pointer(.base())
// Allocate black during GC.
// All slots hold nil so no scanning is needed.
// This may be racing with GC so do it atomically if there can be
// a race marking the bit.
if gcphase != _GCoff {
gcmarknewobject(, .base(), .elemsize)
if raceenabled {
// TODO(mknyszek): Track individual objects.
racemalloc(unsafe.Pointer(.base()), .elemsize)
if msanenabled {
// TODO(mknyszek): Track individual objects.
msanmalloc(unsafe.Pointer(.base()), .elemsize)
if asanenabled {
// TODO(mknyszek): Track individual objects.
:= computeRZlog(.elemsize)
.elemsize -=
.limit -=
.userArenaChunkFree = makeAddrRange(.base(), .limit)
asanpoison(unsafe.Pointer(.limit), .npages*pageSize-.elemsize)
asanunpoison(unsafe.Pointer(.base()), .elemsize)
if := MemProfileRate; > 0 {
:= getMCache()
if == nil {
throw("newUserArenaChunk called without a P or outside bootstrapping")
// Note cache c only valid while m acquired; see #47302
if != 1 && userArenaChunkBytes < .nextSample {
.nextSample -= userArenaChunkBytes
} else {
profilealloc(, unsafe.Pointer(.base()), userArenaChunkBytes)
.mallocing = 0
// Again, because this chunk counts toward heapLive, potentially trigger a GC.
if := (gcTrigger{kind: gcTriggerHeap}); .test() {
if debug.malloc {
if debug.allocfreetrace != 0 {
tracealloc(unsafe.Pointer(.base()), userArenaChunkBytes, nil)
if && == getg().goid {
// Init functions are executed sequentially in a single goroutine.
inittrace.bytes += uint64(userArenaChunkBytes)
// Double-check it's aligned to the physical page size. Based on the current
// implementation this is trivially true, but it need not be in the future.
// However, if it's not aligned to the physical page size then we can't properly
// set it to fault later.
if uintptr()%physPageSize != 0 {
throw("user arena chunk is not aligned to the physical page size")
return ,
// isUnusedUserArenaChunk indicates that the arena chunk has been set to fault
// and doesn't contain any scannable memory anymore. However, it might still be
// mSpanInUse as it sits on the quarantine list, since it needs to be swept.
// This is not safe to execute unless the caller has ownership of the mspan or
// the world is stopped (preemption is prevented while the relevant state changes).
// This is really only meant to be used by accounting tests in the runtime to
// distinguish when a span shouldn't be counted (since mSpanInUse might not be
// enough).
func ( *mspan) () bool {
return .isUserArenaChunk && .spanclass == makeSpanClass(0, true)
// setUserArenaChunkToFault sets the address space for the user arena chunk to fault
// and releases any underlying memory resources.
// Must be in a non-preemptible state to ensure the consistency of statistics
// exported to MemStats.
func ( *mspan) () {
if !.isUserArenaChunk {
throw("invalid span in heapArena for user arena")
if .npages*pageSize != userArenaChunkBytes {
throw("span on userArena.faultList has invalid size")
// Update the span class to be noscan. What we want to happen is that
// any pointer into the span keeps it from getting recycled, so we want
// the mark bit to get set, but we're about to set the address space to fault,
// so we have to prevent the GC from scanning this memory.
// It's OK to set it here because (1) a GC isn't in progress, so the scanning code
// won't make a bad decision, (2) we're currently non-preemptible and in the runtime,
// so a GC is blocked from starting. We might race with sweeping, which could
// put it on the "wrong" sweep list, but really don't care because the chunk is
// treated as a large object span and there's no meaningful difference between scan
// and noscan large objects in the sweeper. The STW at the start of the GC acts as a
// barrier for this update.
.spanclass = makeSpanClass(0, true)
// Actually set the arena chunk to fault, so we'll get dangling pointer errors.
// sysFault currently uses a method on each OS that forces it to evacuate all
// memory backing the chunk.
sysFault(unsafe.Pointer(.base()), .npages*pageSize)
// Everything on the list is counted as in-use, however sysFault transitions to
// Reserved, not Prepared, so we skip updating heapFree or heapReleased and just
// remove the memory from the total altogether; it's just address space now.
gcController.heapInUse.add(-int64(.npages * pageSize))
// Count this as a free of an object right now as opposed to when
// the span gets off the quarantine list. The main reason is so that the
// amount of bytes allocated doesn't exceed how much is counted as
// "mapped ready," which could cause a deadlock in the pacer.
gcController.totalFree.Add(int64(.npages * pageSize))
// Update consistent stats to match.
// We're non-preemptible, so it's safe to update consistent stats (our P
// won't change out from under us).
:= memstats.heapStats.acquire()
atomic.Xaddint64(&.committed, -int64(.npages*pageSize))
atomic.Xaddint64(&.inHeap, -int64(.npages*pageSize))
atomic.Xadd64(&.largeFreeCount, 1)
atomic.Xadd64(&.largeFree, int64(.npages*pageSize))
// This counts as a free, so update heapLive.
gcController.update(-int64(.npages*pageSize), 0)
// Mark it as free for the race detector.
if raceenabled {
racefree(unsafe.Pointer(.base()), .elemsize)
systemstack(func() {
// Add the user arena to the quarantine list.
