func errors.New

956 uses

	errors (current package)
		errors.go#L61: func New(text string) error {
		errors.go#L87: var ErrUnsupported = New("unsupported operation")

		bufio.go#L23: 	ErrInvalidUnreadByte = errors.New("bufio: invalid use of UnreadByte")
		bufio.go#L24: 	ErrInvalidUnreadRune = errors.New("bufio: invalid use of UnreadRune")
		bufio.go#L25: 	ErrBufferFull        = errors.New("bufio: buffer full")
		bufio.go#L26: 	ErrNegativeCount     = errors.New("bufio: negative count")
		bufio.go#L96: var errNegativeRead = errors.New("bufio: reader returned negative count from Read")
		bufio.go#L559: var errNegativeWrite = errors.New("bufio: writer returned negative count from Write")
		scan.go#L69: 	ErrTooLong         = errors.New("bufio.Scanner: token too long")
		scan.go#L70: 	ErrNegativeAdvance = errors.New("bufio.Scanner: SplitFunc returns negative advance count")
		scan.go#L71: 	ErrAdvanceTooFar   = errors.New("bufio.Scanner: SplitFunc returns advance count beyond input")
		scan.go#L72: 	ErrBadReadCount    = errors.New("bufio.Scanner: Read returned impossible count")
		scan.go#L124: var ErrFinalToken = errors.New("final token")

		buffer.go#L44: var ErrTooLarge = errors.New("bytes.Buffer: too large")
		buffer.go#L45: var errNegativeRead = errors.New("bytes.Buffer: reader returned negative count from Read")
		buffer.go#L398: 		return errors.New("bytes.Buffer: UnreadRune: previous operation was not a successful ReadRune")
		buffer.go#L407: var errUnreadByte = errors.New("bytes.Buffer: UnreadByte: previous operation was not a successful read")
		reader.go#L53: 		return 0, errors.New("bytes.Reader.ReadAt: negative offset")
		reader.go#L79: 		return errors.New("bytes.Reader.UnreadByte: at beginning of slice")
		reader.go#L105: 		return errors.New("bytes.Reader.UnreadRune: at beginning of slice")
		reader.go#L108: 		return errors.New("bytes.Reader.UnreadRune: previous operation was not ReadRune")
		reader.go#L127: 		return 0, errors.New("bytes.Reader.Seek: invalid whence")
		reader.go#L130: 		return 0, errors.New("bytes.Reader.Seek: negative position")

		deflate.go#L698: var errWriterClosed = errors.New("flate: closed writer")

		gunzip.go#L32: 	ErrChecksum = errors.New("gzip: invalid checksum")
		gunzip.go#L34: 	ErrHeader = errors.New("gzip: invalid header")
		gzip.go#L95: 		return errors.New("gzip.Write: Extra data is too large")
		gzip.go#L113: 			return errors.New("gzip.Write: non-Latin-1 header string")

		context.go#L163: var Canceled = errors.New("context canceled")

		aes_gcm.go#L40: var errOpen = errors.New("cipher: message authentication failed")

		gcm.go#L114: 		return nil, errors.New("cipher: incorrect tag size given to GCM")
		gcm.go#L118: 		return nil, errors.New("cipher: the nonce can't have zero length, or the security of the key will be immediately compromised")
		gcm.go#L126: 		return nil, errors.New("cipher: NewGCM requires 128-bit block cipher")
		gcm.go#L196: var errOpen = errors.New("cipher: message authentication failed")

		dsa.go#L46: var ErrInvalidPublicKey = errors.New("crypto/dsa: invalid public key")
		dsa.go#L86: 		return errors.New("crypto/dsa: invalid ParameterSizes")
		dsa.go#L161: 		return errors.New("crypto/dsa: parameters not set up before generating key")

		ecdh.go#L128: 		return nil, errors.New("crypto/ecdh: private key and public key curves do not match")
		nist.go#L36: var errInvalidPrivateKey = errors.New("crypto/ecdh: invalid private key")
		nist.go#L77: 		return nil, errors.New("crypto/ecdh: invalid private key size")
		nist.go#L170: 		return nil, errors.New("crypto/ecdh: invalid public key")
		x25519.go#L46: 		return nil, errors.New("crypto/ecdh: invalid private key size")
		x25519.go#L69: 		return nil, errors.New("crypto/ecdh: invalid public key")
		x25519.go#L81: 		return nil, errors.New("crypto/ecdh: bad X25519 remote ECDH input: low order point")

		ecdsa.go#L60: 		return nil, errors.New("ecdsa: unsupported curve by crypto/ecdh")
		ecdsa.go#L63: 		return nil, errors.New("ecdsa: invalid public key")
		ecdsa.go#L98: 		return nil, errors.New("ecdsa: unsupported curve by crypto/ecdh")
		ecdsa.go#L102: 		return nil, errors.New("ecdsa: invalid private key")
		ecdsa.go#L246: var errNoAsm = errors.New("no assembly implementation available")
		ecdsa.go#L316: 		return nil, errors.New("ecdsa: internal error: r is zero")
		ecdsa.go#L332: 		return nil, errors.New("ecdsa: internal error: s is zero")
		ecdsa.go#L354: 		b.SetError(errors.New("invalid integer"))
		ecdsa.go#L557: 		return nil, nil, errors.New("invalid ASN.1")
		ecdsa.go#L584: 		return p, errors.New("negative coordinate")
		ecdsa.go#L587: 		return p, errors.New("overflowing coordinate")
		ecdsa.go#L603: 		return nil, nil, errors.New("ecdsa: public key point is the infinity")
		ecdsa_legacy.go#L51: var errZeroParam = errors.New("zero parameter")
		ecdsa_legacy.go#L72: 		return nil, nil, errors.New("invalid ASN.1 from SignASN1")

		ed25519.go#L97: 			return nil, errors.New("ed25519: bad Ed25519ph message hash length: " + strconv.Itoa(l))
		ed25519.go#L100: 			return nil, errors.New("ed25519: bad Ed25519ph context length: " + strconv.Itoa(l))
		ed25519.go#L107: 			return nil, errors.New("ed25519: bad Ed25519ctx context length: " + strconv.Itoa(l))
		ed25519.go#L115: 		return nil, errors.New("ed25519: expected opts.HashFunc() zero (unhashed message, for standard Ed25519) or SHA-512 (for Ed25519ph)")
		ed25519.go#L277: 			return errors.New("ed25519: bad Ed25519ph message hash length: " + strconv.Itoa(l))
		ed25519.go#L280: 			return errors.New("ed25519: bad Ed25519ph context length: " + strconv.Itoa(l))
		ed25519.go#L283: 			return errors.New("ed25519: invalid signature")
		ed25519.go#L288: 			return errors.New("ed25519: bad Ed25519ctx context length: " + strconv.Itoa(l))
		ed25519.go#L291: 			return errors.New("ed25519: invalid signature")
		ed25519.go#L296: 			return errors.New("ed25519: invalid signature")
		ed25519.go#L300: 		return errors.New("ed25519: expected opts.Hash zero (unhashed message, for standard Ed25519) or SHA-512 (for Ed25519ph)")

		nistec.go#L147: 		return p, errors.New("negative coordinate")
		nistec.go#L150: 		return p, errors.New("overflowing coordinate")

		nat.go#L159: 		return nil, errors.New("input overflows the modulus")
		nat.go#L175: 		return nil, errors.New("input overflows the modulus size")
		nat.go#L203: 		return errors.New("input overflows the modulus size")
		nat.go#L356: 		return nil, errors.New("modulus must be >= 0")
		nat.go#L358: 		return nil, errors.New("modulus must be odd")

		edwards25519.go#L155: 		return nil, errors.New("edwards25519: invalid point encoding length")
		edwards25519.go#L173: 		return nil, errors.New("edwards25519: invalid point encoding")
		scalar.go#L111: 		return nil, errors.New("edwards25519: invalid SetUniformBytes input length")
		scalar.go#L160: 		return nil, errors.New("invalid scalar length")
		scalar.go#L163: 		return nil, errors.New("invalid scalar encoding")
		scalar.go#L210: 		return nil, errors.New("edwards25519: invalid SetBytesWithClamping input length")

		fe.go#L200: 		return nil, errors.New("edwards25519: invalid field element input size")

		p224.go#L90: 			return nil, errors.New("invalid P224 compressed point encoding")
		p224.go#L106: 		return nil, errors.New("invalid P224 point encoding")
		p224.go#L137: 		return errors.New("P224 point not on curve")
		p224.go#L178: 		return nil, errors.New("P224 point is the point at infinity")
		p224.go#L414: 		return nil, errors.New("invalid scalar length")
		p256_asm.go#L97: 			return nil, errors.New("invalid P256 element encoding")
		p256_asm.go#L112: 			return nil, errors.New("invalid P256 element encoding")
		p256_asm.go#L119: 			return nil, errors.New("invalid P256 compressed point encoding")
		p256_asm.go#L133: 		return nil, errors.New("invalid P256 point encoding")
		p256_asm.go#L164: 		return errors.New("P256 point not on curve")
		p256_asm.go#L407: 		return nil, errors.New("invalid scalar length")
		p256_asm.go#L422: 		return nil, errors.New("invalid scalar length")
		p256_asm.go#L509: 		return nil, errors.New("P256 point is the point at infinity")
		p256_ordinv.go#L23: 		return nil, errors.New("invalid scalar length")
		p384.go#L90: 			return nil, errors.New("invalid P384 compressed point encoding")
		p384.go#L106: 		return nil, errors.New("invalid P384 point encoding")
		p384.go#L137: 		return errors.New("P384 point not on curve")
		p384.go#L178: 		return nil, errors.New("P384 point is the point at infinity")
		p384.go#L414: 		return nil, errors.New("invalid scalar length")
		p521.go#L90: 			return nil, errors.New("invalid P521 compressed point encoding")
		p521.go#L106: 		return nil, errors.New("invalid P521 point encoding")
		p521.go#L137: 		return errors.New("P521 point not on curve")
		p521.go#L178: 		return nil, errors.New("P521 point is the point at infinity")
		p521.go#L414: 		return nil, errors.New("invalid scalar length")

		p224.go#L74: 		return nil, errors.New("invalid P224Element encoding")
		p224.go#L86: 			return nil, errors.New("invalid P224Element encoding")
		p256.go#L74: 		return nil, errors.New("invalid P256Element encoding")
		p256.go#L86: 			return nil, errors.New("invalid P256Element encoding")
		p384.go#L74: 		return nil, errors.New("invalid P384Element encoding")
		p384.go#L86: 			return nil, errors.New("invalid P384Element encoding")
		p521.go#L74: 		return nil, errors.New("invalid P521Element encoding")
		p521.go#L86: 			return nil, errors.New("invalid P521Element encoding")

