Source File
Belonging Package
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Cgo call and callback support.
// To call into the C function f from Go, the cgo-generated code calls
// runtime.cgocall(_cgo_Cfunc_f, frame), where _cgo_Cfunc_f is a
// gcc-compiled function written by cgo.
// runtime.cgocall (below) calls entersyscall so as not to block
// other goroutines or the garbage collector, and then calls
// runtime.asmcgocall(_cgo_Cfunc_f, frame).
// runtime.asmcgocall (in asm_$GOARCH.s) switches to the m->g0 stack
// (assumed to be an operating system-allocated stack, so safe to run
// gcc-compiled code on) and calls _cgo_Cfunc_f(frame).
// _cgo_Cfunc_f invokes the actual C function f with arguments
// taken from the frame structure, records the results in the frame,
// and returns to runtime.asmcgocall.
// After it regains control, runtime.asmcgocall switches back to the
// original g (m->curg)'s stack and returns to runtime.cgocall.
// After it regains control, runtime.cgocall calls exitsyscall, which blocks
// until this m can run Go code without violating the $GOMAXPROCS limit,
// and then unlocks g from m.
// The above description skipped over the possibility of the gcc-compiled
// function f calling back into Go. If that happens, we continue down
// the rabbit hole during the execution of f.
// To make it possible for gcc-compiled C code to call a Go function p.GoF,
// cgo writes a gcc-compiled function named GoF (not p.GoF, since gcc doesn't
// know about packages). The gcc-compiled C function f calls GoF.
// GoF initializes "frame", a structure containing all of its
// arguments and slots for p.GoF's results. It calls
// crosscall2(_cgoexp_GoF, frame, framesize, ctxt) using the gcc ABI.
// crosscall2 (in cgo/asm_$GOARCH.s) is a four-argument adapter from
// the gcc function call ABI to the gc function call ABI. At this
// point we're in the Go runtime, but we're still running on m.g0's
// stack and outside the $GOMAXPROCS limit. crosscall2 calls
// runtime.cgocallback(_cgoexp_GoF, frame, ctxt) using the gc ABI.
// (crosscall2's framesize argument is no longer used, but there's one
// case where SWIG calls crosscall2 directly and expects to pass this
// argument. See _cgo_panic.)
// runtime.cgocallback (in asm_$GOARCH.s) switches from m.g0's stack
// to the original g (m.curg)'s stack, on which it calls
// runtime.cgocallbackg(_cgoexp_GoF, frame, ctxt). As part of the
// stack switch, runtime.cgocallback saves the current SP as
// m.g0.sched.sp, so that any use of m.g0's stack during the execution
// of the callback will be done below the existing stack frames.
// Before overwriting m.g0.sched.sp, it pushes the old value on the
// m.g0 stack, so that it can be restored later.
// runtime.cgocallbackg (below) is now running on a real goroutine
// stack (not an m.g0 stack). First it calls runtime.exitsyscall, which will
// block until the $GOMAXPROCS limit allows running this goroutine.
// Once exitsyscall has returned, it is safe to do things like call the memory
// allocator or invoke the Go callback function. runtime.cgocallbackg
// first defers a function to unwind m.g0.sched.sp, so that if p.GoF
// panics, m.g0.sched.sp will be restored to its old value: the m.g0 stack
// and the m.curg stack will be unwound in lock step.
// Then it calls _cgoexp_GoF(frame).
// _cgoexp_GoF, which was generated by cmd/cgo, unpacks the arguments
// from frame, calls p.GoF, writes the results back to frame, and
// returns. Now we start unwinding this whole process.
// runtime.cgocallbackg pops but does not execute the deferred
// function to unwind m.g0.sched.sp, calls runtime.entersyscall, and
// returns to runtime.cgocallback.
// After it regains control, runtime.cgocallback switches back to
// m.g0's stack (the pointer is still in m.g0.sched.sp), restores the old
// m.g0.sched.sp value from the stack, and returns to crosscall2.
// crosscall2 restores the callee-save registers for gcc and returns
// to GoF, which unpacks any result values and returns to f.
package runtime
import (
// Addresses collected in a cgo backtrace when crashing.
// Length must match arg.Max in x_cgo_callers in runtime/cgo/gcc_traceback.c.
type cgoCallers [32]uintptr
// argset matches runtime/cgo/linux_syscall.c:argset_t
type argset struct {
args unsafe.Pointer
retval uintptr
// wrapper for syscall package to call cgocall for libc (cgo) calls.
