type time.Time

404 uses

	time (current package)
		format.go#L527: func (t Time) String() string {
		format.go#L558: func (t Time) GoString() string {
		format.go#L620: func (t Time) Format(layout string) string {
		format.go#L636: func (t Time) AppendFormat(b []byte, layout string) []byte {
		format.go#L648: func (t Time) appendFormat(b []byte, layout string) []byte {
		format.go#L1007: func Parse(layout, value string) (Time, error) {
		format.go#L1022: func ParseInLocation(layout, value string, loc *Location) (Time, error) {
		format.go#L1032: func parse(layout, value string, defaultLocation, local *Location) (Time, error) {
		format.go#L1060: 			return Time{}, newParseError(alayout, avalue, prefix, value, "")
		format.go#L1064: 				return Time{}, newParseError(alayout, avalue, "", value, ": extra text: "+quote(value))
		format.go#L1296: 			return Time{}, newParseError(alayout, avalue, stdstr, value, ": "+rangeErrString+" out of range")
		format.go#L1299: 			return Time{}, newParseError(alayout, avalue, stdstr, hold, "")
		format.go#L1321: 			return Time{}, newParseError(alayout, avalue, "", value, ": day-of-year out of range")
		format.go#L1333: 			return Time{}, newParseError(alayout, avalue, "", value, ": day-of-year does not match month")
		format.go#L1337: 			return Time{}, newParseError(alayout, avalue, "", value, ": day-of-year does not match day")
		format.go#L1351: 		return Time{}, newParseError(alayout, avalue, "", value, ": day out of range")
		format_rfc3339.go#L18: func (t Time) appendFormatRFC3339(b []byte, nanos bool) []byte {
		format_rfc3339.go#L62: func (t Time) appendStrictRFC3339(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
		format_rfc3339.go#L82: func parseRFC3339[bytes []byte | string](s bytes, local *Location) (Time, bool) {
		format_rfc3339.go#L105: 		return Time{}, false
		format_rfc3339.go#L114: 		return Time{}, false
		format_rfc3339.go#L132: 			return Time{}, false
		format_rfc3339.go#L137: 			return Time{}, false
		format_rfc3339.go#L155: func parseStrictRFC3339(b []byte) (Time, error) {
		format_rfc3339.go#L160: 			return Time{}, err
		format_rfc3339.go#L173: 			return Time{}, &ParseError{RFC3339, string(b), "15", string(b[len("2006-01-02T"):][:1]), ""}
		format_rfc3339.go#L175: 			return Time{}, &ParseError{RFC3339, string(b), ".", ",", ""}
		format_rfc3339.go#L179: 				return Time{}, &ParseError{RFC3339, string(b), "Z07:00", string(b[len(b)-len("Z07:00"):]), ": timezone hour out of range"}
		format_rfc3339.go#L181: 				return Time{}, &ParseError{RFC3339, string(b), "Z07:00", string(b[len(b)-len("Z07:00"):]), ": timezone minute out of range"}
		format_rfc3339.go#L184: 			return Time{}, &ParseError{RFC3339, string(b), RFC3339, string(b), ""}
		sleep.go#L51: 	C <-chan Time
		sleep.go#L87: 	c := make(chan Time, 1)
		sleep.go#L145: 	case c.(chan Time) <- Now():
		sleep.go#L156: func After(d Duration) <-chan Time {
		tick.go#L10: 	C <-chan Time // The channel on which the ticks are delivered.
		tick.go#L27: 	c := make(chan Time, 1)
		tick.go#L66: func Tick(d Duration) <-chan Time {
		time.go#L129: type Time struct {
		time.go#L165: func (t *Time) nsec() int32 {
		time.go#L170: func (t *Time) sec() int64 {
		time.go#L178: func (t *Time) unixSec() int64 { return t.sec() + internalToUnix }
		time.go#L181: func (t *Time) addSec(d int64) {
		time.go#L206: func (t *Time) setLoc(loc *Location) {
		time.go#L215: func (t *Time) stripMono() {
		time.go#L226: func (t *Time) setMono(m int64) {
		time.go#L242: func (t *Time) mono() int64 {