		md5.go#L74: 		return errors.New("crypto/md5: invalid hash state identifier")
		md5.go#L77: 		return errors.New("crypto/md5: invalid hash state size")

		util.go#L18: 		return nil, errors.New("crypto/rand: prime size must be at least 2-bit")

		pkcs1v15.go#L386: 		return 0, nil, errors.New("crypto/rsa: input must be hashed message")
		pkcs1v15.go#L390: 		return 0, nil, errors.New("crypto/rsa: unsupported hash function")
		pss.go#L45: 		return nil, errors.New("crypto/rsa: input must be hashed with given hash")
		pss.go#L115: 		return errors.New("rsa: internal error: inconsistent length")
		pss.go#L281: var invalidSaltLenErr = errors.New("crypto/rsa: PSSOptions.SaltLength cannot be negative")
		rsa.go#L85: 	errPublicModulus       = errors.New("crypto/rsa: missing public modulus")
		rsa.go#L86: 	errPublicExponentSmall = errors.New("crypto/rsa: public exponent too small")
		rsa.go#L87: 	errPublicExponentLarge = errors.New("crypto/rsa: public exponent too large")
		rsa.go#L199: 		return nil, errors.New("crypto/rsa: invalid options for Decrypt")
		rsa.go#L240: 			return errors.New("crypto/rsa: invalid prime value")
		rsa.go#L245: 		return errors.New("crypto/rsa: invalid modulus")
		rsa.go#L260: 			return errors.New("crypto/rsa: invalid exponents")
		rsa.go#L313: 			return nil, errors.New("crypto/rsa: generated key exponent too large")
		rsa.go#L353: 		return nil, errors.New("crypto/rsa: GenerateMultiPrimeKey: nprimes must be >= 2")
		rsa.go#L367: 			return nil, errors.New("crypto/rsa: too few primes of given length to generate an RSA key")
		rsa.go#L476: var ErrMessageTooLong = errors.New("crypto/rsa: message too long for RSA key size")
		rsa.go#L575: var ErrDecryption = errors.New("crypto/rsa: decryption error")
		rsa.go#L579: var ErrVerification = errors.New("crypto/rsa: verification error")

		sha1.go#L66: 		return errors.New("crypto/sha1: invalid hash state identifier")
		sha1.go#L69: 		return errors.New("crypto/sha1: invalid hash state size")

		sha256.go#L89: 		return errors.New("crypto/sha256: invalid hash state identifier")
		sha256.go#L92: 		return errors.New("crypto/sha256: invalid hash state size")

		sha512.go#L154: 		return nil, errors.New("crypto/sha512: invalid hash function")
		sha512.go#L172: 		return errors.New("crypto/sha512: invalid hash state identifier")
		sha512.go#L180: 		return errors.New("crypto/sha512: invalid hash state identifier")
		sha512.go#L183: 		return errors.New("crypto/sha512: invalid hash state size")