//go:linkname syscall_cgocaller syscall.cgocaller
func ( unsafe.Pointer, ...uintptr) uintptr {
:= argset{args: unsafe.Pointer(&[0])}
cgocall(, unsafe.Pointer(&))
return .retval
var ncgocall uint64 // number of cgo calls in total for dead m
// Call from Go to C.
// This must be nosplit because it's used for syscalls on some
// platforms. Syscalls may have untyped arguments on the stack, so
// it's not safe to grow or scan the stack.
func (, unsafe.Pointer) int32 {
if !iscgo && GOOS != "solaris" && GOOS != "illumos" && GOOS != "windows" {
throw("cgocall unavailable")
if == nil {
throw("cgocall nil")
if raceenabled {
:= getg().m
// Reset traceback.
.cgoCallers[0] = 0
// Announce we are entering a system call
// so that the scheduler knows to create another
// M to run goroutines while we are in the
// foreign code.
// The call to asmcgocall is guaranteed not to
// grow the stack and does not allocate memory,
// so it is safe to call while "in a system call", outside
// the $GOMAXPROCS accounting.
// fn may call back into Go code, in which case we'll exit the
// "system call", run the Go code (which may grow the stack),
// and then re-enter the "system call" reusing the PC and SP
// saved by entersyscall here.
// Tell asynchronous preemption that we're entering external
// code. We do this after entersyscall because this may block
// and cause an async preemption to fail, but at this point a
// sync preemption will succeed (though this is not a matter
// of correctness).
.incgo = true
// We use ncgo as a check during execution tracing for whether there is
// any C on the call stack, which there will be after this point. If
// there isn't, we can use frame pointer unwinding to collect call
// stacks efficiently. This will be the case for the first Go-to-C call
// on a stack, so it's prefereable to update it here, after we emit a
// trace event in entersyscall above.
:= asmcgocall(, )
// Update accounting before exitsyscall because exitsyscall may
// reschedule us on to a different M.
.incgo = false
// Note that raceacquire must be called only after exitsyscall has
// wired this M to a P.
if raceenabled {
// From the garbage collector's perspective, time can move
// backwards in the sequence above. If there's a callback into
// Go code, GC will see this function at the call to
// asmcgocall. When the Go call later returns to C, the
// syscall PC/SP is rolled back and the GC sees this function
// back at the call to entersyscall. Normally, fn and arg
// would be live at entersyscall and dead at asmcgocall, so if
// time moved backwards, GC would see these arguments as dead
// and then live. Prevent these undead arguments from crashing
// GC by forcing them to stay live across this time warp.
// Call from C back to Go. fn must point to an ABIInternal Go entry-point.
func (, unsafe.Pointer, uintptr) {
:= getg()
if != .m.curg {
println("runtime: bad g in cgocallback")
// The call from C is on gp.m's g0 stack, so we must ensure
// that we stay on that M. We have to do this before calling
// exitsyscall, since it would otherwise be free to move us to
// a different M. The call to unlockOSThread is in unwindm.
:= .m
// Save current syscall parameters, so m.syscall can be
// used again if callback decide to make syscall.
:= .m.syscall
// entersyscall saves the caller's SP to allow the GC to trace the Go
// stack. However, since we're returning to an earlier stack frame and
// need to pair with the entersyscall() call made by cgocall, we must
// save syscall* and let reentersyscall restore them.
:= unsafe.Pointer(.syscallsp)
:= .syscallpc
exitsyscall() // coming out of cgo call
.m.incgo = false
if .m.isextra {
.m.isExtraInC = false
cgocallbackg1(, , ) // will call unlockOSThread
// At this point unlockOSThread has been called.
// The following code must not change to a different m.
// This is enforced by checking incgo in the schedule function.
.m.incgo = true
if .m.isextra {
.m.isExtraInC = true
if .m != {
throw("m changed unexpectedly in cgocallbackg")
// going back to cgo call
reentersyscall(, uintptr())
.m.syscall =
func (, unsafe.Pointer, uintptr) {
:= getg()
// When we return, undo the call to lockOSThread in cgocallbackg.
// We must still stay on the same m.
defer unlockOSThread()
if .m.needextram || extraMWaiters.Load() > 0 {
.m.needextram = false
if != 0 {
:= append(.cgoCtxt, )
// Now we need to set gp.cgoCtxt = s, but we could get
// a SIGPROF signal while manipulating the slice, and
// the SIGPROF handler could pick up gp.cgoCtxt while
// tracing up the stack. We need to ensure that the
// handler always sees a valid slice, so set the
// values in an order such that it always does.