		time.go#L250: func (t Time) After(u Time) bool {
		time.go#L260: func (t Time) Before(u Time) bool {
		time.go#L271: func (t Time) Compare(u Time) int {
		time.go#L295: func (t Time) Equal(u Time) bool {
		time.go#L455: func (t Time) IsZero() bool {
		time.go#L461: func (t Time) abs() uint64 {
		time.go#L481: func (t Time) locabs() (name string, offset int, abs uint64) {
		time.go#L504: func (t Time) Date() (year int, month Month, day int) {
		time.go#L510: func (t Time) Year() int {
		time.go#L516: func (t Time) Month() Month {
		time.go#L522: func (t Time) Day() int {
		time.go#L528: func (t Time) Weekday() Weekday {
		time.go#L543: func (t Time) ISOWeek() (year, week int) {
		time.go#L567: func (t Time) Clock() (hour, min, sec int) {
		time.go#L582: func (t Time) Hour() int {
		time.go#L587: func (t Time) Minute() int {
		time.go#L592: func (t Time) Second() int {
		time.go#L598: func (t Time) Nanosecond() int {
		time.go#L604: func (t Time) YearDay() int {
		time.go#L856: func (t Time) Add(d Duration) Time {
		time.go#L884: func (t Time) Sub(u Time) Duration {
		time.go#L911: func Since(t Time) Duration {
		time.go#L912: 	var now Time
		time.go#L915: 		now = Time{hasMonotonic, runtimeNano() - startNano, nil}
		time.go#L924: func Until(t Time) Duration {
		time.go#L925: 	var now Time
		time.go#L928: 		now = Time{hasMonotonic, runtimeNano() - startNano, nil}
		time.go#L943: func (t Time) AddDate(years int, months int, days int) Time {
		time.go#L961: func (t Time) date(full bool) (year int, month Month, day int, yday int) {
		time.go#L1110: func Now() Time {
		time.go#L1118: 		return Time{uint64(nsec), sec + minWall, Local}
		time.go#L1120: 	return Time{hasMonotonic | uint64(sec)<<nsecShift | uint64(nsec), mono, Local}
		time.go#L1123: func unixTime(sec int64, nsec int32) Time {
		time.go#L1124: 	return Time{uint64(nsec), sec + unixToInternal, Local}
		time.go#L1128: func (t Time) UTC() Time {
		time.go#L1134: func (t Time) Local() Time {
		time.go#L1144: func (t Time) In(loc *Location) Time {
		time.go#L1153: func (t Time) Location() *Location {
		time.go#L1163: func (t Time) Zone() (name string, offset int) {
		time.go#L1173: func (t Time) ZoneBounds() (start, end Time) {
		time.go#L1192: func (t Time) Unix() int64 {
		time.go#L1201: func (t Time) UnixMilli() int64 {
		time.go#L1210: func (t Time) UnixMicro() int64 {
		time.go#L1220: func (t Time) UnixNano() int64 {
		time.go#L1230: func (t Time) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
		time.go#L1278: func (t *Time) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
		time.go#L1310: 	*t = Time{}
		time.go#L1330: func (t Time) GobEncode() ([]byte, error) {
		time.go#L1335: func (t *Time) GobDecode(data []byte) error {
		time.go#L1343: func (t Time) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
		time.go#L1356: func (t *Time) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
		time.go#L1374: func (t Time) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
		time.go#L1385: func (t *Time) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error {
		time.go#L1396: func Unix(sec int64, nsec int64) Time {
		time.go#L1411: func UnixMilli(msec int64) Time {
		time.go#L1417: func UnixMicro(usec int64) Time {
		time.go#L1422: func (t Time) IsDST() bool {
		time.go#L1467: func Date(year int, month Month, day, hour, min, sec, nsec int, loc *Location) Time {
		time.go#L1528: func (t Time) Truncate(d Duration) Time {
		time.go#L1545: func (t Time) Round(d Duration) Time {
		time.go#L1560: func div(t Time, d Duration) (qmod2 int, r Duration) {