		auth.go#L30: 			return errors.New("ECDSA verification failure")
		auth.go#L38: 			return errors.New("Ed25519 verification failure")
		auth.go#L58: 		return errors.New("internal error: unknown signature type")
		auth.go#L252: 	return 0, errors.New("tls: peer doesn't support any of the certificate's signature algorithms")
		common.go#L1109: var errNoCertificates = errors.New("tls: no certificates configured")
		common.go#L1179: 		return errors.New("no mutually supported protocol versions")
		common.go#L1247: 		return supportsRSAFallback(errors.New("client doesn't support ECDHE, can only use legacy RSA key exchange"))
		common.go#L1273: 				return errors.New("client doesn't support certificate curve")
		common.go#L1278: 				return errors.New("connection doesn't support Ed25519")
		common.go#L1311: 		return supportsRSAFallback(errors.New("client doesn't support any cipher suites compatible with the certificate"))
		common.go#L1346: 	return errors.New("chain is not signed by an acceptable CA")
		conn.go#L616: 		return"tls: internal error: attempted to read record with pending application data"))
		conn.go#L621: 		return"tls: internal error: attempted to read record with QUIC transport"))
		conn.go#L788: 		return"tls: too many ignored records"))
		conn.go#L973: 			return 0, errors.New("tls: internal error: sending non-handshake message to QUIC transport")
		conn.go#L1171: 	errShutdown = errors.New("tls: protocol is shutdown")
		conn.go#L1239: 		return errors.New("tls: internal error: unexpected renegotiation")
		conn.go#L1268: 		return errors.New("tls: unknown Renegotiation value")
		conn.go#L1295: 		return"tls: too many non-advancing records"))
		conn.go#L1315: 		return"tls: received unexpected key update message"))
		conn.go#L1434: var errEarlyCloseWrite = errors.New("tls: CloseWrite called before handshake complete")
		conn.go#L1562: 		c.handshakeErr = errors.New("tls: internal error: handshake should have had a result")
		conn.go#L1646: 		return errors.New("tls: VerifyHostname called on TLS server connection")
		conn.go#L1649: 		return errors.New("tls: handshake has not yet been performed")
		conn.go#L1652: 		return errors.New("tls: handshake did not verify certificate chain")
		handshake_client.go#L45: 		return nil, nil, errors.New("tls: either ServerName or InsecureSkipVerify must be specified in the tls.Config")
		handshake_client.go#L51: 			return nil, nil, errors.New("tls: invalid NextProtos value")
		handshake_client.go#L57: 		return nil, nil, errors.New("tls: NextProtos values too large")
		handshake_client.go#L62: 		return nil, nil, errors.New("tls: no supported versions satisfy MinVersion and MaxVersion")
		handshake_client.go#L114: 		return nil, nil, errors.New("tls: short read from Rand: " + err.Error())
		handshake_client.go#L125: 			return nil, nil, errors.New("tls: short read from Rand: " + err.Error())
		handshake_client.go#L150: 			return nil, nil, errors.New("tls: CurvePreferences includes unsupported curve")
		handshake_client.go#L247: 		return errors.New("tls: downgrade attempt detected, possibly due to a MitM attack or a broken middlebox")
		handshake_client.go#L526: 		return errors.New("tls: server chose an unconfigured cipher suite")
		handshake_client.go#L562: 			return errors.New("tls: received unexpected CertificateStatus message")
		handshake_client.go#L588: 			return errors.New("tls: server's identity changed during renegotiation")
		handshake_client.go#L664: 		return errors.New("tls: failed to write to key log: " + err.Error())
		handshake_client.go#L757: 		return false, errors.New("tls: server selected unsupported compression format")
		handshake_client.go#L764: 			return false, errors.New("tls: initial handshake had non-empty renegotiation extension")
		handshake_client.go#L774: 			return false, errors.New("tls: incorrect renegotiation extension contents")
		handshake_client.go#L792: 		return false, errors.New("tls: server resumed a session with a different version")
		handshake_client.go#L797: 		return false, errors.New("tls: server resumed a session with a different cipher suite")
		handshake_client.go#L803: 		return false, errors.New("tls: server resumed a session with a different EMS extension")
		handshake_client.go#L828: 			return errors.New("tls: server did not select an ALPN protocol")
		handshake_client.go#L833: 		return errors.New("tls: server advertised unrequested ALPN extension")
		handshake_client.go#L840: 	return errors.New("tls: server selected unadvertised ALPN protocol")
		handshake_client.go#L867: 		return errors.New("tls: server's Finished message was incorrect")
		handshake_client.go#L886: 		return errors.New("tls: server sent unrequested session ticket")
		handshake_client.go#L968: 			return errors.New("tls: failed to parse certificate from server: " + err.Error())
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L45: 		return errors.New("tls: internal error: TLS 1.3 reached in FIPS mode")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L52: 		return errors.New("tls: server selected TLS 1.3 in a renegotiation")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L124: 		return errors.New("tls: server selected TLS 1.3 using the legacy version field")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L129: 		return errors.New("tls: server selected an invalid version after a HelloRetryRequest")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L134: 		return errors.New("tls: server sent an incorrect legacy version")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L145: 		return errors.New("tls: server sent a ServerHello extension forbidden in TLS 1.3")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L150: 		return errors.New("tls: server did not echo the legacy session ID")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L155: 		return errors.New("tls: server selected unsupported compression format")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L161: 		return errors.New("tls: server changed cipher suite after a HelloRetryRequest")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L165: 		return errors.New("tls: server chose an unconfigured cipher suite")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L208: 		return errors.New("tls: server sent an unnecessary HelloRetryRequest message")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L217: 		return errors.New("tls: received malformed key_share extension")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L233: 			return errors.New("tls: server selected unsupported group")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L237: 			return errors.New("tls: server sent an unnecessary HelloRetryRequest key_share")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L241: 			return errors.New("tls: CurvePreferences includes unsupported curve")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L319: 		return errors.New("tls: server sent two HelloRetryRequest messages")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L324: 		return errors.New("tls: server sent a cookie in a normal ServerHello")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L329: 		return errors.New("tls: malformed key_share extension")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L334: 		return errors.New("tls: server did not send a key share")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L338: 		return errors.New("tls: server selected unsupported group")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L347: 		return errors.New("tls: server selected an invalid PSK")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L359: 		return errors.New("tls: server selected an invalid PSK and cipher suite pair")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L378: 		return errors.New("tls: invalid server key share")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L383: 		return errors.New("tls: invalid server key share")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L454: 			return errors.New("tls: server did not send a quic_transport_parameters extension")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L460: 			return errors.New("tls: server sent an unexpected quic_transport_parameters extension")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L466: 		return errors.New("tls: server sent an unexpected early_data extension")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L474: 			return errors.New("tls: server accepted 0-RTT with the wrong cipher suite")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L478: 			return errors.New("tls: server accepted 0-RTT with the wrong ALPN")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L525: 		return errors.New("tls: received empty certificates message")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L552: 		return errors.New("tls: certificate used with invalid signature algorithm")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L560: 		return errors.New("tls: certificate used with invalid signature algorithm")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L566: 		return errors.New("tls: invalid signature by the server certificate: " + err.Error())
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L596: 		return errors.New("tls: invalid server finished hash")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L683: 		return errors.New("tls: failed to sign handshake: " + err.Error())
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L725: 		return errors.New("tls: received new session ticket from a client")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L739: 		return errors.New("tls: received a session ticket with invalid lifetime")
		handshake_client_tls13.go#L745: 		return errors.New("tls: invalid early data for QUIC connection")
		handshake_messages.go#L339: 		return errors.New("tls: internal error: pskBinders length mismatch")
		handshake_messages.go#L343: 			return errors.New("tls: internal error: pskBinders length mismatch")
		handshake_messages.go#L362: 			return errors.New("tls: internal error: failed to update binders")
		handshake_server.go#L191: 		return errors.New("tls: client does not support uncompressed connections")
		handshake_server.go#L214: 		return errors.New("tls: initial handshake had non-empty renegotiation extension")
		handshake_server.go#L365: 		return errors.New("tls: no cipher suite supported by both client and server")
		handshake_server.go#L374: 				return errors.New("tls: client using inappropriate protocol fallback")
		handshake_server.go#L489: 		return errors.New("tls: session supported extended_master_secret but client does not")
		handshake_server.go#L707: 				return errors.New("tls: client certificate used with invalid signature algorithm")
		handshake_server.go#L724: 			return errors.New("tls: invalid signature by the client certificate: " + err.Error())
		handshake_server.go#L786: 		return errors.New("tls: client's Finished message is incorrect")
		handshake_server.go#L865: 			return errors.New("tls: failed to parse client certificate: " + err.Error())
		handshake_server.go#L882: 		return errors.New("tls: client didn't provide a certificate")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L49: 		return errors.New("tls: internal error: TLS 1.3 reached in FIPS mode")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L102: 		return errors.New("tls: client used the legacy version field to negotiate TLS 1.3")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L120: 				return errors.New("tls: client using inappropriate protocol fallback")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L129: 		return errors.New("tls: TLS 1.3 client supports illegal compression methods")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L140: 		return errors.New("tls: initial handshake had non-empty renegotiation extension")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L146: 			return errors.New("tls: early_data without pre_shared_key")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L156: 		return errors.New("tls: client sent unexpected early data")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L174: 		return errors.New("tls: no cipher suite supported by both client and server")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L205: 		return errors.New("tls: no ECDHE curve supported by both client and server")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L216: 		return errors.New("tls: CurvePreferences includes unsupported curve")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L227: 		return errors.New("tls: invalid client key share")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L232: 		return errors.New("tls: invalid client key share")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L246: 			return errors.New("tls: client did not send a quic_transport_parameters extension")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L252: 			return errors.New("tls: client sent an unexpected quic_transport_parameters extension")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L280: 		return errors.New("tls: invalid or missing PSK binders")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L352: 			return errors.New("tls: internal error: failed to clone hash")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L363: 			return errors.New("tls: invalid PSK binder")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L515: 		return errors.New("tls: client sent invalid key share in second ClientHello")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L520: 		return errors.New("tls: client indicated early data in second ClientHello")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L525: 		return errors.New("tls: client illegally modified second ClientHello")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L716: 		return errors.New("tls: failed to sign handshake: " + err.Error())
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L824: 		return errors.New("tls: internal error: unknown cipher suite")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L937: 			return errors.New("tls: client certificate used with invalid signature algorithm")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L945: 			return errors.New("tls: client certificate used with invalid signature algorithm")
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L951: 			return errors.New("tls: invalid signature by the client certificate: " + err.Error())
		handshake_server_tls13.go#L985: 		return errors.New("tls: invalid client finished hash")
		key_agreement.go#L38: var errClientKeyExchange = errors.New("tls: invalid ClientKeyExchange message")
		key_agreement.go#L39: var errServerKeyExchange = errors.New("tls: invalid ServerKeyExchange message")
		key_agreement.go#L61: 		return nil, errors.New("tls: certificate private key does not implement crypto.Decrypter")
		key_agreement.go#L78: 	return errors.New("tls: unexpected ServerKeyExchange")
		key_agreement.go#L92: 		return nil, nil, errors.New("tls: server certificate contains incorrect key type for selected ciphersuite")
		key_agreement.go#L179: 		return nil, errors.New("tls: no supported elliptic curves offered")
		key_agreement.go#L182: 		return nil, errors.New("tls: CurvePreferences includes unsupported curve")
		key_agreement.go#L224: 		return nil, errors.New("tls: certificate cannot be used with the selected cipher suite")
		key_agreement.go#L235: 		return nil, errors.New("tls: failed to sign ECDHE parameters: " + err.Error())
		key_agreement.go#L280: 		return errors.New("tls: server selected unsupported curve")
		key_agreement.go#L297: 		return errors.New("tls: server selected unsupported curve")
		key_agreement.go#L331: 			return errors.New("tls: certificate used with invalid signature algorithm")
		key_agreement.go#L355: 		return errors.New("tls: invalid signature by the server certificate: " + err.Error())
		key_agreement.go#L362: 		return nil, nil, errors.New("tls: missing ServerKeyExchange message")
		key_schedule.go#L125: 		return nil, errors.New("tls: internal error: unsupported curve")
		prf.go#L259: 	return nil, errors.New("crypto/tls: ExportKeyingMaterial is unavailable when renegotiation is enabled")
		quic.go#L171: 		return quicError(errors.New("tls: Start called more than once"))
		quic.go#L175: 		return quicError(errors.New("tls: Config MinVersion must be at least TLS 1.13"))
		quic.go#L221: 		return quicError("tls: handshake data received at wrong level")))
		quic.go#L266: 		return quicError(errors.New("tls: SendSessionTicket called before handshake completed"))
		quic.go#L269: 		return quicError(errors.New("tls: SendSessionTicket called on the client"))
		quic.go#L272: 		return quicError(errors.New("tls: SendSessionTicket called multiple times"))
		ticket.go#L147: 					b.SetError(errors.New("tls: internal error: empty verified chain"))
		ticket.go#L198: 		return nil, errors.New("tls: invalid session encoding")
		ticket.go#L203: 			return nil, errors.New("tls: invalid session encoding")
		ticket.go#L213: 		return nil, errors.New("tls: invalid session encoding")
		ticket.go#L221: 		return nil, errors.New("tls: invalid session encoding")
		ticket.go#L235: 		return nil, errors.New("tls: invalid session encoding")
		ticket.go#L240: 			return nil, errors.New("tls: invalid session encoding")
		ticket.go#L244: 			return nil, errors.New("tls: invalid session encoding")
		ticket.go#L250: 				return nil, errors.New("tls: invalid session encoding")
		ticket.go#L264: 			return nil, errors.New("tls: invalid session encoding")
		ticket.go#L270: 			return nil, errors.New("tls: invalid session encoding")
		ticket.go#L276: 		return nil, errors.New("tls: no server certificates in client session")
		ticket.go#L280: 			return nil, errors.New("tls: invalid session encoding")
		ticket.go#L285: 		return nil, errors.New("tls: invalid session encoding")
		ticket.go#L321: 		return nil, errors.New("tls: internal error: session ticket keys unavailable")
		ticket.go#L336: 		return nil, errors.New("tls: failed to create cipher while encrypting ticket: " + err.Error())
		tls.go#L91: 		return nil, errors.New("tls: neither Certificates, GetCertificate, nor GetConfigForClient set in Config")
		tls.go#L265: 			return fail(errors.New("tls: failed to find any PEM data in certificate input"))
		tls.go#L268: 			return fail(errors.New("tls: failed to find certificate PEM data in certificate input, but did find a private key; PEM inputs may have been switched"))
		tls.go#L279: 				return fail(errors.New("tls: failed to find any PEM data in key input"))
		tls.go#L282: 				return fail(errors.New("tls: found a certificate rather than a key in the PEM for the private key"))
		tls.go#L308: 			return fail(errors.New("tls: private key type does not match public key type"))
		tls.go#L311: 			return fail(errors.New("tls: private key does not match public key"))
		tls.go#L316: 			return fail(errors.New("tls: private key type does not match public key type"))
		tls.go#L319: 			return fail(errors.New("tls: private key does not match public key"))
		tls.go#L324: 			return fail(errors.New("tls: private key type does not match public key type"))
		tls.go#L327: 			return fail(errors.New("tls: private key does not match public key"))
		tls.go#L330: 		return fail(errors.New("tls: unknown public key algorithm"))
		tls.go#L348: 			return nil, errors.New("tls: found unknown private key type in PKCS#8 wrapping")
		tls.go#L355: 	return nil, errors.New("tls: failed to parse private key")