:= (*slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&.cgoCtxt))
atomicstorep(unsafe.Pointer(&.array), unsafe.Pointer(&[0]))
.cap = cap()
.len = len()
defer func( *g) {
// Decrease the length of the slice by one, safely.
:= (*slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&.cgoCtxt))
if .m.ncgo == 0 {
// The C call to Go came from a thread not currently running
// any Go. In the case of -buildmode=c-archive or c-shared,
// this call may be coming in before package initialization
// is complete. Wait until it is.
// Check whether the profiler needs to be turned on or off; this route to
// run Go code does not use runtime.execute, so bypasses the check there.
:= sched.profilehz
if .m.profilehz != {
// Add entry to defer stack in case of panic.
:= true
defer unwindm(&)
if raceenabled {
// Invoke callback. This function is generated by cmd/cgo and
// will unpack the argument frame and call the Go function.
var func( unsafe.Pointer)
:= funcval{uintptr()}
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&)) = noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&))
if raceenabled {
// Do not unwind m->g0->sched.sp.
// Our caller, cgocallback, will do that.
= false
func ( *bool) {
if * {
// Restore sp saved by cgocallback during
// unwind of g's stack (see comment at top of file).
:= acquirem()
:= &.g0.sched
.sp = *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(.sp + alignUp(sys.MinFrameSize, sys.StackAlign)))
// Do the accounting that cgocall will not have a chance to do
// during an unwind.
// In the case where a Go call originates from C, ncgo is 0
// and there is no matching cgocall to end.
if .ncgo > 0 {
.incgo = false
// called from assembly.
func () {
throw("misaligned stack in cgocallback")
// called from (incomplete) assembly.
func () {
throw("cgo not implemented")
var racecgosync uint64 // represents possible synchronization in C code
// Pointer checking for cgo code.
// We want to detect all cases where a program that does not use
// unsafe makes a cgo call passing a Go pointer to memory that
// contains an unpinned Go pointer. Here a Go pointer is defined as a
// pointer to memory allocated by the Go runtime. Programs that use
// unsafe can evade this restriction easily, so we don't try to catch
// them. The cgo program will rewrite all possibly bad pointer
// arguments to call cgoCheckPointer, where we can catch cases of a Go
// pointer pointing to an unpinned Go pointer.
// Complicating matters, taking the address of a slice or array
// element permits the C program to access all elements of the slice
// or array. In that case we will see a pointer to a single element,
// but we need to check the entire data structure.
// The cgoCheckPointer call takes additional arguments indicating that
// it was called on an address expression. An additional argument of
// true means that it only needs to check a single element. An
// additional argument of a slice or array means that it needs to
// check the entire slice/array, but nothing else. Otherwise, the
// pointer could be anything, and we check the entire heap object,
// which is conservative but safe.
// When and if we implement a moving garbage collector,
// cgoCheckPointer will pin the pointer for the duration of the cgo
// call. (This is necessary but not sufficient; the cgo program will
// also have to change to pin Go pointers that cannot point to Go
// pointers.)
// cgoCheckPointer checks if the argument contains a Go pointer that
// points to an unpinned Go pointer, and panics if it does.
func ( any, any) {
if !goexperiment.CgoCheck2 && debug.cgocheck == 0 {
:= efaceOf(&)
:= ._type
:= true
if != nil && (.Kind_&kindMask == kindPtr || .Kind_&kindMask == kindUnsafePointer) {
:= .data
if .Kind_&kindDirectIface == 0 {
= *(*unsafe.Pointer)()
if == nil || !cgoIsGoPointer() {
:= efaceOf(&)
switch ._type.Kind_ & kindMask {
case kindBool:
if .Kind_&kindMask == kindUnsafePointer {
// We don't know the type of the element.
:= (*ptrtype)(unsafe.Pointer())
cgoCheckArg(.Elem, , true, false, cgoCheckPointerFail)
case kindSlice:
// Check the slice rather than the pointer.
= ._type
case kindArray:
// Check the array rather than the pointer.
// Pass top as false since we have a pointer
// to the array.