		gunzip.go#L55: 	ModTime time.Time // modification time

		context.go#L72: 	Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool)
		context.go#L179: func (emptyCtx) Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool) {
		context.go#L577: func (withoutCancelCtx) Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool) {
		context.go#L606: func WithDeadline(parent Context, d time.Time) (Context, CancelFunc) {
		context.go#L613: func WithDeadlineCause(parent Context, d time.Time, cause error) (Context, CancelFunc) {
		context.go#L647: 	deadline time.Time
		context.go#L650: func (c *timerCtx) Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool) {

		common.go#L533: 	Time func() time.Time
		common.go#L803: 	created time.Time
		common.go#L1001: func (c *Config) time() time.Time {
		conn.go#L141: func (c *Conn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		conn.go#L147: func (c *Conn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		conn.go#L154: func (c *Conn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {

		parser.go#L169: func parseTime(der *cryptobyte.String) (time.Time, error) {
		parser.go#L170: 	var t time.Time
		parser.go#L186: func parseValidity(der cryptobyte.String) (time.Time, time.Time, error) {
		parser.go#L189: 		return time.Time{}, time.Time{}, err
		parser.go#L193: 		return time.Time{}, time.Time{}, err
		verify.go#L191: 	CurrentTime time.Time
		x509.go#L198: 	NotBefore, NotAfter time.Time
		x509.go#L694: 	NotBefore, NotAfter time.Time // Validity bounds.
		x509.go#L1711: func (c *Certificate) CreateCRL(rand io.Reader, priv any, revokedCerts []pkix.RevokedCertificate, now, expiry time.Time) (crlBytes []byte, err error) {
		x509.go#L2172: 	RevocationTime time.Time
		x509.go#L2242: 	ThisUpdate time.Time
		x509.go#L2246: 	NextUpdate time.Time
		x509.go#L2274: 	ThisUpdate          time.Time
		x509.go#L2275: 	NextUpdate          time.Time                 `asn1:"optional"`

		pkix.go#L295: func (certList *CertificateList) HasExpired(now time.Time) bool {
		pkix.go#L308: 	ThisUpdate          time.Time
		pkix.go#L309: 	NextUpdate          time.Time            `asn1:"optional"`
		pkix.go#L318: 	RevocationTime time.Time

		embed.go#L233: func (f *file) ModTime() time.Time         { return time.Time{} }

		asn1.go#L342: func parseUTCTime(bytes []byte) (ret time.Time, err error) {
		asn1.go#L370: func parseGeneralizedTime(bytes []byte) (ret time.Time, err error) {
		asn1.go#L663: 	timeType             = reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{})
		asn1.go#L867: 	case *time.Time:
		marshal.go#L366: func outsideUTCRange(t time.Time) bool {
		marshal.go#L371: func makeUTCTime(t time.Time) (e encoder, err error) {
		marshal.go#L382: func makeGeneralizedTime(t time.Time) (e encoder, err error) {
		marshal.go#L393: func appendUTCTime(dst []byte, t time.Time) (ret []byte, err error) {
		marshal.go#L408: func appendGeneralizedTime(dst []byte, t time.Time) (ret []byte, err error) {
		marshal.go#L419: func appendTimeCommon(dst []byte, t time.Time) []byte {
		marshal.go#L466: 		t := value.Interface().(time.Time)
		marshal.go#L656: 		if params.timeType == TagGeneralizedTime || outsideUTCRange(v.Interface().(time.Time)) {

		exponential.go#L66: 	startTime       time.Time
		exponential.go#L71: 	Now() time.Time
		exponential.go#L100: func (t systemClock) Now() time.Time {
		ticker.go#L14: 	C        <-chan time.Time
		ticker.go#L15: 	c        chan time.Time
		ticker.go#L39: 	c := make(chan time.Time)
		ticker.go#L82: func (t *Ticker) send(tick time.Time) <-chan time.Time {
		timer.go#L8: 	C() <-chan time.Time
		timer.go#L17: func (t *defaultTimer) C() <-chan time.Time {