		parser.go#L66: 				return "", errors.New("invalid PrintableString")
		parser.go#L72: 			return "", errors.New("invalid UTF-8 string")
		parser.go#L77: 			return "", errors.New("invalid BMPString")
		parser.go#L95: 			return "", errors.New("invalid IA5String")
		parser.go#L101: 				return "", errors.New("invalid NumericString")
		parser.go#L113: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: invalid RDNSequence")
		parser.go#L121: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: invalid RDNSequence")
		parser.go#L126: 				return nil, errors.New("x509: invalid RDNSequence: invalid attribute")
		parser.go#L130: 				return nil, errors.New("x509: invalid RDNSequence: invalid attribute type")
		parser.go#L135: 				return nil, errors.New("x509: invalid RDNSequence: invalid attribute value")
		parser.go#L154: 		return ai, errors.New("x509: malformed OID")
		parser.go#L162: 		return ai, errors.New("x509: malformed parameters")
		parser.go#L174: 			return t, errors.New("x509: malformed UTCTime")
		parser.go#L178: 			return t, errors.New("x509: malformed GeneralizedTime")
		parser.go#L181: 		return t, errors.New("x509: unsupported time format")
		parser.go#L202: 		return ext, errors.New("x509: malformed extension OID field")
		parser.go#L206: 			return ext, errors.New("x509: malformed extension critical field")
		parser.go#L211: 		return ext, errors.New("x509: malformed extension value field")
		parser.go#L226: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: RSA key missing NULL parameters")
		parser.go#L231: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: invalid RSA public key")
		parser.go#L234: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: invalid RSA modulus")
		parser.go#L237: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: invalid RSA public exponent")
		parser.go#L241: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: RSA modulus is not a positive number")
		parser.go#L244: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: RSA public exponent is not a positive number")
		parser.go#L256: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: invalid ECDSA parameters")
		parser.go#L260: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: unsupported elliptic curve")
		parser.go#L264: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: failed to unmarshal elliptic curve point")
		parser.go#L276: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: Ed25519 key encoded with illegal parameters")
		parser.go#L279: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: wrong Ed25519 public key size")
		parser.go#L286: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: X25519 key encoded with illegal parameters")
		parser.go#L292: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: invalid DSA public key")
		parser.go#L307: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: invalid DSA parameters")
		parser.go#L311: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: zero or negative DSA parameter")
		parser.go#L315: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: unknown public key algorithm")
		parser.go#L322: 		return 0, errors.New("x509: invalid key usage")
		parser.go#L337: 		return false, 0, errors.New("x509: invalid basic constraints")
		parser.go#L341: 			return false, 0, errors.New("x509: invalid basic constraints")
		parser.go#L347: 			return false, 0, errors.New("x509: invalid basic constraints")
		parser.go#L357: 		return errors.New("x509: invalid subject alternative names")
		parser.go#L363: 			return errors.New("x509: invalid subject alternative name")
		parser.go#L379: 				return errors.New("x509: SAN rfc822Name is malformed")
		parser.go#L385: 				return errors.New("x509: SAN dNSName is malformed")
		parser.go#L391: 				return errors.New("x509: SAN uniformResourceIdentifier is malformed")
		parser.go#L408: 				return errors.New("x509: cannot parse IP address of length " + strconv.Itoa(len(data)))
		parser.go#L422: 		return nil, nil, errors.New("x509: invalid extended key usages")
		parser.go#L427: 			return nil, nil, errors.New("x509: invalid extended key usages")
		parser.go#L441: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: invalid certificate policies")
		parser.go#L446: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: invalid certificate policies")
		parser.go#L450: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: invalid certificate policies")
		parser.go#L507: 		return false, errors.New("x509: invalid NameConstraints extension")
		parser.go#L515: 		return false, errors.New("x509: empty name constraints extension")
		parser.go#L538: 					return nil, nil, nil, nil, errors.New("x509: invalid constraint value: " + err.Error())
		parser.go#L580: 					return nil, nil, nil, nil, errors.New("x509: invalid constraint value: " + err.Error())
		parser.go#L604: 					return nil, nil, nil, nil, errors.New("x509: invalid constraint value: " + err.Error())
		parser.go#L694: 					return errors.New("x509: invalid CRL distribution points")
		parser.go#L699: 						return errors.New("x509: invalid CRL distribution point")
		parser.go#L704: 						return errors.New("x509: invalid CRL distribution point")
		parser.go#L710: 						return errors.New("x509: invalid CRL distribution point")
		parser.go#L718: 							return errors.New("x509: invalid CRL distribution point")
		parser.go#L729: 					return errors.New("x509: invalid authority key identifier")
		parser.go#L733: 						return errors.New("x509: invalid authority key identifier")
		parser.go#L747: 					return errors.New("x509: invalid subject key identifier")
		parser.go#L763: 				return errors.New("x509: invalid authority info access")
		parser.go#L768: 					return errors.New("x509: invalid authority info access")
		parser.go#L772: 					return errors.New("x509: invalid authority info access")
		parser.go#L778: 					return errors.New("x509: invalid authority info access")
		parser.go#L808: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed certificate")
		parser.go#L812: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed certificate")
		parser.go#L819: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed tbs certificate")
		parser.go#L823: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed tbs certificate")
		parser.go#L827: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed version")
		parser.go#L830: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed version")
		parser.go#L836: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: invalid version")
		parser.go#L841: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed serial number")
		parser.go#L852: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed signature algorithm identifier")
		parser.go#L859: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed algorithm identifier")
		parser.go#L862: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: inner and outer signature algorithm identifiers don't match")
		parser.go#L872: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed issuer")
		parser.go#L883: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed validity")
		parser.go#L892: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed issuer")
		parser.go#L903: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed spki")
		parser.go#L907: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed spki")
		parser.go#L911: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed public key algorithm identifier")
		parser.go#L920: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed subjectPublicKey")
		parser.go#L934: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed issuerUniqueID")
		parser.go#L937: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed subjectUniqueID")
		parser.go#L943: 				return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed extensions")
		parser.go#L948: 					return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed extensions")
		parser.go#L953: 						return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed extension")
		parser.go#L961: 						return nil, errors.New("x509: certificate contains duplicate extensions")
		parser.go#L976: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed signature")
		parser.go#L990: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: trailing data")
		parser.go#L1024: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed crl")
		parser.go#L1028: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed crl")
		parser.go#L1035: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed tbs crl")
		parser.go#L1039: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed tbs crl")
		parser.go#L1044: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: unsupported crl version")
		parser.go#L1047: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed crl")
		parser.go#L1055: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed signature algorithm identifier")
		parser.go#L1062: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed algorithm identifier")
		parser.go#L1065: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: inner and outer signature algorithm identifiers don't match")
		parser.go#L1075: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed signature")
		parser.go#L1081: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed issuer")
		parser.go#L1104: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed crl")
		parser.go#L1111: 				return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed crl")
		parser.go#L1115: 				return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed crl")
		parser.go#L1120: 				return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed serial number")
		parser.go#L1129: 				return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed extensions")
		parser.go#L1135: 						return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed extension")
		parser.go#L1164: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed extensions")
		parser.go#L1168: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed extensions")
		parser.go#L1173: 				return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed extension")
		parser.go#L1185: 					return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed crl number")
		pem_decrypt.go#L110: var IncorrectPasswordError = errors.New("x509: decryption password incorrect")
		pem_decrypt.go#L127: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: no DEK-Info header in block")
		pem_decrypt.go#L132: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: malformed DEK-Info header")
		pem_decrypt.go#L137: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: unknown encryption mode")
		pem_decrypt.go#L144: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: incorrect IV size")
		pem_decrypt.go#L156: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: encrypted PEM data is not a multiple of the block size")
		pem_decrypt.go#L171: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: invalid padding")
		pem_decrypt.go#L198: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: unknown encryption mode")
		pem_decrypt.go#L202: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: cannot generate IV: " + err.Error())
		pkcs1.go#L55: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: failed to parse private key (use ParseECPrivateKey instead for this key format)")
		pkcs1.go#L58: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: failed to parse private key (use ParsePKCS8PrivateKey instead for this key format)")
		pkcs1.go#L64: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: unsupported private key version")
		pkcs1.go#L68: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: private key contains zero or negative value")
		pkcs1.go#L83: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: private key contains zero or negative prime")
		pkcs1.go#L143: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: failed to parse public key (use ParsePKIXPublicKey instead for this key format)")
		pkcs1.go#L152: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: public key contains zero or negative value")
		pkcs1.go#L155: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: public key contains large public exponent")
		pkcs8.go#L39: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: failed to parse private key (use ParseECPrivateKey instead for this key format)")
		pkcs8.go#L42: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: failed to parse private key (use ParsePKCS1PrivateKey instead for this key format)")
		pkcs8.go#L50: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: failed to parse RSA private key embedded in PKCS#8: " + err.Error())
		pkcs8.go#L62: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: failed to parse EC private key embedded in PKCS#8: " + err.Error())
		pkcs8.go#L68: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: invalid Ed25519 private key parameters")
		pkcs8.go#L81: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: invalid X25519 private key parameters")
		pkcs8.go#L115: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: unknown curve while marshaling to PKCS#8")
		pkcs8.go#L119: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: failed to marshal curve OID: " + err.Error())
		pkcs8.go#L128: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: failed to marshal EC private key while building PKCS#8: " + err.Error())
		pkcs8.go#L153: 				return nil, errors.New("x509: unknown curve while marshaling to PKCS#8")
		pkcs8.go#L157: 				return nil, errors.New("x509: failed to marshal curve OID: " + err.Error())
		pkcs8.go#L166: 				return nil, errors.New("x509: failed to marshal EC private key while building PKCS#8: " + err.Error())
		sec1.go#L49: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: unknown elliptic curve")
		sec1.go#L59: 		return nil, errors.New("invalid elliptic key public key")
		sec1.go#L88: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: failed to parse private key (use ParsePKCS8PrivateKey instead for this key format)")
		sec1.go#L91: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: failed to parse private key (use ParsePKCS1PrivateKey instead for this key format)")
		sec1.go#L93: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: failed to parse EC private key: " + err.Error())
		sec1.go#L106: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: unknown elliptic curve")
		sec1.go#L112: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: invalid elliptic curve private key value")
		sec1.go#L124: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: invalid private key length")
		verify.go#L173: var errNotParsed = errors.New("x509: missing ASN.1 contents; use ParseCertificate")
		verify.go#L596: 			return errors.New("x509: internal error: empty chain when appending CA cert")
		verify.go#L911: 			err = errors.New("x509: signature check attempts limit reached while verifying certificate chain")
		x509.go#L75: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: failed to parse public key (use ParsePKCS1PublicKey instead for this key format)")
		x509.go#L79: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: trailing data after ASN.1 of public-key")
		x509.go#L101: 			return nil, pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier{}, errors.New("x509: unsupported elliptic curve")
		x509.go#L104: 			return nil, pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier{}, errors.New("x509: invalid elliptic curve public key")
		x509.go#L124: 				return nil, pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier{}, errors.New("x509: unsupported elliptic curve")
		x509.go#L780: var ErrUnsupportedAlgorithm = errors.New("x509: cannot verify signature: algorithm unimplemented")
		x509.go#L927: 			return errors.New("x509: ECDSA verification failure")
		x509.go#L935: 			return errors.New("x509: Ed25519 verification failure")
		x509.go#L1343: 			return ext, errors.New("x509: unknown extended key usage")
		x509.go#L1432: 			err = errors.New("x509: unknown elliptic curve")
		x509.go#L1440: 		err = errors.New("x509: only RSA, ECDSA and Ed25519 keys supported")
		x509.go#L1455: 				err = errors.New("x509: requested SignatureAlgorithm does not match private key type")
		x509.go#L1460: 				err = errors.New("x509: cannot sign with hash function requested")
		x509.go#L1464: 				err = errors.New("x509: signing with MD5 is not supported")
		x509.go#L1476: 		err = errors.New("x509: unknown SignatureAlgorithm")
		x509.go#L1541: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: certificate private key does not implement crypto.Signer")
		x509.go#L1545: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: no SerialNumber given")
		x509.go#L1554: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: serial number must be positive")
		x509.go#L1558: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: only CAs are allowed to specify MaxPathLen")
		x509.go#L1604: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: internal error: supported public key does not implement Equal")
		x509.go#L1606: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: provided PrivateKey doesn't match parent's PublicKey")
		x509.go#L1701: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: trailing data after CRL")
		x509.go#L1714: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: certificate private key does not implement crypto.Signer")
		x509.go#L1853: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: failed to unmarshal raw CSR Attributes")
		x509.go#L1902: 				return nil, errors.New("x509: certificate request contains duplicate requested extensions")
		x509.go#L1934: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: certificate private key does not implement crypto.Signer")
		x509.go#L2027: 			return nil, errors.New("x509: failed to serialise extensions attribute: " + err.Error())
		x509.go#L2131: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: trailing data after X.509 Subject")
		x509.go#L2294: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: template can not be nil")
		x509.go#L2297: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: issuer can not be nil")
		x509.go#L2300: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: issuer must have the crlSign key usage bit set")
		x509.go#L2303: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: issuer certificate doesn't contain a subject key identifier")
		x509.go#L2306: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: template.ThisUpdate is after template.NextUpdate")
		x509.go#L2309: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: template contains nil Number field")
		x509.go#L2333: 				return nil, errors.New("x509: template contains entry with nil SerialNumber field")
		x509.go#L2336: 				return nil, errors.New("x509: template contains entry with zero RevocationTime field")
		x509.go#L2349: 					return nil, errors.New("x509: template contains entry with ReasonCode ExtraExtension; use ReasonCode field instead")
		x509.go#L2381: 		return nil, errors.New("x509: CRL number exceeds 20 octets")