// inUserArenaChunk returns true if p points to a user arena chunk.
func ( uintptr) bool {
:= spanOf()
if == nil {
return false
return .isUserArenaChunk
// freeUserArenaChunk releases the user arena represented by s back to the runtime.
// x must be a live pointer within s.
// The runtime will set the user arena to fault once it's safe (the GC is no longer running)
// and then once the user arena is no longer referenced by the application, will allow it to
// be reused.
func ( *mspan, unsafe.Pointer) {
if !.isUserArenaChunk {
throw("span is not for a user arena")
if .npages*pageSize != userArenaChunkBytes {
throw("invalid user arena span size")
// Mark the region as free to various santizers immediately instead
// of handling them at sweep time.
if raceenabled {
racefree(unsafe.Pointer(.base()), .elemsize)
if msanenabled {
msanfree(unsafe.Pointer(.base()), .elemsize)
if asanenabled {
asanpoison(unsafe.Pointer(.base()), .elemsize)
// Make ourselves non-preemptible as we manipulate state and statistics.
// Also required by setUserArenaChunksToFault.
:= acquirem()
// We can only set user arenas to fault if we're in the _GCoff phase.
if gcphase == _GCoff {
:= userArenaState.fault
userArenaState.fault = nil
for , := range {
// Until the chunks are set to fault, keep them alive via the fault list.
} else {
// Put the user arena on the fault list.
userArenaState.fault = append(userArenaState.fault, liveUserArenaChunk{, })
// allocUserArenaChunk attempts to reuse a free user arena chunk represented
// as a span.
// Must be in a non-preemptible state to ensure the consistency of statistics
// exported to MemStats.
// Acquires the heap lock. Must run on the system stack for that reason.
func ( *mheap) () *mspan {
var *mspan
var uintptr
// First check the free list.
if !.userArena.readyList.isEmpty() {
= .userArena.readyList.first
= .base()
} else {
// Free list was empty, so allocate a new arena.
:= &.userArena.arenaHints
if raceenabled {
// In race mode just use the regular heap hints. We might fragment
// the address space, but the race detector requires that the heap
// is mapped contiguously.
= &.arenaHints
, := .sysAlloc(userArenaChunkBytes, , false)
if %userArenaChunkBytes != 0 {
throw("sysAlloc size is not divisible by userArenaChunkBytes")
if > userArenaChunkBytes {
// We got more than we asked for. This can happen if
// heapArenaSize > userArenaChunkSize, or if sysAlloc just returns
// some extra as a result of trying to find an aligned region.
// Divide it up and put it on the ready list.
for := uintptr(userArenaChunkBytes); < ; += userArenaChunkBytes {
:= .allocMSpanLocked()
.init(uintptr()+, userArenaChunkPages)
= userArenaChunkBytes
= uintptr()
if == 0 {
// Out of memory.
return nil
= .allocMSpanLocked()
// sysAlloc returns Reserved address space, and any span we're
// reusing is set to fault (so, also Reserved), so transition
// it to Prepared and then Ready.
// Unlike (*mheap).grow, just map in everything that we
// asked for. We're likely going to use it all.
sysMap(unsafe.Pointer(), userArenaChunkBytes, &gcController.heapReleased)
sysUsed(unsafe.Pointer(), userArenaChunkBytes, userArenaChunkBytes)
// Model the user arena as a heap span for a large object.
:= makeSpanClass(0, false)
.initSpan(, spanAllocHeap, , , userArenaChunkPages)
.isUserArenaChunk = true
// Account for this new arena chunk memory.
:= memstats.heapStats.acquire()
atomic.Xaddint64(&.inHeap, int64(userArenaChunkBytes))
atomic.Xaddint64(&.committed, int64(userArenaChunkBytes))
// Model the arena as a single large malloc.
atomic.Xadd64(&.largeAlloc, int64(userArenaChunkBytes))
atomic.Xadd64(&.largeAllocCount, 1)
// Count the alloc in inconsistent, internal stats.
// Update heapLive.
gcController.update(int64(userArenaChunkBytes), 0)
// Put the large span in the mcentral swept list so that it's
// visible to the background sweeper.
.limit = .base() + userArenaChunkBytes
.freeindex = 1
.allocCount = 1
// This must clear the entire heap bitmap so that it's safe
// to allocate noscan data without writing anything out.
// Clear the span preemptively. It's an arena chunk, so let's assume
// everything is going to be used.
// This also seems to make a massive difference as to whether or
// not Linux decides to back this memory with transparent huge
// pages. There's latency involved in this zeroing, but the hugepage
// gains are almost always worth it. Note: it's important that we
// clear even if it's freshly mapped and we know there's no point
// to zeroing as *that* is the critical signal to use huge pages.
memclrNoHeapPointers(unsafe.Pointer(.base()), .elemsize)
.needzero = 0
.freeIndexForScan = 1
// Set up the range for allocation.
.userArenaChunkFree = makeAddrRange(, .limit)
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The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7. (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64) Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu. PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list. Please follow @Go100and1 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds. |