		moment.go#L6: 	when time.Time
		moment.go#L7: 	do   func(time time.Time)
		moment.go#L12: func (m moments) do(t time.Time) {
		net.go#L120: func simpleDeadline(t time.Time) notifier {
		net.go#L131: func (c *PacketConn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		net.go#L141: func (c *PacketConn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		net.go#L151: func (c *PacketConn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		ticker.go#L9: 	ch   chan time.Time
		ticker.go#L14: func (t *ticker) C() <-chan time.Time {
		ticker.go#L29: func (t *ticker) do(now time.Time) {
		time.go#L11: 	C() <-chan time.Time
		time.go#L18: 	C() <-chan time.Time
		time.go#L24: func NewTime(now time.Time) *Time {
		time.go#L38: 	now      time.Time
		time.go#L48: 		ch:   make(chan time.Time, 1),
		time.go#L57: 		ch:   make(chan time.Time, 1),
		time.go#L64: func (t *Time) planUnlocked(when time.Time, do func(now time.Time)) int {
		time.go#L75: func (t *Time) plan(when time.Time, do func(now time.Time)) int {
		time.go#L96: func (t *Time) reset(d time.Duration, id int, do func(now time.Time), durp *time.Duration) {
		time.go#L103: func (t *Time) resetUnlocked(d time.Duration, id int, do func(now time.Time), durp *time.Duration) {
		time.go#L134: func (t *Time) Now() time.Time {
		time.go#L143: func (t *Time) Set(now time.Time) {
		time.go#L152: func (t *Time) Travel(d time.Duration) time.Time {
		time.go#L163: func (t *Time) TravelDate(years, months, days int) time.Time {
		time.go#L173: func (t *Time) setUnlocked(now time.Time) {
		time.go#L182: func (t *Time) When(d time.Duration) time.Time {
		time.go#L188: func (t *Time) After(d time.Duration) <-chan time.Time {
		time.go#L189: 	done := make(chan time.Time, 1)
		time.go#L190: 	t.plan(t.When(d), func(now time.Time) {
		timer.go#L7: 	ch   chan time.Time
		timer.go#L11: func (t *timer) C() <-chan time.Time {
		timer.go#L25: func (t *timer) do(now time.Time) {

		clock.go#L12: 	Now() time.Time
		system.go#L9: func (s systemTimer) C() <-chan time.Time {
		system.go#L25: func (s systemTicker) C() <-chan time.Time {
		system.go#L47: func (systemClock) Now() time.Time { return time.Now() }

		read.go#L30: func checkMessageID(now time.Time, rawID int64) error {

		salts.go#L20: func (s *Salts) Get(deadline time.Time) (int64, bool) {

		message_id.go#L83: func (id MessageID) Time() time.Time {
		message_id.go#L104: func NewMessageID(now time.Time, typ MessageType) MessageID {
		message_id.go#L132: 	now  func() time.Time
		message_id.go#L164: func NewMessageIDGen(now func() time.Time) *MessageIDGen {

		password.go#L154: func (c *Client) ResetPassword(ctx context.Context) (time.Time, error) {
		password.go#L157: 		return time.Time{}, errors.Wrap(err, "reset password")
		password.go#L161: 		return time.Time{}, &ResetFailedWaitError{Result: *v}
		password.go#L165: 		return time.Time{}, nil
		password.go#L167: 		return time.Time{}, errors.Errorf("unexpected type %T", v)

		token.go#L16: 	expires time.Time
		token.go#L53: func (t Token) Expires() time.Time {

		conn.go#L67: 	latest  time.Time

		connection.go#L38: 	if err := c.conn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Time{}); err != nil {
		connection.go#L60: 	if err := c.conn.SetReadDeadline(time.Time{}); err != nil {

		gunzip.go#L56: 	ModTime time.Time // modification time

		config.go#L70: 	timestamp  time.Time
		config.go#L83: func (cfg *SpanConfig) Timestamp() time.Time {
		config.go#L154: 	timestamp  time.Time
		config.go#L164: func (cfg *EventConfig) Timestamp() time.Time {
		config.go#L244: type timestampOption time.Time
		config.go#L247: 	c.timestamp = time.Time(o)
		config.go#L253: 	c.timestamp = time.Time(o)
		config.go#L261: func WithTimestamp(t time.Time) SpanEventOption {