		embed.go#L324: 		return nil, &fs.PathError{Op: "read", Path: name, Err: errors.New("not a directory")}
		embed.go#L341: 		return nil, &fs.PathError{Op: "read", Path: name, Err: errors.New("is a directory")}
		embed.go#L410: 	return 0, &fs.PathError{Op: "read", Path:, Err: errors.New("is a directory")}

		asn1.go#L483: 		return "", errors.New("asn1: invalid UTF-8 string")
		asn1.go#L494: 		return "", errors.New("pkcs12: odd-length BMP string")
		asn1.go#L535: 		err = errors.New("asn1: internal error in parseTagAndLength")
		marshal.go#L646: 						return nil, errors.New("asn1: string not valid UTF-8")

		binary.go#L324: 		return errors.New("binary.Read: invalid type " + reflect.TypeOf(data).String())
		binary.go#L454: 		return errors.New("binary.Write: some values are not fixed-sized in type " + reflect.TypeOf(data).String())
		varint.go#L126: var errOverflow = errors.New("binary: varint overflows a 64-bit integer")

		hex.go#L57: var ErrLength = errors.New("encoding/hex: odd length hex string")
		hex.go#L246: 		return 0, errors.New("encoding/hex: dumper closed")

		stream.go#L271: 		return errors.New("json.RawMessage: UnmarshalJSON on nil pointer")

		pem.go#L244: 			return errors.New("pem: cannot encode a header key that contains a colon")

		flag.go#L101: var ErrHelp = errors.New("flag: help requested")
		flag.go#L105: var errParse = errors.New("parse error")
		flag.go#L109: var errRange = errors.New("value out of range")
		flag.go#L1061: 	return errors.New(msg)

		errors.go#L30: 		err = errors.New(s)
		scan.go#L180: 	return 0, errors.New("ScanState's Read should not be called. Use ReadRune")
		scan.go#L244: 	panic(scanError{errors.New(err)})
		scan.go#L371: 		return errors.New("fmt: scanning called UnreadRune with no rune available")
		scan.go#L465: var errComplex = errors.New("syntax error scanning complex number")
		scan.go#L466: var errBool = errors.New("syntax error scanning boolean")
		errors.go#L24: 		return errors.New(text)
		w_stream.go#L23: var errStreaming = errors.New("unexpected call in streaming mode")
		ige.go#L15: var ErrInvalidIV = errors.New("iv length must be: (block size * 2)")
		net.go#L53: var ErrDeadline = errors.New("deadline")
		net.go#L181: 		return nil, errors.New("bad IP")
		net.go#L192: 		return nil, errors.New("bad net")
		tl_updates_classifier_gen.go#L112: 			return 0, errors.New("MessageEmpty have no peerID field")
		tl_updates_classifier_gen.go#L118: 		return 0, errors.New("unexpected peer type")
		tl_updates_classifier_gen.go#L126: 		return 0, errors.New("unexpected peer type")
		tl_updates_classifier_gen.go#L134: 		return 0, errors.New("unexpected peer type")
		tl_updates_classifier_gen.go#L136: 		return 0, errors.New("unexpected MessageClass type")
		deflate.go#L949: 		return nil, errors.New("flate: requested window size less than MinWindowSize")
		deflate.go#L952: 		return nil, errors.New("flate: requested window size bigger than MaxCustomWindowSize")
		gzip.go#L87: 		return nil, errors.New("gzip: requested window size less than MinWindowSize")
		gzip.go#L90: 		return nil, errors.New("gzip: requested window size bigger than MaxCustomWindowSize")
		gzip.go#L127: 		return errors.New("gzip.Write: Extra data is too large")
		gzip.go#L145: 			return errors.New("gzip.Write: non-Latin-1 header string")
		config.go#L251: 		return nil, errors.New("missing Level")
		encoder.go#L32: 	errNoEncoderNameSpecified = errors.New("no encoder name specified")
		encoder.go#L66: 		return nil, errors.New("missing EncodeTime in EncoderConfig")
		http_handler.go#L120: 		return 0, errors.New("must specify logging level")
		http_handler.go#L137: 		return 0, errors.New("must specify logging level")
		sink.go#L80: 		return errors.New("can't register a sink factory for empty string")
		sink.go#L165: 		return "", errors.New("must start with a letter")
		level.go#L29: var errUnmarshalNilLevel = errors.New("can't unmarshal a nil *Level")
		client.go#L57: 			return nil, errors.New("too many authentication methods")
		client.go#L72: 		return nil, errors.New("unexpected protocol version " + strconv.Itoa(int(b[0])))
		client.go#L76: 		return nil, errors.New("no acceptable authentication methods")
		client.go#L94: 			return nil, errors.New("unknown address type")
		client.go#L98: 			return nil, errors.New("FQDN too long")
		client.go#L113: 		return nil, errors.New("unexpected protocol version " + strconv.Itoa(int(b[0])))
		client.go#L116: 		return nil, errors.New("unknown error " + cmdErr.String())
		client.go#L119: 		return nil, errors.New("non-zero reserved field")
		client.go#L136: 		return nil, errors.New("unknown address type " + strconv.Itoa(int(b[3])))
		client.go#L165: 		return "", 0, errors.New("port number out of range " + port)
		socks.go#L158: 		return nil, &net.OpError{Op: d.cmd.String(), Net: network, Source: proxy, Addr: dst, Err: errors.New("nil context")}
		socks.go#L194: 		return nil, &net.OpError{Op: d.cmd.String(), Net: network, Source: proxy, Addr: dst, Err: errors.New("nil context")}
		socks.go#L237: 		return errors.New("network not implemented")
		socks.go#L242: 		return errors.New("command not implemented")
		socks.go#L293: 			return errors.New("invalid username/password")
		socks.go#L309: 			return errors.New("invalid username/password version")
		socks.go#L312: 			return errors.New("username/password authentication failed")
		socks.go#L316: 	return errors.New("unsupported authentication method " + strconv.Itoa(int(auth)))
		proxy.go#L109: 	return nil, errors.New("proxy: unknown scheme: " + u.Scheme)

		crc32.go#L182: 		return errors.New("hash/crc32: invalid hash state identifier")
		crc32.go#L185: 		return errors.New("hash/crc32: invalid hash state size")
		crc32.go#L188: 		return errors.New("hash/crc32: tables do not match")

		format.go#L16: var ErrFormat = errors.New("image: unknown format")

		errors.go#L13: 	ErrInvalid    = errors.New("invalid argument")
		errors.go#L14: 	ErrPermission = errors.New("permission denied")
		errors.go#L15: 	ErrExist      = errors.New("file already exists")
		errors.go#L16: 	ErrNotExist   = errors.New("file does not exist")
		errors.go#L17: 	ErrClosed     = errors.New("file already closed")

		fd.go#L35: var ErrFileClosing = errors.New("use of closed file")
		fd.go#L39: var ErrNoDeadline = errors.New("file type does not support deadline")
		fd.go#L66: var ErrNotPollable = errors.New("not pollable")
		fd_poll_runtime.go#L82: 		return errors.New("waiting for unsupported file type")

		path.go#L12: var errInvalidPath = errors.New("invalid path")

		io.go#L29: var ErrShortWrite = errors.New("short write")
		io.go#L32: var errInvalidWrite = errors.New("invalid write result")
		io.go#L35: var ErrShortBuffer = errors.New("short buffer")
		io.go#L44: var EOF = errors.New("EOF")
		io.go#L48: var ErrUnexpectedEOF = errors.New("unexpected EOF")
		io.go#L53: var ErrNoProgress = errors.New("multiple Read calls return no data or error")
		io.go#L521: var errWhence = errors.New("Seek: invalid whence")
		io.go#L522: var errOffset = errors.New("Seek: invalid offset")
		pipe.go#L36: var ErrClosedPipe = errors.New("io: read/write on closed pipe")

		readdir.go#L41: 		return nil, &PathError{Op: "readdir", Path: name, Err: errors.New("not implemented")}
		sub.go#L36: 		return nil, &PathError{Op: "sub", Path: dir, Err: errors.New("invalid name")}
		sub.go#L55: 		return "", &PathError{Op: op, Path: name, Err: errors.New("invalid name")}
		sub.go#L122: 			return nil, errors.New("invalid result from inner fsys Glob: " + name + " not in " + f.dir) // can't use fmt in this package
		walk.go#L15: var SkipDir = errors.New("skip this directory")
		walk.go#L20: var SkipAll = errors.New("skip everything and stop the walk")

		floatmarsh.go#L72: 		return errors.New("Float.GobDecode: buffer too small")
		floatmarsh.go#L91: 			return errors.New("Float.GobDecode: buffer too small for finite form float")
		floatmarsh.go#L103: 		return errors.New("Float.GobDecode: " + msg)
		intconv.go#L251: 		return errors.New("Int.Scan: invalid verb")
		natconv.go#L60: 	errNoDigits = errors.New("number has no digits")
		natconv.go#L61: 	errInvalSep = errors.New("'_' must separate successive digits")
		ratconv.go#L32: 		return errors.New("Rat.Scan: invalid verb")
		ratconv.go#L35: 		return errors.New("Rat.Scan: invalid syntax")
		ratmarsh.go#L30: 		return nil, errors.New("Rat.GobEncode: numerator too large")
		ratmarsh.go#L50: 		return errors.New("Rat.GobDecode: buffer too small")
		ratmarsh.go#L59: 		return errors.New("Rat.GobDecode: invalid length")
		ratmarsh.go#L63: 		return errors.New("Rat.GobDecode: buffer too small")