= ._type
= false
throw("can't happen")
cgoCheckArg(, .data, .Kind_&kindDirectIface == 0, , cgoCheckPointerFail)
const cgoCheckPointerFail = "cgo argument has Go pointer to unpinned Go pointer"
const cgoResultFail = "cgo result has Go pointer"
// cgoCheckArg is the real work of cgoCheckPointer. The argument p
// is either a pointer to the value (of type t), or the value itself,
// depending on indir. The top parameter is whether we are at the top
// level, where Go pointers are allowed. Go pointers to pinned objects are
// always allowed.
func ( *_type, unsafe.Pointer, , bool, string) {
if .PtrBytes == 0 || == nil {
// If the type has no pointers there is nothing to do.
switch .Kind_ & kindMask {
throw("can't happen")
case kindArray:
:= (*arraytype)(unsafe.Pointer())
if ! {
if .Len != 1 {
throw("can't happen")
(.Elem, , .Elem.Kind_&kindDirectIface == 0, , )
for := uintptr(0); < .Len; ++ {
(.Elem, , true, , )
= add(, .Elem.Size_)
case kindChan, kindMap:
// These types contain internal pointers that will
// always be allocated in the Go heap. It's never OK
// to pass them to C.
case kindFunc:
if {
= *(*unsafe.Pointer)()
if !cgoIsGoPointer() {
case kindInterface:
:= *(**_type)()
if == nil {
// A type known at compile time is OK since it's
// constant. A type not known at compile time will be
// in the heap and will not be OK.
if inheap(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer())) {
= *(*unsafe.Pointer)(add(, goarch.PtrSize))
if !cgoIsGoPointer() {
if ! && !isPinned() {
(, , .Kind_&kindDirectIface == 0, false, )
case kindSlice:
:= (*slicetype)(unsafe.Pointer())
:= (*slice)()
= .array
if == nil || !cgoIsGoPointer() {
if ! && !isPinned() {
if .Elem.PtrBytes == 0 {
for := 0; < .cap; ++ {
(.Elem, , true, false, )
= add(, .Elem.Size_)
case kindString:
:= (*stringStruct)()
if !cgoIsGoPointer(.str) {
if ! && !isPinned(.str) {
case kindStruct:
:= (*structtype)(unsafe.Pointer())
if ! {
if len(.Fields) != 1 {
throw("can't happen")
(.Fields[0].Typ, , .Fields[0].Typ.Kind_&kindDirectIface == 0, , )
for , := range .Fields {
if .Typ.PtrBytes == 0 {
(.Typ, add(, .Offset), true, , )
case kindPtr, kindUnsafePointer:
if {
= *(*unsafe.Pointer)()
if == nil {
if !cgoIsGoPointer() {
if ! && !isPinned() {
cgoCheckUnknownPointer(, )
// cgoCheckUnknownPointer is called for an arbitrary pointer into Go
// memory. It checks whether that Go memory contains any other
// pointer into unpinned Go memory. If it does, we panic.
// The return values are unused but useful to see in panic tracebacks.
func ( unsafe.Pointer, string) (, uintptr) {
if inheap(uintptr()) {
, , := findObject(uintptr(), 0, 0)
if == 0 {
:= .elemsize
:= heapBitsForAddr(, )
for {
var uintptr
if , = .next(); == 0 {
:= *(*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer())
if cgoIsGoPointer() && !isPinned() {
for , := range activeModules() {
if cgoInRange(, .data, .edata) || cgoInRange(, .bss, .ebss) {
// We have no way to know the size of the object.
// We have to assume that it might contain a pointer.
// In the text or noptr sections, we know that the
// pointer does not point to a Go pointer.
// cgoIsGoPointer reports whether the pointer is a Go pointer--a
// pointer to Go memory. We only care about Go memory that might
// contain pointers.
func ( unsafe.Pointer) bool {
if == nil {
return false
if inHeapOrStack(uintptr()) {
return true
for , := range activeModules() {
if cgoInRange(, .data, .edata) || cgoInRange(, .bss, .ebss) {
return true
return false
// cgoInRange reports whether p is between start and end.
func ( unsafe.Pointer, , uintptr) bool {
return <= uintptr() && uintptr() <
// cgoCheckResult is called to check the result parameter of an
// exported Go function. It panics if the result is or contains a Go
// pointer.
func ( any) {
if !goexperiment.CgoCheck2 && debug.cgocheck == 0 {
:= efaceOf(&)
:= ._type
cgoCheckArg(, .data, .Kind_&kindDirectIface == 0, false, cgoResultFail)
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The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7. (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64) Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu. PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list. Please follow @Go100and1 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds. |