		time.go#L36: var _zeroTime time.Time
		time.go#L39: func NewTime(val time.Time) *Time {
		time.go#L48: func (x *Time) Load() time.Time {
		time.go#L53: func (x *Time) Store(val time.Time) {
		time_ext.go#L27: func packTime(t time.Time) interface{} {
		time_ext.go#L31: func unpackTime(v interface{}) time.Time {
		time_ext.go#L32: 	if t, ok := v.(time.Time); ok {
		time_ext.go#L35: 	return time.Time{}

		array.go#L230: func Times(key string, ts []time.Time) Field {
		array.go#L386: type times []time.Time
		field.go#L347: func Time(key string, val time.Time) Field {
		field.go#L356: func Timep(key string, val *time.Time) Field {
		field.go#L590: 	case time.Time:
		field.go#L591: 		c = anyFieldC[time.Time](Time)
		field.go#L592: 	case *time.Time:
		field.go#L593: 		c = anyFieldC[*time.Time](Timep)
		field.go#L594: 	case []time.Time:
		field.go#L595: 		c = anyFieldC[[]time.Time](Times)
		time.go#L25: func timeToMillis(t time.Time) int64 {

		buffer.go#L61: func (b *Buffer) AppendTime(t time.Time, layout string) {

		clock.go#L32: 	Now() time.Time
		clock.go#L42: func (systemClock) Now() time.Time {
		encoder.go#L93: type TimeEncoder func(time.Time, PrimitiveArrayEncoder)
		encoder.go#L97: func EpochTimeEncoder(t time.Time, enc PrimitiveArrayEncoder) {
		encoder.go#L105: func EpochMillisTimeEncoder(t time.Time, enc PrimitiveArrayEncoder) {
		encoder.go#L113: func EpochNanosTimeEncoder(t time.Time, enc PrimitiveArrayEncoder) {
		encoder.go#L117: func encodeTimeLayout(t time.Time, layout string, enc PrimitiveArrayEncoder) {
		encoder.go#L119: 		AppendTimeLayout(time.Time, string)
		encoder.go#L135: func ISO8601TimeEncoder(t time.Time, enc PrimitiveArrayEncoder) {
		encoder.go#L143: func RFC3339TimeEncoder(t time.Time, enc PrimitiveArrayEncoder) {
		encoder.go#L152: func RFC3339NanoTimeEncoder(t time.Time, enc PrimitiveArrayEncoder) {
		encoder.go#L159: 	return func(t time.Time, enc PrimitiveArrayEncoder) {
		encoder.go#L369: 	AddTime(key string, value time.Time)
		encoder.go#L396: 	AppendTime(time.Time)
		entry.go#L145: 	Time       time.Time
		field.go#L158: 		enc.AddTime(f.Key, f.Interface.(time.Time))
		json_encoder.go#L200: func (enc *jsonEncoder) AddTime(key string, val time.Time) {
		json_encoder.go#L299: func (enc *jsonEncoder) AppendTimeLayout(time time.Time, layout string) {
		json_encoder.go#L306: func (enc *jsonEncoder) AppendTime(val time.Time) {
		memory_encoder.go#L102: func (m MapObjectEncoder) AddTime(k string, v time.Time) { m.cur[k] = v }
		memory_encoder.go#L173: func (s *sliceArrayEncoder) AppendTime(v time.Time)         { s.elems = append(s.elems, v) }
		sampler.go#L64: func (c *counter) IncCheckReset(t time.Time, tick time.Duration) uint64 {

		client.go#L17: 	noDeadline   = time.Time{}

		fd_poll_runtime.go#L132: func (fd *FD) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		fd_poll_runtime.go#L137: func (fd *FD) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		fd_poll_runtime.go#L142: func (fd *FD) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		fd_poll_runtime.go#L146: func setDeadlineImpl(fd *FD, t time.Time, mode int) error {

		fs.go#L155: 	ModTime() time.Time // modification time

		log.go#L114: func formatHeader(buf *[]byte, t time.Time, prefix string, flag int, file string, line int) {