		encodedword.go#L29: 	errInvalidWord = errors.New("mime: invalid RFC 2047 encoded-word")
		mediatype.go#L106: 		return errors.New("mime: no media type")
		mediatype.go#L112: 		return errors.New("mime: expected slash after first token")
		mediatype.go#L116: 		return errors.New("mime: expected token after slash")
		mediatype.go#L119: 		return errors.New("mime: unexpected content after media subtype")
		mediatype.go#L127: var ErrInvalidMediaParameter = errors.New("mime: invalid media parameter")
		mediatype.go#L185: 			return "", nil, errors.New("mime: duplicate parameter name")

		formdata.go#L20: var ErrMessageTooLarge = errors.New("multipart: message too large")
		writer.go#L47: 		return errors.New("mime: SetBoundary called after write")
		writer.go#L51: 		return errors.New("mime: invalid boundary length")
		writer.go#L66: 		return errors.New("mime: invalid boundary character")
		writer.go#L194: 		return 0, errors.New("multipart: can't write to finished part")

		cgo_unix.go#L323: 		return nil, errors.New("res_ninit failure: " + err.Error())
		cgo_unix.go#L348: 			return nil, errors.New("res_nsearch failure")
		dnsclient_unix.go#L42: 	errLameReferral              = errors.New("lame referral")
		dnsclient_unix.go#L43: 	errCannotUnmarshalDNSMessage = errors.New("cannot unmarshal DNS message")
		dnsclient_unix.go#L44: 	errCannotMarshalDNSMessage   = errors.New("cannot marshal DNS message")
		dnsclient_unix.go#L45: 	errServerMisbehaving         = errors.New("server misbehaving")
		dnsclient_unix.go#L46: 	errInvalidDNSResponse        = errors.New("invalid DNS response")
		dnsclient_unix.go#L47: 	errNoAnswerFromDNSServer     = errors.New("no answer from DNS server")
		dnsclient_unix.go#L52: 	errServerTemporarilyMisbehaving = errors.New("server misbehaving")
		interface.go#L21: 	errInvalidInterface         = errors.New("invalid network interface")
		interface.go#L22: 	errInvalidInterfaceIndex    = errors.New("invalid network interface index")
		interface.go#L23: 	errInvalidInterfaceName     = errors.New("invalid network interface name")
		interface.go#L24: 	errNoSuchInterface          = errors.New("no such network interface")
		interface.go#L25: 	errNoSuchMulticastInterface = errors.New("no such multicast network interface")
		lookup.go#L901: 		return "", errors.New("no CNAME record received")
		lookup.go#L905: 		return "", errors.New("could not parse CNAME record")
		net.go#L406: 	errNoSuitableAddress = errors.New("no suitable address found")
		net.go#L409: 	errMissingAddress = errors.New("missing address")
		net.go#L413: 	ErrWriteToConnected = errors.New("use of WriteTo with pre-connected connection")
		net.go#L617: 	errNoSuchHost = errors.New("no such host")
		nss.go#L174: 			conf.err = errors.New("no colon on line")
		nss.go#L198: 					conf.err = errors.New("unclosed criterion bracket")
		nss.go#L204: 					conf.err = errors.New("invalid criteria: " + srcs[1:bclose])
		nss.go#L230: 			return errors.New("criterion too short")
		nss.go#L234: 			return errors.New("criterion lacks equal sign")
		unixsock_posix.go#L42: 		return nil, errors.New("unknown mode: " + mode)

		client.go#L208: var ErrSchemeMismatch = errors.New("http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client")
		client.go#L217: 		return nil, alwaysFalse, errors.New("http: no Client.Transport or DefaultTransport")
		client.go#L222: 		return nil, alwaysFalse, errors.New("http: nil Request.URL")
		client.go#L227: 		return nil, alwaysFalse, errors.New("http: Request.RequestURI can't be set in client requests")
		client.go#L497: var ErrUseLastResponse = errors.New("net/http: use last response")
		client.go#L603: 			Err: errors.New("http: nil Request.URL"),
		client.go#L812: 		return errors.New("stopped after 10 redirects")
		cookie.go#L245: 		return errors.New("http: nil Cookie")
		cookie.go#L248: 		return errors.New("http: invalid Cookie.Name")
		cookie.go#L251: 		return errors.New("http: invalid Cookie.Expires")
		cookie.go#L267: 			return errors.New("http: invalid Cookie.Domain")
		fs.go#L75: 		return nil, errors.New("http: invalid or unsafe file path")
		fs.go#L213: var errSeeker = errors.New("seeker can't seek")
		fs.go#L217: var errNoOverlap = errors.New("invalid range: failed to overlap")
		fs.go#L789: var errMissingSeek = errors.New("io.File missing Seek method")
		fs.go#L790: var errMissingReadDir = errors.New("io.File directory missing ReadDir method")
		fs.go#L893: 		return nil, errors.New("invalid range")
		fs.go#L904: 			return nil, errors.New("invalid range")
		fs.go#L915: 				return nil, errors.New("invalid range")
		fs.go#L919: 				return nil, errors.New("invalid range")
		fs.go#L929: 				return nil, errors.New("invalid range")
		fs.go#L944: 					return nil, errors.New("invalid range")
		h2_bundle.go#L1094: var http2errReadEmpty = errors.New("read from empty dataBuffer")
		h2_bundle.go#L1239: var http2errFromPeer = errors.New("received from peer")
		h2_bundle.go#L1302: 	http2errMixPseudoHeaderTypes = errors.New("mix of request and response pseudo headers")
		h2_bundle.go#L1303: 	http2errPseudoAfterRegular   = errors.New("pseudo header field after regular")
		h2_bundle.go#L1876: var http2ErrFrameTooLarge = errors.New("http2: frame too large")
		h2_bundle.go#L1934: 	fr.errDetail = errors.New(reason)
		h2_bundle.go#L2033: 	http2errStreamID    = errors.New("invalid stream ID")
		h2_bundle.go#L2034: 	http2errDepStreamID = errors.New("invalid dependent stream ID")
		h2_bundle.go#L2035: 	http2errPadLength   = errors.New("pad length too large")
		h2_bundle.go#L2036: 	http2errPadBytes    = errors.New("padding bytes must all be zeros unless AllowIllegalWrites is enabled")
		h2_bundle.go#L2386: 		return errors.New("illegal window increment value")
		h2_bundle.go#L2928: 		return nil, errors.New("illegal use of AllowIllegalReads with ReadMetaHeaders")
		h2_bundle.go#L3187: 		err = errors.New("invalid base " + strconv.Itoa(base))
		h2_bundle.go#L3769: var http2errClosedPipeWrite = errors.New("write on closed buffer")
		h2_bundle.go#L3875: 	http2errClientDisconnected = errors.New("client disconnected")
		h2_bundle.go#L3876: 	http2errClosedBody         = errors.New("body closed by handler")
		h2_bundle.go#L3877: 	http2errHandlerComplete    = errors.New("http2: request body closed due to handler exiting")
		h2_bundle.go#L3878: 	http2errStreamClosed       = errors.New("http2: stream closed")
		h2_bundle.go#L4867: var http2errPrefaceTimeout = errors.New("timeout waiting for client preface")
		h2_bundle.go#L5097: var http2errHandlerPanicked = errors.New("http2: handler panicked")
		h2_bundle.go#L6808: 		return 0, errors.New("http2: handler wrote more than declared Content-Length")
		h2_bundle.go#L6837: 	http2ErrRecursivePush    = errors.New("http2: recursive push not allowed")
		h2_bundle.go#L6838: 	http2ErrPushLimitReached = errors.New("http2: push would exceed peer's SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS")
		h2_bundle.go#L6886: 			return errors.New("URL must have a host")
		h2_bundle.go#L7071: 		return errors.New(`request header "TE" may only be "trailers" in HTTP/2`)
		h2_bundle.go#L7637: 		return nil, errors.New("http2: unsupported scheme")
		h2_bundle.go#L7690: 	http2errClientConnClosed    = errors.New("http2: client conn is closed")
		h2_bundle.go#L7691: 	http2errClientConnUnusable  = errors.New("http2: client conn not usable")
		h2_bundle.go#L7692: 	http2errClientConnGotGoAway = errors.New("http2: Transport received Server's graceful shutdown GOAWAY")
		h2_bundle.go#L7787: 		return nil, errors.New("http2: could not negotiate protocol mutually")
		h2_bundle.go#L8215: 	err := errors.New("http2: client connection force closed via ClientConn.Close")
		h2_bundle.go#L8222: 	err := errors.New("http2: client connection lost")
		h2_bundle.go#L8231: var http2errRequestCanceled = errors.New("net/http: request canceled")
		h2_bundle.go#L8736: 	http2errStopReqBodyWrite = errors.New("http2: aborting request body write")
		h2_bundle.go#L8739: 	http2errStopReqBodyWriteAndCancel = errors.New("http2: canceling request")
		h2_bundle.go#L8741: 	http2errReqBodyTooLong = errors.New("http2: request body larger than specified content length")
		h2_bundle.go#L8942: var http2errNilRequestURL = errors.New("http2: Request.URI is nil")
		h2_bundle.go#L8960: 		return nil, errors.New("http2: invalid Host header")
		h2_bundle.go#L9410: 			Cause:    errors.New("protocol error: headers after END_STREAM"),
		h2_bundle.go#L9469: 		return nil, errors.New("malformed response from server: missing status pseudo header")
		h2_bundle.go#L9473: 		return nil, errors.New("malformed response from server: malformed non-numeric status pseudo header")
		h2_bundle.go#L9515: 			return nil, errors.New("1xx informational response with END_STREAM flag")
		h2_bundle.go#L9520: 			return nil, errors.New("http2: too many 1xx informational responses")
		h2_bundle.go#L9627: 				err = errors.New("net/http: server replied with more than declared Content-Length; truncated")
		h2_bundle.go#L9667: var http2errClosedResponseBody = errors.New("http2: response body closed")
		h2_bundle.go#L10092: 	http2errResponseHeaderListSize = errors.New("http2: response header list larger than advertised limit")
		h2_bundle.go#L10093: 	http2errRequestHeaderListSize  = errors.New("http2: request header list larger than peer's advertised limit")
		request.go#L39: var ErrMissingFile = errors.New("http: no such file")
		request.go#L420: var ErrNoCookie = errors.New("http: named cookie not present")
		request.go#L477: 		return nil, errors.New("http: MultipartReader called twice")
		request.go#L480: 		return nil, errors.New("http: multipart handled by ParseMultipartForm")
		request.go#L492: 		return nil, errors.New("missing form body")
		request.go#L555: var errMissingHost = errors.New("http: Request.Write on Request with no Host or URL set")
		request.go#L615: 			return errors.New("http: invalid Host header")
		request.go#L635: 		return errors.New("net/http: can't write control character in Request.URL")
		request.go#L875: 		return nil, errors.New("net/http: nil Context")
		request.go#L1219: 		err = errors.New("missing form body")
		request.go#L1245: 			err = errors.New("http: POST too large")
		request.go#L1326: 		return errors.New("http: multipart handled by MultipartReader")
		request.go#L1398: 		return nil, nil, errors.New("http: multipart handled by MultipartReader")
		response.go#L131: var ErrNoLocation = errors.New("http: no Location header in response")
		server.go#L41: 	ErrBodyNotAllowed = errors.New("http: request method or response status code does not allow body")
		server.go#L48: 	ErrHijacked = errors.New("http: connection has been hijacked")
		server.go#L54: 	ErrContentLength = errors.New("http: wrote more than the declared Content-Length")
		server.go#L59: 	ErrWriteAfterFlush = errors.New("unused")
		server.go#L967: var errTooLarge = errors.New("http: request too large")
		server.go#L1838: var ErrAbortHandler = errors.New("net/http: abort Handler")
		server.go#L3014: var ErrServerClosed = errors.New("http: Server closed")
		server.go#L3357: var ErrHandlerTimeout = errors.New("http: Handler timeout")
		socks_bundle.go#L63: 			return nil, errors.New("too many authentication methods")
		socks_bundle.go#L78: 		return nil, errors.New("unexpected protocol version " + strconv.Itoa(int(b[0])))
		socks_bundle.go#L82: 		return nil, errors.New("no acceptable authentication methods")
		socks_bundle.go#L100: 			return nil, errors.New("unknown address type")
		socks_bundle.go#L104: 			return nil, errors.New("FQDN too long")
		socks_bundle.go#L119: 		return nil, errors.New("unexpected protocol version " + strconv.Itoa(int(b[0])))
		socks_bundle.go#L122: 		return nil, errors.New("unknown error " + cmdErr.String())
		socks_bundle.go#L125: 		return nil, errors.New("non-zero reserved field")
		socks_bundle.go#L142: 		return nil, errors.New("unknown address type " + strconv.Itoa(int(b[3])))
		socks_bundle.go#L171: 		return "", 0, errors.New("port number out of range " + port)
		socks_bundle.go#L314: 		return nil, &net.OpError{Op: d.cmd.String(), Net: network, Source: proxy, Addr: dst, Err: errors.New("nil context")}
		socks_bundle.go#L350: 		return nil, &net.OpError{Op: d.cmd.String(), Net: network, Source: proxy, Addr: dst, Err: errors.New("nil context")}
		socks_bundle.go#L393: 		return errors.New("network not implemented")
		socks_bundle.go#L398: 		return errors.New("command not implemented")
		socks_bundle.go#L449: 			return errors.New("invalid username/password")
		socks_bundle.go#L465: 			return errors.New("invalid username/password version")
		socks_bundle.go#L468: 			return errors.New("username/password authentication failed")
		socks_bundle.go#L472: 	return errors.New("unsupported authentication method " + strconv.Itoa(int(auth)))
		transfer.go#L823: var ErrBodyReadAfterClose = errors.New("http: invalid Read on closed Body")
		transfer.go#L903: var errTrailerEOF = errors.New("http: unexpected EOF reading trailer")
		transfer.go#L928: 		return errors.New("http: suspiciously long trailer after chunked body")
		transport.go#L520: 		return nil, errors.New("http: nil Request.URL")
		transport.go#L524: 		return nil, errors.New("http: nil Request.Header")
		transport.go#L568: 		return nil, errors.New("http: no Host in request URL")
		transport.go#L643: var errCannotRewind = errors.New("net/http: cannot rewind body after connection loss")
		transport.go#L748: var ErrSkipAltProtocol = errors.New("net/http: skip alternate protocol")
		transport.go#L873: 	errKeepAlivesDisabled = errors.New("http: putIdleConn: keep alives disabled")
		transport.go#L874: 	errConnBroken         = errors.New("http: putIdleConn: connection is in bad state")
		transport.go#L875: 	errCloseIdle          = errors.New("http: putIdleConn: CloseIdleConnections was called")
		transport.go#L876: 	errTooManyIdle        = errors.New("http: putIdleConn: too many idle connections")
		transport.go#L877: 	errTooManyIdleHost    = errors.New("http: putIdleConn: too many idle connections for host")
		transport.go#L878: 	errCloseIdleConns     = errors.New("http: CloseIdleConnections called")
		transport.go#L879: 	errReadLoopExiting    = errors.New("http: persistConn.readLoop exiting")
		transport.go#L880: 	errIdleConnTimeout    = errors.New("http: idle connection timeout")
		transport.go#L886: 	errServerClosedIdle = errors.New("http: server closed idle connection")
		transport.go#L1185: 			err = errors.New("net/http: Transport.DialContext hook returned (nil, nil)")
		transport.go#L1192: 			err = errors.New("net/http: Transport.Dial hook returned (nil, nil)")
		transport.go#L1340: 		err = errors.New("net/http: Transport.DialTLS or DialTLSContext returned (nil, nil)")
		transport.go#L1750: 				return nil, errors.New("unknown status code")
		transport.go#L1752: 			return nil, errors.New(text)
		transport.go#L2081: var errCallerOwnsConn = errors.New("read loop ending; caller owns writable underlying conn")
		transport.go#L2334: 				return nil, errors.New("net/http: too many 1xx informational responses")
		transport.go#L2550: var errRequestCanceledConn = errors.New("net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection") // TODO: unify?
		transport.go#L2797: var errReadOnClosedResBody = errors.New("http: read on closed response body")

		chunked.go#L21: var ErrLineTooLong = errors.New("header line too long")
		chunked.go#L81: 		cr.err = errors.New("chunked encoding contains too much non-data")
		chunked.go#L108: 					cr.err = errors.New("malformed chunked encoding")
		chunked.go#L275: 			return 0, errors.New("invalid byte in chunk length")
		chunked.go#L278: 			return 0, errors.New("http chunk length too large")

		netip.go#L644: 		return Prefix{}, errors.New("negative Prefix bits")
		netip.go#L652: 			return Prefix{}, errors.New("prefix length " + itoa.Itoa(b) + " too large for IPv4")
		netip.go#L657: 			return Prefix{}, errors.New("prefix length " + itoa.Itoa(b) + " too large for IPv6")
		netip.go#L1021: 	return errors.New("unexpected slice size")
		netip.go#L1048: 		return "", "", false, errors.New("not an ip:port")
		netip.go#L1053: 		return "", "", false, errors.New("no IP")
		netip.go#L1056: 		return "", "", false, errors.New("no port")
		netip.go#L1060: 			return "", "", false, errors.New("missing ]")
		netip.go#L1081: 		return ipp, errors.New("invalid port " + strconv.Quote(port) + " parsing " + strconv.Quote(s))
		netip.go#L1089: 		return AddrPort{}, errors.New("invalid ip:port " + strconv.Quote(s) + ", square brackets can only be used with IPv6 addresses")
		netip.go#L1091: 		return AddrPort{}, errors.New("invalid ip:port " + strconv.Quote(s) + ", IPv6 addresses must be surrounded by square brackets")
		netip.go#L1209: 		return errors.New("unexpected slice size")
		netip.go#L1279: 		return Prefix{}, errors.New("netip.ParsePrefix(" + strconv.Quote(s) + "): no '/'")
		netip.go#L1283: 		return Prefix{}, errors.New("netip.ParsePrefix(" + strconv.Quote(s) + "): " + err.Error())
		netip.go#L1287: 		return Prefix{}, errors.New("netip.ParsePrefix(" + strconv.Quote(s) + "): IPv6 zones cannot be present in a prefix")
		netip.go#L1293: 		return Prefix{}, errors.New("netip.ParsePrefix(" + strconv.Quote(s) + "): bad bits after slash: " + strconv.Quote(bitsStr))
		netip.go#L1300: 		return Prefix{}, errors.New("netip.ParsePrefix(" + strconv.Quote(s) + "): prefix length out of range")
		netip.go#L1465: 		return errors.New("unexpected slice size")

		reader.go#L547: 			return nil, errors.New("message too large")
		reader.go#L562: 			return m, errors.New("message too large")

		url.go#L448: 				return "", "", errors.New("missing protocol scheme")
		url.go#L504: 		return nil, errors.New("net/url: invalid control character in URL")
		url.go#L508: 		return nil, errors.New("empty url")
		url.go#L538: 			return nil, errors.New("invalid URI for request")
		url.go#L549: 			return nil, errors.New("first path segment in URL cannot contain colon")
		url.go#L594: 		return nil, "", errors.New("net/url: invalid userinfo")
		url.go#L622: 			return "", errors.New("missing ']' in host")
		accept.go#L101: 				err = errors.New(http.StatusText(http.StatusForbidden))
		accept.go#L110: 		err = errors.New("http.ResponseWriter does not implement http.Hijacker")
		accept.go#L190: 		return http.StatusBadRequest, errors.New("WebSocket protocol violation: missing Sec-WebSocket-Key")
		accept.go#L194: 		return http.StatusBadRequest, errors.New("WebSocket protocol violation: multiple Sec-WebSocket-Key headers")
		conn.go#L131: 		c.close(errors.New("connection garbage collected"))
		conn.go#L194: 				c.writeError(StatusPolicyViolation, errors.New("read timed out"))
		read.go#L187: 			return header{}, errors.New("received unmasked frame from client")
		read.go#L277: 		err := errors.New("received fragmented control frame")
		read.go#L339: 		err = errors.New("previous message not read to completion")
		read.go#L350: 		err := errors.New("received continuation frame without text or binary frame")
		read.go#L435: 				err := errors.New("received new data message without finishing the previous message")
		write.go#L156: 		return 0, errors.New("cannot use closed writer")
		write.go#L201: 		return errors.New("writer already closed")