		dial.go#L89: 	Deadline time.Time
		dial.go#L163: func minNonzeroTime(a, b time.Time) time.Time {
		dial.go#L179: func (d *Dialer) deadline(ctx context.Context, now time.Time) (earliest time.Time) {
		dial.go#L198: func partialDeadline(now, deadline time.Time, addrsRemaining int) (time.Time, error) {
		dial.go#L204: 		return time.Time{}, errTimeout
		dnsclient_unix.go#L344: 	lastChecked time.Time     // last time resolv.conf was checked
		dnsclient_unix.go#L398: 		var mtime time.Time
		dnsconfig.go#L28: 	mtime         time.Time     // time of resolv.conf modification
		fd_posix.go#L137: func (fd *netFD) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		fd_posix.go#L141: func (fd *netFD) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		fd_posix.go#L145: func (fd *netFD) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		hosts.go#L46: 	expire time.Time
		hosts.go#L48: 	mtime  time.Time
		interface.go#L183: 	lastFetched  time.Time      // last time routing information was fetched
		net.go#L151: 	SetDeadline(t time.Time) error
		net.go#L156: 	SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error
		net.go#L163: 	SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error
		net.go#L231: func (c *conn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		net.go#L242: func (c *conn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		net.go#L253: func (c *conn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		net.go#L351: 	SetDeadline(t time.Time) error
		net.go#L356: 	SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error
		net.go#L363: 	SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error
		net.go#L499: 	noDeadline = time.Time{}
		nss.go#L27: 	lastChecked time.Time     // last time nsswitch.conf was checked
		nss.go#L64: 	var mtime time.Time
		nss.go#L97: 	mtime   time.Time              // time of nsswitch.conf modification
		parse.go#L67: func (f *file) stat() (mtime time.Time, size int64, err error) {
		parse.go#L70: 		return time.Time{}, 0, err
		parse.go#L83: func stat(name string) (mtime time.Time, size int64, err error) {
		parse.go#L86: 		return time.Time{}, 0, err
		pipe.go#L31: func (d *pipeDeadline) set(t time.Time) {
		pipe.go#L210: func (p *pipe) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		pipe.go#L219: func (p *pipe) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		pipe.go#L227: func (p *pipe) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		tcpsock.go#L341: func (l *TCPListener) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		unixsock.go#L286: func (l *UnixListener) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {

		client.go#L175: func (c *Client) send(req *Request, deadline time.Time) (resp *Response, didTimeout func() bool, err error) {
		client.go#L193: func (c *Client) deadline() time.Time {
		client.go#L197: 	return time.Time{}
		client.go#L212: func send(ireq *Request, rt RoundTripper, deadline time.Time) (resp *Response, didTimeout func() bool, err error) {
		client.go#L308: func timeBeforeContextDeadline(t time.Time, ctx context.Context) bool {
		client.go#L352: func setRequestCancel(req *Request, rt RoundTripper, deadline time.Time) (stopTimer func(), didTimeout func() bool) {
		cookie.go#L29: 	Expires    time.Time // optional
		cookie.go#L149: 						c.Expires = time.Time{}
		cookie.go#L324: func validCookieExpires(t time.Time) bool {
		fs.go#L194: func ServeContent(w ResponseWriter, req *Request, name string, modtime time.Time, content io.ReadSeeker) {
		fs.go#L223: func serveContent(w ResponseWriter, r *Request, name string, modtime time.Time, sizeFunc func() (int64, error), content io.ReadSeeker) {
		fs.go#L437: func checkIfUnmodifiedSince(r *Request, modtime time.Time) condResult {
		fs.go#L486: func checkIfModifiedSince(r *Request, modtime time.Time) condResult {
		fs.go#L507: func checkIfRange(w ResponseWriter, r *Request, modtime time.Time) condResult {
		fs.go#L541: func isZeroTime(t time.Time) bool {
		fs.go#L545: func setLastModified(w ResponseWriter, modtime time.Time) {
		fs.go#L569: func checkPreconditions(w ResponseWriter, r *Request, modtime time.Time) (done bool, rangeHeader string) {
		h2_bundle.go#L4250: 		sc.conn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Time{})
		h2_bundle.go#L5844: 		sc.conn.SetReadDeadline(time.Time{})
		h2_bundle.go#L5867: 		sc.conn.SetReadDeadline(time.Time{})
		h2_bundle.go#L6591: func (w *http2responseWriter) SetReadDeadline(deadline time.Time) error {
		h2_bundle.go#L6617: func (w *http2responseWriter) SetWriteDeadline(deadline time.Time) error {
		h2_bundle.go#L7408: 	lastActive      time.Time
		h2_bundle.go#L7409: 	lastIdle        time.Time // time last idle
		h2_bundle.go#L7559: 			sew.conn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Time{})
		h2_bundle.go#L8009: 	LastIdle time.Time
		h2_bundle.go#L8537: 	var respHeaderTimer <-chan time.Time
		h2_bundle.go#L8692: 		cc.lastIdle = time.Time{}
		header.go#L129: func ParseTime(text string) (t time.Time, err error) {
		responsecontroller.go#L85: func (c *ResponseController) SetReadDeadline(deadline time.Time) error {
		responsecontroller.go#L89: 		case interface{ SetReadDeadline(time.Time) error }:
		responsecontroller.go#L105: func (c *ResponseController) SetWriteDeadline(deadline time.Time) error {
		responsecontroller.go#L109: 		case interface{ SetWriteDeadline(time.Time) error }:
		server.go#L324: 	rwc.SetDeadline(time.Time{})
		server.go#L496: func (c *response) SetReadDeadline(deadline time.Time) error {
		server.go#L500: func (c *response) SetWriteDeadline(deadline time.Time) error {
		server.go#L678: 	cr.conn.rwc.SetReadDeadline(time.Time{})
		server.go#L733: 	cr.conn.rwc.SetReadDeadline(time.Time{})
		server.go#L946: func appendTime(b []byte, t time.Time) []byte {
		server.go#L976: 		wholeReqDeadline time.Time // or zero if none
		server.go#L977: 		hdrDeadline      time.Time // or zero if none
		server.go#L1905: 			c.rwc.SetReadDeadline(time.Time{})
		server.go#L1906: 			c.rwc.SetWriteDeadline(time.Time{})
		server.go#L2016: 		c.rwc.SetWriteDeadline(time.Time{})
		server.go#L2037: 			c.rwc.SetReadDeadline(time.Time{})
		server.go#L2048: 		c.rwc.SetReadDeadline(time.Time{})
		socks_bundle.go#L23: 	socksnoDeadline   = time.Time{}
		transport.go#L1041: 	var oldTime time.Time
		transport.go#L1925: 	idleAt    time.Time   // time it last become idle
		transport.go#L1986: func (pc *persistConn) gotIdleConnTrace(idleAt time.Time) (t httptrace.GotConnInfo) {
		transport.go#L2645: 	var respHeaderTimer <-chan time.Time

		netconn.go#L202: func (nc *netConn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		netconn.go#L208: func (nc *netConn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		netconn.go#L222: func (nc *netConn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {

		file.go#L575: func (f *File) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		file.go#L583: func (f *File) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		file.go#L593: func (f *File) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		file_posix.go#L179: func Chtimes(name string, atime time.Time, mtime time.Time) error {
		file_posix.go#L181: 	set := func(i int, t time.Time) {
		file_posix.go#L210: func (f *File) setDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		file_posix.go#L218: func (f *File) setReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		file_posix.go#L226: func (f *File) setWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
		stat_linux.go#L45: func atime(fi FileInfo) time.Time {
		types_unix.go#L19: 	modTime time.Time
		types_unix.go#L25: func (fs *fileStat) ModTime() time.Time { return fs.modTime }

		garbage.go#L15: 	LastGC         time.Time       // time of last collection
		garbage.go#L19: 	PauseEnd       []time.Time     // pause end times history, most recent first
		garbage.go#L57: 		stats.PauseEnd = make([]time.Time, 0, maxPause)

		asn1.go#L110: func (b *Builder) AddASN1GeneralizedTime(t time.Time) {
		asn1.go#L121: func (b *Builder) AddASN1UTCTime(t time.Time) {
		asn1.go#L492: func (s *String) ReadASN1GeneralizedTime(out *time.Time) bool {
		asn1.go#L513: func (s *String) ReadASN1UTCTime(out *time.Time) bool {