		exec.go#L18: var ErrProcessDone = errors.New("os: process already finished")
		exec_unix.go#L64: 		return errors.New("os: process already released")
		exec_unix.go#L67: 		return errors.New("os: process not initialized")
		exec_unix.go#L76: 		return errors.New("os: unsupported signal type")
		executable_procfs.go#L18: 		return "", errors.New("Executable not implemented for " + runtime.GOOS)
		file.go#L132: 		return 0, &PathError{Op: "readat", Path:, Err: errors.New("negative offset")}
		file.go#L200: var errWriteAtInAppendMode = errors.New("os: invalid use of WriteAt on file opened with O_APPEND")
		file.go#L216: 		return 0, &PathError{Op: "writeat", Path:, Err: errors.New("negative offset")}
		file.go#L416: 			return "", errors.New("%LocalAppData% is not defined")
		file.go#L422: 			return "", errors.New("$HOME is not defined")
		file.go#L429: 			return "", errors.New("$home is not defined")
		file.go#L438: 				return "", errors.New("neither $XDG_CACHE_HOME nor $HOME are defined")
		file.go#L467: 			return "", errors.New("%AppData% is not defined")
		file.go#L473: 			return "", errors.New("$HOME is not defined")
		file.go#L480: 			return "", errors.New("$home is not defined")
		file.go#L489: 				return "", errors.New("neither $XDG_CONFIG_HOME nor $HOME are defined")
		file.go#L524: 	return "", errors.New(enverr + " is not defined")
		file.go#L695: 		return "", errors.New("os: DirFS with empty root")
		tempfile.go#L55: var errPatternHasSeparator = errors.New("pattern contains path separator")

		match.go#L14: var ErrBadPattern = errors.New("syntax error in pattern")

		match.go#L17: var ErrBadPattern = errors.New("syntax error in pattern")
		path.go#L337: 		return "", errors.New("Rel: can't make " + targpath + " relative to " + basepath)
		path.go#L363: 		return "", errors.New("Rel: can't make " + targpath + " relative to " + basepath)
		symlink.go#L100: 			return "", errors.New("EvalSymlinks: too many links")

		value.go#L1341: 					return Value{}, errors.New("reflect: indirection through nil pointer to embedded struct field " + nameFor(v.typ().Elem()))
		qr.go#L49: 			return nil, errors.New("text too long to encode as QR")

		atoi.go#L18: var ErrRange = errors.New("value out of range")
		atoi.go#L21: var ErrSyntax = errors.New("invalid syntax")
		atoi.go#L61: 	return &NumError{fn, cloneString(str), errors.New("invalid base " + Itoa(base))}
		atoi.go#L65: 	return &NumError{fn, cloneString(str), errors.New("invalid bit size " + Itoa(bitSize))}

		reader.go#L53: 		return 0, errors.New("strings.Reader.ReadAt: negative offset")
		reader.go#L79: 		return errors.New("strings.Reader.UnreadByte: at beginning of string")
		reader.go#L105: 		return errors.New("strings.Reader.UnreadRune: at beginning of string")
		reader.go#L108: 		return errors.New("strings.Reader.UnreadRune: previous operation was not ReadRune")
		reader.go#L127: 		return 0, errors.New("strings.Reader.Seek: invalid whence")
		reader.go#L130: 		return 0, errors.New("strings.Reader.Seek: negative position")

		exec_unix.go#L190: 		return 0, errorspkg.New("both Setctty and Foreground set in SysProcAttr")
		exec_unix.go#L193: 		return 0, errorspkg.New("Setctty set but Ctty not valid in child")

		format.go#L449: var errAtoi = errors.New("time: invalid number")
		format.go#L816: var errBad = errors.New("bad value for field") // placeholder not passed to user
		format.go#L1519: var errLeadingInt = errors.New("time: bad [0-9]*") // never printed
		format.go#L1608: 		return 0, errors.New("time: invalid duration " + quote(orig))
		format.go#L1620: 			return 0, errors.New("time: invalid duration " + quote(orig))
		format.go#L1626: 			return 0, errors.New("time: invalid duration " + quote(orig))
		format.go#L1640: 			return 0, errors.New("time: invalid duration " + quote(orig))
		format.go#L1652: 			return 0, errors.New("time: missing unit in duration " + quote(orig))
		format.go#L1658: 			return 0, errors.New("time: unknown unit " + quote(u) + " in duration " + quote(orig))
		format.go#L1662: 			return 0, errors.New("time: invalid duration " + quote(orig))
		format.go#L1671: 				return 0, errors.New("time: invalid duration " + quote(orig))
		format.go#L1676: 			return 0, errors.New("time: invalid duration " + quote(orig))
		format.go#L1683: 		return 0, errors.New("time: invalid duration " + quote(orig))
		format_rfc3339.go#L72: 		return b, errors.New("year outside of range [0,9999]")
		format_rfc3339.go#L76: 			return b, errors.New("timezone hour outside of range [0,23]")
		sys_unix.go#L55: 				return errors.New("short read")
		time.go#L1246: 			return nil, errors.New("Time.MarshalBinary: unexpected zone offset")
		time.go#L1281: 		return errors.New("Time.UnmarshalBinary: no data")
		time.go#L1286: 		return errors.New("Time.UnmarshalBinary: unsupported version")
		time.go#L1294: 		return errors.New("Time.UnmarshalBinary: invalid length")
		time.go#L1349: 		return nil, errors.New("Time.MarshalJSON: " + err.Error())
		time.go#L1362: 		return errors.New("Time.UnmarshalJSON: input is not a JSON string")
		time.go#L1378: 		return nil, errors.New("Time.MarshalText: " + err.Error())
		zoneinfo.go#L642: var errLocation = errors.New("time: invalid location name")
		zoneinfo_read.go#L110: var errBadData = errors.New("malformed time zone information")
		zoneinfo_read.go#L419: 		return nil, errors.New("corrupt zip file " + zipfile)
		zoneinfo_read.go#L427: 		return nil, errors.New("corrupt zip file " + zipfile)
		zoneinfo_read.go#L469: 			return nil, errors.New("unsupported compression for " + name + " in " + zipfile)
		zoneinfo_read.go#L494: 			return nil, errors.New("corrupt zip file " + zipfile)
		zoneinfo_read.go#L500: 			return nil, errors.New("corrupt zip file " + zipfile)
		zoneinfo_read.go#L566: 	return nil, errors.New("unknown time zone " + name)

		chacha_generic.go#L82: 		return nil, errors.New("chacha20: wrong key size")
		chacha_generic.go#L93: 		return nil, errors.New("chacha20: wrong nonce size")
		chacha_generic.go#L354: 		return nil, errors.New("chacha20: wrong HChaCha20 key size")
		chacha_generic.go#L357: 		return nil, errors.New("chacha20: wrong HChaCha20 nonce size")

		chacha20poly1305.go#L42: 		return nil, errors.New("chacha20poly1305: bad key length")
		chacha20poly1305.go#L69: var errOpen = errors.New("chacha20poly1305: message authentication failed")
		xchacha20poly1305.go#L26: 		return nil, errors.New("chacha20poly1305: bad key length")

		builder.go#L239: 			b.err = errors.New("pending ASN.1 child too long")
		builder.go#L297: 		b.err = errors.New("cryptobyte: length overflow")
		builder.go#L300: 		b.err = errors.New("cryptobyte: Builder is exceeding its fixed-size buffer")

		hkdf.go#L51: 		return 0, errors.New("hkdf: entropy limit reached")

		message.go#L252: 	ErrNotStarted = errors.New("parsing/packing of this type isn't available yet")
		message.go#L256: 	ErrSectionDone = errors.New("parsing/packing of this section has completed")
		message.go#L258: 	errBaseLen            = errors.New("insufficient data for base length type")
		message.go#L259: 	errCalcLen            = errors.New("insufficient data for calculated length type")
		message.go#L260: 	errReserved           = errors.New("segment prefix is reserved")
		message.go#L261: 	errTooManyPtr         = errors.New("too many pointers (>10)")
		message.go#L262: 	errInvalidPtr         = errors.New("invalid pointer")
		message.go#L263: 	errInvalidName        = errors.New("invalid dns name")
		message.go#L264: 	errNilResouceBody     = errors.New("nil resource body")
		message.go#L265: 	errResourceLen        = errors.New("insufficient data for resource body length")
		message.go#L266: 	errSegTooLong         = errors.New("segment length too long")
		message.go#L267: 	errNameTooLong        = errors.New("name too long")
		message.go#L268: 	errZeroSegLen         = errors.New("zero length segment")
		message.go#L269: 	errResTooLong         = errors.New("resource length too long")
		message.go#L270: 	errTooManyQuestions   = errors.New("too many Questions to pack (>65535)")
		message.go#L271: 	errTooManyAnswers     = errors.New("too many Answers to pack (>65535)")
		message.go#L272: 	errTooManyAuthorities = errors.New("too many Authorities to pack (>65535)")
		message.go#L273: 	errTooManyAdditionals = errors.New("too many Additionals to pack (>65535)")
		message.go#L274: 	errNonCanonicalName   = errors.New("name is not in canonical format (it must end with a .)")
		message.go#L275: 	errStringTooLong      = errors.New("character string exceeds maximum length (255)")
		message.go#L276: 	errCompressedSRV      = errors.New("compressed name in SRV resource data")

		proxy.go#L133: 			return nil, errors.New("refusing to use HTTP_PROXY value in CGI environment; see")

		hpack.go#L116: var ErrStringLength = errors.New("hpack: string too long")
		hpack.go#L238: 		return DecodingError{errors.New("truncated headers")}
		hpack.go#L287: var errNeedMore = errors.New("need more data")
		hpack.go#L334: 	return DecodingError{errors.New("invalid encoding")}
		hpack.go#L416: 		return DecodingError{errors.New("dynamic table size update MUST occur at the beginning of a header block")}
		hpack.go#L425: 		return DecodingError{errors.New("dynamic table size update too large")}
		hpack.go#L432: var errVarintOverflow = DecodingError{errors.New("varint integer overflow")}
		huffman.go#L44: var ErrInvalidHuffman = errors.New("hpack: invalid Huffman-encoded data")

		bidirule.go#L46: var ErrInvalid = errors.New("bidirule: failed Bidi Rule")

		transform.go#L21: 	ErrShortDst = errors.New("transform: short destination buffer")
		transform.go#L25: 	ErrShortSrc = errors.New("transform: short source buffer")
		transform.go#L29: 	ErrEndOfSpan = errors.New("transform: input and output are not identical")
		transform.go#L33: 	errInconsistentByteCount = errors.New("transform: inconsistent byte count returned")
		transform.go#L37: 	errShortInternal = errors.New("transform: short internal buffer")